Final Fantasy 7 RPG


Well I know thier is a fan created site out there for the Fantasy FF games... but IMO the best offering for final fantasy EVER was 7, and if that mixed world of sheer joy does nto scream out for PnP attention I don't what does..

I don't know what else to say, If I had three wishes for new RPG games they would be
1. Fallout RPG
2. X-Com UFO RPG
3. FF 7 RPG

Without a shadow of a doubt!!!
Ah at the time it was a divided house at uni...

some of us, me included, were Tifi men, the others were all for that Tramp Aries.....
Oh yeah...Aerith was the best :o

And Sephiroth of course... :lol:

I would buy it...And I would also buy a Final Fantasy VI RPG, what is in my opinion a little better than part 7. But I like both of them...

I think there are online rules for a FF RPG somewhere around..
Having tried to approach square in various ways over the last year over an FF RPG I am sad to report that...

1) They don't seem to be interested in the slightest in a commercial TRPG of FF.
2) One already apparently exists in Japan.

Mongoose could do worse than the find a decent translator and import some Japanese TRPGs though :)
There is a RPG in japan that covers much of the same setting wise,

But you could go via an indirect route, and try for the a RPG based on the movie, FINAL FANTASY VII Advent Children,

And make it not just a RPG but a movie source book etc
Would it be possible for mongoose to get in touch with the company that does it in Japan and get them to translate it and distribute it over here? I would spend a lot of money on it. Hell, I'd invest in the line with shares!
Well did my homework, and it's called "Alshard"
doesn't say anything about Final Fantasy but this is the one

I don't know why somebody hasn't already done this, (translating the games,) but there seems to be a load of rpg's only released in japan

Wouldn't mind checking out the "Witch Quest RPG" either

I would buy both of these without even seeing them
Oaty_bars said:
Well did my homework, and it's called "Alshard"
doesn't say anything about Final Fantasy but this is the one

I don't know why somebody hasn't already done this, (translating the games,) but there seems to be a load of rpg's only released in japan

Wouldn't mind checking out the "Witch Quest RPG" either

I would buy both of these without even seeing them

Still be nice to have an official FF RPG as opposed to a look-a-likey.
Just curious if anyone knows of the links to these fan made efforts? Having played Dirge of Cerberus this weekend, I'm desparate for any type of FFVII RPG I can get my hands on.

Google search has come up empty.

Give me a hand guys?
Lucius said:
Just curious if anyone knows of the links to these fan made efforts? Having played Dirge of Cerberus this weekend, I'm desparate for any type of FFVII RPG I can get my hands on.

Google search has come up empty.

Give me a hand guys?

You gotto play DC??? :( No fair.
anyway I reckon a mix would work, Almost every race, materia for magic, all the classes though only certain classes can master certain materia (use the top spells).
I did indeed. As a stand alone game, it's entertaining enough. Didn't quite have the full Final Fantasy VII feel to it, but perhaps that's merely nostalgia playing tricks.

Eitherway, I've been looking for links on fan made games, as my housemates are now whipped into a feverish FFVII mood. I remember finding one site a while back, but evidently I didn't save it to my favourites. It seemed to be a fan made system, with additional add on rules for which ever Final Fantasy game you chose to play.

Does this ring a bell with anyone?
Dunno about the others but there IS a proper fallout RPG out there. The games combat rules and skill system were basically perfect for tabletop rpg as they were so they just published the rules behind the game :)

Sadly I dont have a copy of them but I HAVE seen them and theyre pretty sweet :)

oh and for the record Tiffa >>>>> Aerith ;)