GM Session Notes

Red Tulwar

For anyone who's interested, I've published my GM Notes on my website. These are the notes I whip up before I run a game session and keep on the table in front of me during the game. They're located on a hidden page, so my Players (who don't know about the Mongoose boards) can't find them. Hope you like!
Very cool Red Tulwar, I like it. Did you not have the slavers follow the characters after their escape? Not even sending a few of the guards after them, or did your party perhaps steal some horses, thereby putting too much distance between themselves and their followers?


Yokiboy said:
Did you not have the slavers follow the characters after their escape? Not even sending a few of the guards after them, or did your party perhaps steal some horses, thereby putting too much distance between themselves and their followers?

Two of the PCs slipped away and snatched four horses while the others provided a distraction (they also scattered the remaining horses). As the two distractors fled into the desert, they had a good head start of several hundred yards. The two horse-stealers easily sped past the very disorganized (and in some cases inebriated) caravan guards, and caught up to their comrades. Unknown to the PCs, the guards did make an attempt to follow the escaped PCs, but they were thwarted by their own tracker, a Shemite nomad/borderer hired to guide them to Zamboula. The Shemite, an ex-slave himself, pitied the PCs and allowed them to escape by "failing" to track them.

By the way, since the PCs and the caravan are both heading for Zamboula, they may very well run into each other agin. :wink:
Red Tulwar said:
For anyone who's interested, I've published my GM Notes on my website. These are the notes I whip up before I run a game session and keep on the table in front of me during the game. They're located on a hidden page, so my Players (who don't know about the Mongoose boards) can't find them. Hope you like!

These are really great. I've done something like this for a Lord of the Rings game, but I always spent too much time writing them up, which, in turn, resulting in over planning. I want to leave space for PCs to create their own paths so this was always a problem for me.

How long did it take you to do this? Is this the equivalent of one game session (3-4 hours)? Also, did you find your PCs playing outside this framework? Did they find it too constricting?
How long did it take you to do this?
Not long to write up. Maybe an hour. Formatting it for the website took the most time.

Is this the equivalent of one game session (3-4 hours)?
Yup, this was one session. We play every other Thurs. from 7-10 pm.

Also, did you find your PCs playing outside this framework? Did they find it too constricting?
Actually, my players always go outside the framework. :wink: For instance, I didn't expect them to fight any of the guards. I thought they would just try to slip away into the desert after snatching a few supplies. Instead they were so angry about being enslaved that they wanted revenge against the Zamorian slaver. So they stuck around as long as possible, hoping to get a crack at him. Instead they managed to knock out 4 guards and kill another before they had to high-tail it outta there. Most of the session was spent dealing with them being lost in the desert, suffering from heat exhaustion, etc. Fun!
Nice job here, excellent layout. I may Ste.., I mean borrow it. One question, Can you clarify how the % plays out when searching the wagon? At first I thought it was rolling once on %, but then I saw some with the same #. Can you just clarify that? Thanks

I like the way you have it broken down and there are some nice ideas to incorporate into the game. I will do something similar with mine, both to serve as a recap for late comers to our group and hopefull to work as a module that I make available to the masses.

Thanks again
Is session 2 coming out soon?

Enjoyed the first...would like to see the second

tagnetti said:
One question, Can you clarify how the % plays out when searching the wagon? At first I thought it was rolling once on %, but then I saw some with the same #. Can you just clarify that?

Yeah, I did leave that bit a little arcane, didn't I? Comes from writing free-form, I guess. I meant to allow each PC a single Search check (at DC 10). If they made it, then they got a chance to loot from each line of the loot list (rolling a % chance per item). I also meant to say that each item could only be found once.
Yuan-Ti said:
It's still Wednesday! Give time a chance to catch up to your enthusiasm. :D

Heh heh... good point! :p

I'm home sick with not much to do except plot my premiere Conan game session.


Crom's balls, you guys are ravenous! :wink:

OK, here's Session Two (even though we don't play until tomorrow night). Keep in mind that they are not complete...I still have some tweaking to do....for example, the NPCs aren't finished yet. Sorry for the poor formatting...I'm heading out the door and pressed for time.

