Ok, grabbed it at the weekend at Continuum and spent today reading it whilst recovering for liver excesses :?
Its clear, laid out ok, I only noticed 1 or 2 typos, most things had examples - particualrlly useful was the 2-page combat example just to confirm every you'd read already...
Combat changes seemed fairly reasonable, like attack and parry being one skill, number of actions and reactions per round ok, strike ranks/starting order seemed reasonable...
Game feels very RQ'y to me so at least we know it really isnt that far removed and definately convertable to.
Rulebook should have had a section on player death. Yes the damage section does cover it, but really a repeast stating how a character can die is fairly important I reckon...
Basically negative HP in Abdomen, Chest or Head to same number as positive is considered serious/major wound and your about to go out... There are rules for resistance and lack of healding after CON+POW rounds will die of blood-loss or stress... So therefore, the way I read it, the Game doesnt seem to handle multiple major locations in the negatives. I knida dont mind losing general hit points, but really the rules should have considered the effects of multiple negatives to critical locations... I dunno... like total negatives if more than chest starting HP = dead. (i.e chest location at 8 hp starting mean s a abdomen at -5 and a chest at -4 is 1 point over and therefore terminal mate). Oh... hilariously the book does cover losing multiple limbs!
Book has a very small selection of creatures covered all to breifly but frankly I dont mind waiting for a monster book/monsters of Glorantha book, but perhaps seeing EWF is so important the dragonewt whilst mentioned in magic isnt included yet full-on dragon is...
Oh magic isn't as zippy as RQ2/3 so really casting in mid-battle might not be achievable unless your prepared for a free-attack! Perhaps good, I dunno... Each spell covers stackability and effects quite nicely and wouldnt leave to too many ambiguties.
Fatigues nicely simplified, but really to a point that it doesnt really get involved in combat situations... Having mucked about with swords and stuff the fatigue being CON minutes perhaps should have been in blocks of CON rounds, or even better CON minus ENC....
Won't talka bout experience too much as I see a major thread is already going on about it... I noticed that the rules dont cover expanding a skill over 100%, so can only presume a role of 96-00 covers that....
Oh, skills over 100% worked nicely for me, with a neat dividing rules system... Basically you halves skills for both opponents. If one skill over 100% still, half both skills again. and repeat till both under 100% then roll. No talk of multiple targets though...
Otherwise, system seems quite playable, simple charcater generation much simplified but sensible compared to endless rq3 tables, pick a culture and a previosu occupation and base extra skill points from there onwards... Really reminds me of the Games workshop RQ3 publication in look and feel and depth...
Does leave allot to be covered in the companion for extra rules which might cover what I thinks missing from above, but do feel I'd rather purchase yet another copy combined and this one being a players rulebook version.
Hope that from a RQ1 onwards vet helps!
Its clear, laid out ok, I only noticed 1 or 2 typos, most things had examples - particualrlly useful was the 2-page combat example just to confirm every you'd read already...
Combat changes seemed fairly reasonable, like attack and parry being one skill, number of actions and reactions per round ok, strike ranks/starting order seemed reasonable...
Game feels very RQ'y to me so at least we know it really isnt that far removed and definately convertable to.
Rulebook should have had a section on player death. Yes the damage section does cover it, but really a repeast stating how a character can die is fairly important I reckon...
Basically negative HP in Abdomen, Chest or Head to same number as positive is considered serious/major wound and your about to go out... There are rules for resistance and lack of healding after CON+POW rounds will die of blood-loss or stress... So therefore, the way I read it, the Game doesnt seem to handle multiple major locations in the negatives. I knida dont mind losing general hit points, but really the rules should have considered the effects of multiple negatives to critical locations... I dunno... like total negatives if more than chest starting HP = dead. (i.e chest location at 8 hp starting mean s a abdomen at -5 and a chest at -4 is 1 point over and therefore terminal mate). Oh... hilariously the book does cover losing multiple limbs!
Book has a very small selection of creatures covered all to breifly but frankly I dont mind waiting for a monster book/monsters of Glorantha book, but perhaps seeing EWF is so important the dragonewt whilst mentioned in magic isnt included yet full-on dragon is...
Oh magic isn't as zippy as RQ2/3 so really casting in mid-battle might not be achievable unless your prepared for a free-attack! Perhaps good, I dunno... Each spell covers stackability and effects quite nicely and wouldnt leave to too many ambiguties.
Fatigues nicely simplified, but really to a point that it doesnt really get involved in combat situations... Having mucked about with swords and stuff the fatigue being CON minutes perhaps should have been in blocks of CON rounds, or even better CON minus ENC....
Won't talka bout experience too much as I see a major thread is already going on about it... I noticed that the rules dont cover expanding a skill over 100%, so can only presume a role of 96-00 covers that....
Oh, skills over 100% worked nicely for me, with a neat dividing rules system... Basically you halves skills for both opponents. If one skill over 100% still, half both skills again. and repeat till both under 100% then roll. No talk of multiple targets though...
Otherwise, system seems quite playable, simple charcater generation much simplified but sensible compared to endless rq3 tables, pick a culture and a previosu occupation and base extra skill points from there onwards... Really reminds me of the Games workshop RQ3 publication in look and feel and depth...
Does leave allot to be covered in the companion for extra rules which might cover what I thinks missing from above, but do feel I'd rather purchase yet another copy combined and this one being a players rulebook version.
Hope that from a RQ1 onwards vet helps!