I'm considering letting my players use their fate points for the following benefits, in addition to the core rules.
3 FP = 1 free bonus feat at 1st level; after 1st level, the feat must be paid for with 1d3 months training in suitable location under instructor at a cost of 1d3x100 sp/month. Buying additional feats with fate points increases the FP cost; say 5 FP for a second bonus feat, 7 FP for a third, and 10 for a fourth.
2 FP = Makes any one cross-class skill a class skill, regardless of your class.
1 FP = 1 free rank in any one current class skill of your choice. Each skill may only gain 1 free rank in this way.
1 FP = Single use of a general feat you do not have (nor even meet the prereq's for, within GM's reason); duration = 3 rounds + appropriate stat modifier.
1 FP = +1 morale bonus attack, damage, skill checks and saving throws for 3 rounds + CHA mod.
3 FP = 1 free bonus feat at 1st level; after 1st level, the feat must be paid for with 1d3 months training in suitable location under instructor at a cost of 1d3x100 sp/month. Buying additional feats with fate points increases the FP cost; say 5 FP for a second bonus feat, 7 FP for a third, and 10 for a fourth.
2 FP = Makes any one cross-class skill a class skill, regardless of your class.
1 FP = 1 free rank in any one current class skill of your choice. Each skill may only gain 1 free rank in this way.
1 FP = Single use of a general feat you do not have (nor even meet the prereq's for, within GM's reason); duration = 3 rounds + appropriate stat modifier.
1 FP = +1 morale bonus attack, damage, skill checks and saving throws for 3 rounds + CHA mod.