I'll post the finished version on my website a few days after we actually play. I'll also include the map of the Shrine on my site at that time. Enjoy!

Session Two
The Bloodstained Goddess, Part 2

Back to the Desert
The Heroes rest and recuperate at the oasis. They re-fill their waterskins and collect as many dates and figs as they can carry, and then head back into the desert. The desert south of the oasis quickly becomes a sea of endless sand dunes, vast and barren, and devoid of life.

Each day, there is a 20% chance of encountering a sandstorm, which will last 1d6 hours. During this time, visibility is reduced to 1d10x5 feet and the PCs suffer a -4 to all Listen, Search. The sandstorm will also deal 1d4 points of nonlethal damage per hour to any creature caught in the open.

The Zervaji
On their 2nd evening from the oasis, they encounter a band of nomadic traders. The band consists of 28 men mounted on camels, with a string of 10 additional camels. All but one of them are Shemites of the nomadic Zervaji tribe, a scattered tribe that wanders the wastes of eastern Shem seeking trade. There is also a muscular, blond-haired Brythunian traveling with them. He is called Belleron.

This band of Zervaji are led by a middle-aged Shemite called Na’im, who will act friendly toward the PCs and ask if they wish to trade. They will answer any of the PCs’ questions and will also direct them to the closest settlement: Zamboula, which lies to the south – a good 10 days by camel. They have extra scimitars and bows, desert clothing, and even a mail shirt if the PCs can afford it (which is doubtful).

Belleron is a Brythunian adventurer that saved Na’im’s life years ago, which has earned him the respect and friendship of the Zervaji. He has short cropped blond hair, a muscular build, and wears a patch over his left eye. Although he has seen at least 50 winters, he is still in very good physical condition. The stern-faced Brythunian is seeking his companion, a Nemedian named Krius (the dead Nemedian at the oasis), who was separated from their band a week ago when they fled a Nalakari encampment. He is especially interested in recovering the map to the Shrine of the Bloodstained Goddess that he and Krius stole from the Nalakari.

Note: The Nalakari are a nomadic Shemite tribe despised by the Zervaji (and many other tribes) for their bloodthirsty nature, their worship of dark gods, and their habit of collecting the heads of their enemies.

Na’im, Zervaji Leader: male Eastern Shemite Nomad 6.
Belleron, Hyborian Adventurer: male Brythunian Soldier 3 / Nomad 1 / Thief 1.
Zervaji tribesmen (26): male Eastern Shemite Nomad 1.
Notes: The Zervaji ride camels and are armed with scimitars and Shemite bows. Belleron also rides a camel, wears a mail shirt under his desert robes, and carries a greatsword and poniard.

Belleron will ask the Heroes if they have seen Krius. If the Heroes display either the broadsword (which has a distinctive silver wolf’s head forming the pommel) or the fine scarlet cloak from the oasis, Belleron will recognize them immediately. Unless the Heroes offer an explanantion, he will assume that they have killed his companion and taken the map for themselves. However, he will not let on that he suspects this. Instead he will secretly attempt to convince Na’im that the Heroes are in league with the Nalakari and have slain Krius, and will demand the Heroes be killed. Since Belleron has no proof other than Krius’s belongings, the Zervaji, an honorable people, will not allow this to happen. An argument may ensue, but Belleron will quickly back down. To preserve Belleron’s honor, Na’im will not mention anything to the Heroes.

If the Heroes behave themselves, the Zervaji leader will offer to have an escort of 6 tribesmen accompany them on to Zamboula. The Zervaji intend to sell their 10 extra camels at the city market, and offer to allow the Heroes to ride 4 of them. Since Belleron has made it clear he wishes harm upon the Heroes, the Na’im will insist that the Brythunian remain with him, to ensue his honor remains intact. Belleron will appear very sullen and angry when the Heroes depart, though they may not understand why.

