Farewell to Babylon 5


Babylon 5 was the last of the Babylon stations. There would never be another. It changed the future, and it changed us. It taught us that we had to create the future, or others will do it for us. It showed us that we have to care for each other, because if we don't, who will? And that strength sometimes comes from the most unlikely of places. Mostly, though, I think it gave us hope that there can always be new beginnings, even for people like us. ~ Susan Ivanova (Sleeping in Light)

I was a fan of this show from it's first airing on Channel 4. I loved the continuing story-lines and the developing characters. How the characters weren't perfect people in a perfect world, but struggling along like the rest of us. I only found the roleplaying game when the 2nd edition came out, and I still think it's one of the best d20 conversions I've seen. Just the right balance between the crunch and gritty, without overwhelming the story with rules. There is the issue with starship combat, but I suppose no system is perfect. So, I just want to say: Thanks guys, it's been good.

It's now up to us to carry on bearing the flame and to keep the B5 universe going.
I logged on just to post something similar to that sir. You said it right. I will miss the community here, and I will still play 2ed somewhere and be thankful that it was available when it was.

Thank you.
"I was there at the dawn of a new age, an age when Babylon 5 finally achieved the RPG glory it was due; a magnificent game ... all alone in the night" :lol:

As a B5 fan from the Channel 4 days and a B5 gamer from the first Mongoose edition (and the CE game before that) all I can say is that it has been quite a ride and thanks to Matt and all the crew for opening the doors into the Third Age.
And of course just because there will be no new doors, that does not mean we have to stop using the old ones :D

Traveller-61 said:
will be no new doors, that does not mean we have to stop using the old ones :D


For some reason that made me think of the line "Stripped naked and thrown out of the airlock" from the Illusion of Truth


Hmmm it reminded me of this:

Londo Mollari: There was a time when this whole quadrant belonged to us! What are we now? Twelve worlds and a thousand monuments to past glories. Living off memories and stories, and selling trinkets. My god, man! We've become a tourist attraction. "See the great Centauri Republic - open 9 to 5 - Earth time."
I loved B5 from the beginning as well. I was active on the RAST.B5 board in the early/mid 90s, where JMS used to post.

I never played the D20 version of the game, although I had heard of it. I played Traveller (obvious from my nickname I guess) and was really glad that they did a Traveller: B5 run, even if it was only 2 books.

I went back last month and grabbed a handful of the D20 books for background material so that I can run B5 using the Traveller rules. I hope that there is a future for B5 RPGing in that fashion. It isn't what you all wanted I know, but it is something.

B5 will live on in RPG games for a long time.
Had a feeling the line was ending soon, so I picked up the Traveller versions at Origins. Going over them they actually seem to be a better fit for most B5 stories (I can see some stories where the fit would be better in D20, but when converting a story concept to game systems that is to be expected).

Since there are no longer forums for discussion of the game here I will be looking for other forums to keep discussing game topics as they crop up. :D
theDwarf said:
Since there are no longer forums for discussion of the game here I will be looking for other forums to keep discussing game topics as they crop up. :D

Apart from then forum you posted in here you mean. It's satying on or sao we've been told.

Also, if you are going to use the Traveller rules, you could post in the Traveller section.

Babylon 5 is an official Traveller Setting, along with the Third Imperium (Original Traveller Universe), Hammer's Slammers and soon Judge Dredd.

It might be interesting to see how people adapt their D20 stuff over to the Traveller rules.

I would be interested at least.
Well, if anyone's interested in continuing the dream, I've got a play-by-post game running over on ENWorld, using the 2nd Ed. d20 rules.

It's set in the Crusade era, following the adventures of a group of ISA agents as they join the search for a cure to the Drakh Plague (the Excalibur is not the only mission...).

We've just finished one adventure and are about to embark on another, now at 2nd level, but we've had a couple of players drop out. All are welcome. See here: Babylon 5: Outrageous Fortune
What happened to the fourms?

Or am I blind?

Actually, I never cared much for the story of B5. To me, a B5 RPG game was just a way of a possible future society. I was more interested in RPing the society, rather than some fantastic space battle...
When watching Star Trek, or other sci-fi shows I always felt something was missing. When I started watching B5 I realized what was missing. I watched that show to its end and bought all the episodes on DVD. It will always have a place in my heart, not for the graphics or any technobabble, but because it had continuity and heart. I own every rpg that was made for it, and I understand its time is passing. It will still be hard to let it go.
After watching the final episode of the series, the last dinner together, I have always wondered: where are the telepaths of the series without which the plot lines would have been entirely different.

I do not seem to remeber, and I could be wrong/let me know, any telepaths at the 'Last Supper'.

Did the writers kick the telepaths out the script deliberately or was there a reason??????


Being a telepath at a pick-up bar definately gives you and edge ;)
They were probably left out deliberately since when it was filmed (at the end of Season 4), we knew nothing of the Telepath War (or who was involved), so we didn't know who would have survived, or not.

Also, Lyta would have been the only one close enough to the group to have been invited.

Notice that Zach wasn't there either, neither was Lockley, or Corwin. Lots of people could have been added, especially as they became more important in the 5th Season, but again, it was filmed at the end of the 4th Season.

That's my take anyway.
Of the telepaths that were in the series, only Lyta would have been likely to have been invited, and she is supposed to (highlight for spoilers) have died in the Telepath War (along with Lennier). Can't recall where I got that info from, try the archives of JMS quotes or the Lurker's Guide page for Sleeping in the Light.
I seem to remember the same fate for Lyta, but I don't remember what happened to Lennier.

Given what he did in Season 5, it might have been hard to have him at the dinner though.
Rikki Tikki Traveller said:
I seem to remember the same fate for Lyta, but I don't remember what happened to Lennier.

Given what he did in Season 5, it might have been hard to have him at the dinner though.

Well. He did aparanttly redeem himself in eyes of Delenn atleast(atleast I think I read that).

As for Lyta original plan had been that she would have been the telepath women who had that homing beacon thingie in that Crusade episode but actress wasn't available.

They were probably left out deliberately since when it was filmed (at the end of Season 4), we knew nothing of the Telepath War (or who was involved), so we didn't know who would have survived, or not.

Actually since JMS had planned things up reasonably well(with backup plans in case of actor issues) I would imagine he DID have pretty good idea of who would be available. But really whom would be invited from telepaths? There was only one telepath who had any basis to be there(Lyta) who was dead and buried at that point and really. She wasn't THAT close friend with Sheridan and seeing events of S5 it's not sure she would have been invited even if she lived...

That was pretty private party for small group. I don't think Sheridan was planning to invite everybody there ;-)