As the Heroes depart with their Zervaji escorts, Na’im bids them a farewell. He, Belleron, and the rest of the Zervaji continue to the north. The 10 day journey to Zamboula is tiresome, but uneventful.
Note: Two days later, when the Zervaji and Belleron reach the Oasis of Dead Men, they will find Krius’s body. This is all the evidence Belleron needs to implicate the Heroes. Na’im and Toza will then free Belleron, and the Brythunian will make immediately for Zamboula. He will track the Heroes, but will not appear until they reach the Shrine of the Bloodstained Goddess (with several hired thugs to back him up).

The Heroes find Zamboula an exotic and lively city. It is a city of towers and minarets, rising above the surrounding desert. Beggars throng the streets, and Ghazan wine is cheap and readily available. It is a major trading outpost, a city on one of the most profitable caravan routes in the world, the great east-west road that joins the Eastern Lands to Shem and Stygia.

The city was built by Stygians, and is currently ruled by Turanians (who have ruled for the past 25 years), yet the common people are a mix of many races (Shemites, blacks from Darfar and the other Black Kingdoms, and folk of more or less Vendhyan descent). The folk of Zamboula parade about in gaudy, colorful clothing, drink heavily, and enjoy gambling and carousing.

The nomads of the Eastern Desert consider the city an accursed place. This is beacuase many nomads (and foreigners in general) have vanished from the city, never to be seen again. Rumors persist that they are taken and sacrificed to Yog, the Lord of the Empty Abodes. These rumors are quite true. Darfari cannibal cultists roam the streets freely at night, taking anyone they find. Their foul practices are tolerated by commoner and Turanians alike, who simply lock their doors and remain inside at night.
The city is patrolled by Pelishtim mercenaries, hired by the Turanians who regard such work as beneath them. If the Heroes cause any mischeif that threatens the city’s security, they may encounter a squad of these dangerous men.

Pelishtim Guards (6): male Meadow Shemite Soldier 2.
Notes: The guards wear mail shits and steel caps, wield pikes, shortswords, and keep broad brass shields on their backs (treat as breastplates vs. rear attacks).

The current Turanian ruler of Zamboula is Jungir Khan, a distant cousin of King Yezdigerd. It is widely runored that the ture power in Zamboula, however, is his Stygian mistress Nefertati.

The House of Umar Bakash
When the Heroes inquire about the Sign of the Red Lion, they will be directed to the House of Umar Bakash. If they happen to ask one of the many Shemite nomads for directions, the man will suddenly make a warding sign and then relates the following before scurrying away into the crowd:

"Peril hides in the house of Umar Bakash” the man warns. Desert men and travelers have slept in the house of Umar Bakash and never been seen or heard of again. What became of them? Bakash swore they rose and went their way -- and it is true that no citizen of the city has ever disappeared from his house. But no one saw the travelers again, and men say that goods and equipment recognised as theirs have been seen in the bazaars. If Bakash did not sell them, after doing away with their owners, how came they there?"

"And it is not always rich strangers who vanish by night from the house of Umar Bakash. Nay, poor desert men have slept there -- because his score is less than that of the other taverns -- and have been seen no more. Once a chief of the Zuagirs whose son had thus vanished complained to the satrap, Jungir Khan, who ordered the house searched by soldiers. They found naught! And drove the chief from the city with threats and curses! But" – and the nomad draws closer and shivers -- "something else was found! At the edge of the desert, beyond the houses, there is a clump of palm trees, and within that grove there is a pit. And within that pit have been found human bones, charred and blackened. Not once, but many times!"

"Umar Bakash is a demon! Nay, in this accursed city which Stygians built and which Hyrkanians rule -- where white, brown, and black folk mingle together to produce hybrids of all unholy hues and breeds -- who can tell who is a man, and who is a demon in disguise? Umar Bakash is a demon in the form of a man! At night he assumes his true guise and carries his guests off into the desert, where his fellow demons from the waste meet in conclave."

"The people of the city would not suffer him to slay their people, but they care nought for the strangers who fall into his hands. You folk are of the West, and know not the secrets of this ancient land. But, since the beginning of happenings, the demons of the desert have worshipped Yog, the Lord of the Empty Abodes, with fire -- fire that devours human victims.”

The inn is on the far eastern outskirts of town and is marked by a faded wooden sign depicting a stylized red lion. Most of the buildings and cottages nearby are actually abandoned and look to have been untenanted for years.

The inn is a large, single-story white-washed stone structure surrounded by a high (12 ft.) stone wall topped with shards of glass and rusty iron spikes (To climb the wall: Climb check, DC 12; then Reflex save DC 12 to avoid 1d6 damage from debris). Entry through the high wall is only gained via a single iron gate, which is locked from dusk to dawn. A seldon used bell is mounted near the front gate for the rare evening visitor to sound and gain entry.

Inside the main wall is an extensive grounds and garden, mostly overgrown with weeds, nettle bushes, tall grasses, and the occassional date palm. The inn itself has a common room, a kitchen, Umar’s suite, servants quarters, and ten modestly furnished guest rooms. Each guest room has its own exit door, which leads to a small private garden that is open to the main grounds. Both guest room doors can be barred with stout wooden bars, and indeed Umar bars the doors from within nightly. Thus, after the Heroes retire for the evening they will not be able to re-enter the main building (including the Common room) until dawn. Each room has at least two windows, which are too narrow for humans to pass through.

Current Guests
The following individuals are staying at the inn when the Heroes arrive:
- Two Stygian students, Semnentek and Xol-Amod (both are male Stygians Scholar 2), visiting Zamboula to study under the Stygian sorcerer Tzul-Umok. They spend much of their time pouring over old arcane texts in the common room, but will avoid strangers.
- A Turanian silk merchant, Akter (male Turanian Noble 1 / Thief 3), and his mistress, Chianfa (female Stygian Thief 1), who wish to maintain their privacy.
- A group of four young men (all male Turanians Thief 1), that spend their time drinking and gambling in the common room.

Meeting Umar (The Plot Thickens)
After entering the inn, the Heroes will be escorted to Umar by his Kushite slave, Mbenga, a hulking black deaf mute. Umar himself is a short man with a large hooked nose, a sizeable belly, and an extraordinarily long mustache. He keeps his black hair and mustache well greased. His tiny, rat-like eyes are never still.

Umar Bakash, Inkeeper: male Turanian Thief 4.
Mbenga, Umar’s deaf mute slave: male Kushite Barbarian 1 / Thief 1.

If the Heroes ask Umar about a man called Kessek, he will usher them into a side room and (in a conspiratorial tone) claim to be an agent of Kessek (Sense Motive vs. his Bluff check to detect the lie). He will then tell them that he can get a message to the man, whom he describes as a “very important underworld figure in Zamboula”. He then asks if they seek to do business with Kessek. If they say yes, he suggests that the Heroes stay at his inn as his guests. He offers them a free room, a modest supper, and as much Ghazan wine as they can drink.

The truth is, Umar is actually Kessek, a name he used with the adventurers Krius and Belleron in his search for the map to the Shrine of the Bloodstained Goddess. He already has the other half of the map, which he purchased from a passing Khitan merchant (who knew not what it was a map to) a year ago. He originally hired a pair of Nemedian theives to find the other half for him, and they indeed found it in an old tomb in the desert north of Zamboula. Unfortunately, the theives were waylaid by Nalakari tribesmen, who slew them and took the map back to their encampment (along with the thieves’ heads). Word of this came to Umar several months ago via his Shemite contacts, and he promptly hired Krius and Belleron to steal the map from the Nalakari.

So, when the Heroes show up aking for Kessek, Umar becomes immediately very suspicious. Since only Krius and Belleron know him as Kessek, he assumes that they either have the map or want the map. He will ask the Heroes if they seek to do business with Kessek, and will insist they write a note to Kessek which he will deliver. He asks the Heroes to be as specific as possible in their note, for Kessek is “a very busy and short-tempered man”.

If the Heroes’ note mentions the map at all, Umar will seek to eliminate them in his usual fashion. He will use his slave contacts to send word to the Darfari cannibal cult that the Heroes are fair game. To this end, Umar will place the Heroes in one of his “special” guest rooms. These rooms each have a hidden catch on the outside door that the cannibal cultists use to open the door from the outside (Search check DC 20 to discover). (Note: If the Heroes do not mention the map, Umar will offer them hospitality indefinitely until they let the information slip.)

The Cannibals
That evening a group of five Yoggite cultists will slip into the Heroes’ room and attack them. The cannibals will quietly unlock the door and gain entry (Listen check vs their Move Silently check to hear them; check is at –4 if the Heroes are asleep). They wear only loincloths and wield cudgels. Their hair is caked with mud and decorated with small bones and stone ornaments. They seek to pummel the Heroes into death or submission and then haul them off to the outskirts of the city for a grisly ceremony and feast.

Cannibal Cultists (5): male Darfari Barbarian 1.

Umar’s Offer
If the Heroes survive the attack, they should suspect that Umar was behind it. If they confront him, Umar will order Mbenga to protect him (which the Kushite will do, loyally). Once Mbenga is dispatched, Umar will plead for his life. He confesses that he is indeed Kessek and will offer the Heroes the map if they let him live.

He has hidden the map in a secret compartment in a writing desk in his private suite (Search DC 20 to find if they search the desk). He will indeed hand over the map if the Heroes spare him.
Looting Umar’s rooms will also yield 250 silver coins, a jewled dagger (worth 100 silver), and an assortment of gold and silver jewlery worth a total of 600 silver.

The Canyons of Blood
The map leads the Heroes 10 miles south of Zamboula into a region of rugged canyons and rocky gorges. This region is called the Canyons of Blood, since the reddish rocks here assume a deep crimson shade as the setting sun shines upon them.

The Canyons have also become the hunting ground of a renegade horde of Yoggite cannibal cultists led by a charismatic Yoggite witch-priest called Ngaruzomba . These escaped slaves, fled Zamboula several months ago and have been preying on travellers in the region. Jungir Khan is currently gathering a mercenary force to wipe them out, but this will not happen for at least several months.

The Well of Skulls
Soon after they enter the region, the Heroes stumble upon a deserted well. The well is stone lined, covered with a dusty goatskin tarp, and has a length of rope and wooden bucket nearby. The water has a bit of sediment in it, but is fine to drink.

A cluster of 20 skulls, mounted on 4-foot tall posts, surround the well. They are inscribed with wicked looking runes and images, - all sacred to Yog, the Lord of the Empty Abodes.

Observant PCs (Spot check DC 15) will notice an area of upturned soil several yards away. Buried under about 2 feet of earth are the remains of a Yoggite feast: the splintered and charred bones of men.

The Shrine of the Bloodstained Goddess
Late the next morning, the Heroes reach the Shrine of the Bloodstained Goddess. The shrine is carved into the rock at a dead-enbd section of canyon. The canyon walls here are quite high (100 ft), and tough to climb (Climb DC 18) due to many loose rocks and sheer surfaces.
The shrine itself is reached via a set of stone stairs carved into the living rock. Gigantic statues of nearly naked men (each easily 30 ft tall) clutching crumbing spears guard the way into the main shrine. Rubble and debris lies scattered everywhere.

Camping at the base of th stairs is a small band of Darfari cannibals, ordered to guard the shrine (the Yoggites believe the site is sacred). As ther Heroes approach, they see a group of three blacks, armed with clubs resting in the shade of the ruins. The Yoggites will notice them immediately, and will move to immediately attack them . As they move forward, one of them will sound a bull’s horn to alert the Yoggite Horde of intruders.

Cannibal Cultists (3): male Darfari Barbarian 1.
Note: The Yoggite Horde will not appear until after the Heroes enter the shrine and fight Belleron and his minions.

Inside the Shrine
Once they enter the shrine, the Heroes will find only a single, half-ruined chamber. The chamber has several columns, carved to resemble leering demons, supporting the ceiling 30 ft overhead. A simple square altar of black stone (covered with ancient blood stains) is set in the center of ther chamber. Alcoves along the back wall contain massive stone coffins. In the middle of the far wall is a pedestal on which stands the Bloodstained Goddess in all its golden glory.

The Bloodstained Goddess is 3 ft tall, made of solid gold, and is studded with dozens of flawless rubies. It is surely worth a fortune.
As the Heroes move toward the idol, Belleron and his four hired thugs enter (they have been tracking the Heroes since Zamboula) and confront the Heroes.

Just as the battle ends, an earthquake will rock the region. Huge rocks and debris begins to fall from the ceiling. The Heroes have 2 rounds (12 seconds) to flee the chamber before the entire shrine collapses, forever buried. The Bloodstained Goddess will be lost forever.

The Yoggite Horde
As the Heroes leave the collapsed shrine, things only get worse. A horde of Yoggite cannibals will have gathered in front of the shrine, having heard their brother’s horn call. They begin to rush the Heroes in waves of 10 cultists, hoping to make the Heroes their next meal. The Horde consists of 60 Darfari cannibals, wearing loincloths and wielding clubs. They are led by a very animated Yoggite pries, called Ngaruzomba.

Ngaruzomba, Yoggite Priest: male Darfari Barbarian 1 / Scholar 3.
Cannibal Cultists (60): male Darfari Barbarian 1.

If 40 cultists are slain, or if Ngaruzomba is killed, the rest of the Darfari will scatter and flee.

If things go bad (more likely, WHEN things go bad) a force of Zamboulan soldiers will appear on the cliffs above, and will begin to pepper the Yoggites with arrows. After suffering dozens of losses, the cannibals will flee.


NPCs of Note
Belleron: male Brythunian Soldier 3; HD 3d10+6 (25 hp); Init +7; Spd 25 ft.; DV (Dodge) +2, DV (Parry) +4; DR 6; BA/Grp +3/+5; Atk Broadsword +6 (1d10+2), Poniard +5 melee or +4 ranged (1d6+2), Hunting bow +5 ranged (1d8); Reach 5 ft./ 5 ft.; SA Combat formation (skirmisher); Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 13.
Skills and Feats: Climb +2*, Bluff +4, Intimidate +5, Jump +4*, Ride +6*, Search +1, Listen +2, Spot +4; Improved initiative, Power attack, Weapon focus (broadsword), Cleave, Weapon focus (hunting bow).
* These skills suffer a –5 penalty when Belleron dons his armor.
Combat Formation (Skirmisher) (Ex): Whenever Belleron has 2 allied soldiers who also have the Skirmisher ability within 10 ft. he gains a +1 DV.
Possessions: Broadsword, Poniard, Hunting bow w/ 20 arrows, Brigandine coat, Boots, silver ring (10 sp).

Zervaji Tribesmen: male Eastern Shemite Nomad 1; HD 1d10+2 (12 hp); Init +6; Spd 25 ft.; DV (Dodge) +2, DV (Parry) +1; DR 5; BA/Grp +1/+2; Atk Scimitar +2 melee (1d8+1), Poniard +2 melee or +3 ranged (1d6+1), Shemite bow (+1) +2 ranged (1d10+1); Reach 5 ft./ 5 ft.; SA Shemite; SQ Track, Favored terrain (desert); Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0; Str 13, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 8.
Skills and Feats: Bluff +3, Climb +1*, Handle animal +3, Hide +2*, Listen +2, Move silently +4*, Ride +8*, Search +3, Spot +4, Survival +6; Mounted combat, Point blank shot.
* These skills suffer a –3 penalty when the Zervaji don their armor.
Favored Terrain (Desert) (Ex): When the Zervaji are in a desert environment and wearing at most light armor they gains a +1 bonus to Hide, Listen, Move silently, Search, and Spot checks. They also gain a +1 dodge bonus to DV.
Born to the Saddle (Ex): The Zervaji can discern the HD and current hp of any steed with a successful Handle animal or Ride check (DC 15).
Shemite (Ex): Shemites gain a +1 damage bonus with any bow vs. targets within 1 range increment (100 ft.). They also gain a +1 damage bonus when performing a coup de grace.
Possessions: Scimitar, Poniard, Shemite bow (+1) w/ 20 arrows, Mail shirt, Boots.

Umar Bakash: male Turanian Thief 5; HD 5d8 (26 hp); Init +x; Spd 30 ft.; DV (Dodge) +x, DV (Parry) +x; DR 0; BA/Grp +x/+x; Atk Poniard +x melee or +x ranged (1d6+2); Reach 5 ft./ 5 ft.; SA Sneak attack styles (Poniard), Sneak attack +xd6/+xd8, Light-footed; SQ Trapfinding, Eyes of the cat, Trap sense +2, Track, Favored terrain (desert), Born to the saddle; Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +5; Str 9, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14.
Skills and Feats: Bluff +11, Climb +3, Disguise +5, Handle animal +3, Intimidate +10, Hide +10, Listen +9, Move silently +10, Ride +8, Sleight of hand +14, Spot +9, Survival +6, Tumble +10; Improved initiative, Dodge, No honor, Point blank shot.
Sneak Attack (Ex): Umar’s sneak attack deals +3d6. With his short sword or poniard the damage is +3d8.
Light-Footed (Ex): When Umar is unarmored and carrying less than 20 lbs. his sneak attack damage becomes +4d6/+4d8.
Trapfinding (Ex): Umar can use his Search skill to detect traps with a DC higher than 20. He also gains a +2 bonus to his Reflex save or DV vs. traps.
Eyes of the Cat (Ex): Umar has low-light vision.
Possessions: Poniard, Boots, Silver rings and jewelry (50 sp worth).

Mbenga: male Kushite Barbarian 1; HD 1d10+2 (10 hp); Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; DV (Dodge) 12, DV (Parry) 12; DR 0; BA/Grp +1/+5; Atk Tulwar +5 melee (2d8+4); SA Versatility; SQ Track, Fearless; Reach 5 ft./ 5 ft.; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4; Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 7.
Skills and Feats: Climb +6, Hide +6, Intimidate +5, Jump +4, Listen +4, Move silently +6, Ride +2, Spot +4, Swim +2, Survival +6; Power Attack, Improved unarmed attack.
Fearless (Ex): Mbenga gains a +2 resistance bonus to all Will saves vs. fear and Terror.
Versatility (Ex): Mbenga is versatile combatants, and suffer only a -2 penalty if they are not proficient with a weapon. This includes improvised weapons.
Possessions: Tulwar, Loincloth.

Belleron’s Thugs (4): mix of Shemite and Stygian soldier 1s; HD 1d10+2 (10 hp); Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; DV (Dodge) +1, DV (Parry) +2; DR 0; BA/Grp +1/+3; Atk Broadsword +3 (1d10+2), Poniard +3 melee or +2 ranged (1d6+2), Semite or Stygian bow (+1) +3 ranged (1d10+1 or 1d12+1); Reach 5 ft./ 5 ft.; Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Climb +2, Intimidate +4, Jump +4, Ride +4, Search -1, Listen +2, Spot +4; Power attack, Weapon focus (Hunting bow), Improved initiative.
Possessions: Broadsword, Poniard, Shemite or Stygian bow (+1) w/ 20 arrows, Boots.

Cannibal Cultists: male Darfari Barbarian 1; HD 1d10+2 (10 hp); Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; DV (Dodge) 12, DV (Parry) 12; DR 0; BA/Grp +1/+3; Atk Club +3 melee (1d8+2); SA Darfari combat, Versatility; SQ Faith, Track, Fearless; Reach 5 ft./ 5 ft.; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 7.
Skills and Feats: Climb +4, Hide +6, Intimidate +1, Jump +2, Listen +4, Move silently +6, Perform (drums) +3, Ride +2, Spot +4, Swim +2, Survival +6; Power Attack, Improved unarmed attack.
Darfari Combat (Ex): A grappling Yoggite that performs the Damage Your Opponent action can make a bite attack that deals +1 damage which is lethal instead of subdual damage. They also gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with any bludgeoning weapon.
Faith (Ex): Fanatical worshippers of Yog, the Yoggites gain a +3 bonus to Will saves.
Fearless (Ex): The Yoggites gain a +2 resistance bonus to all Will saves vs. fear and Terror.
Versatility (Ex): The barbarian Yoggites are versatile combatants, and suffer only a -2 penalty if they are not proficient with a weapon. This includes improvised weapons.
Possessions: Club, Loincloth.

Err... I take it your players have not read much Conan? Otherwise, Umar Bakash's may be quickly recognized. :twisted: