FAQ for Earth / Centauri Campaign weeked - collated Q+A

Da Boss

FAQ for Earth / Centauri Camapign weeked

I WILL try and and keep this first page updated with any more answers if and when they come

Collated questions and answers from Matt - thought it might be easier!?

1. Can mixed League fleets be used? 1. No (no game/tournament balance reasons, it just seems reasonable for this event).

2. Does my flagship have to come from the same fleet as I selected, ie if I opt to play Centauri, can I chose to have a Drakh mothership as my flagship? 2. No reason why it should!

3. Do carried ships count towards the 8 ship limit?
3. No, in the same way flights do not (have fun, Drakh players).

4. Damaged ships are repaired, does this include replenishing fighters?
4. Yes.
4b What about carried ships? are they replaced?
Can't see why not.

5. Can I keep left over fighters from destroyed ships for the next game?
5. No (for simplicity's sake, if nothing else).

6. If a battle calls for less than 5 FAPs (such as Blockade Run), I assume I must use less than my full fleet? Can the Admiral still intervene?
6. Correct and yes (sort of - the Grand Admiral will have some rules here).

7. If several players take the role of Grand Admiral because they die and are replaced, who gets the trophy?

7. He who impresses us the most

8. How are you going to cope with personal bias should it arise?
8. The minimum bribe level will be one Mars bar. Seriously, 'words' will be had if things get nasty, but there will be many things in this campaign that will not strictly be 'fair'. It is not a tournament, it is an event. Gird your loins and fight the good fight.

9. What happens if a player loses all his ships and the Admiral cannot or will not replace them?
9. This should be an exceptionally rare event but, rest assured, he will not be left with nothing to do (and might just get a chance to get his own back. . .).

10. What happens if one side has vanquished the other before the end of weekend?
10. That is so not going to happen

11. If the Admiral joins a battle and his ship survives, does his ship get a refit as well as the player's or just one ship on his side, and if just one who decides?
11. Admirals will have. . . their own rules here.

12. Is an admiral required to keep his word?
12. Well, technically, no. But woe betide the treacherous Admiral - remember what happened to Clark. . .

13. If a fleet for hire fights for one side, can they throw the battle for payment by the other side? If so hiring mercanaries could become a dubious prospect, especially since you will get them allocated for free.
13. They will be required to fight. They will not be required to fight to their full extent if bribed (all part of the fun). You cannot just concede (I had this happen to me once at a GW event before Jervis stepped in - remember, you are here to play games. . .).

14. Will non-official models such as the Valerius (Adira stand-in) be allowed?
14. Conversions yes, new models no.

15. If a scenario calls for more than 5 FAPs (Planetary Assault: attacker), what happens?
15. You will receive instructions on the day (a great deal will depend _where_ in space the battle is taking place. . .).

16. Will all of your ships really be repaired after every scenario (meaning that they'll be arriving as fresh reinforcements for an adjacent table), or do they only get repaired at the end of the campaign round?
16. End of the round - if you reinforce someone, they won't have time to be repaired.

17. Likewise, do you really get the refit roll immediately after you finish your own scenario (and therefore before you reinforce an adjacent table)?
17. Again, no.
17b. Assuming that the refit roll is per scenario, does this mean that you get a refit roll for reinforcing an adjacent table?
17b. no, tipping the balance in your side's favour is reward enough.

18. If a scenario calls for less than 5 FAPs and that battle ends, can the player use the full 5 FAPs of his fleet to reinforce another battle
18. No - you are always limited to a maximum of two.

18b. If you've been fighting with less than you're full fleet, are you limited to the ships you were using in your own battle when reinforcing another battle? 18b. Yes, 'fraid so!

19. Do we need to bring civilian ships for Convoy Duty & Supply Ships scenarios, or will Mongoose be providing those?
19. Appreciated if you could. Counters, remember, are just fine.

20. If a Minbari player is selected to be Admiral, can he borrow Mongoose's Neroon, since there isn't a model
20. Sounds like fun - why not!

21. If I chose an admiral as part of my fleet selection, do his abilities 'reset' before I proceede to another table as reinforcements?
21. No, assume it is part of the same battle for this purpose.

22 - Will all games be at battle priority? With only an 8-ship limit it's tempting to bring bug guns, but if raid and skirmish games pop up that's going to cause a lot of trouble.
22. Yes, all Battle (again, for simplicity's sake - this is a huge war, after all).

23.Will "dead" characters be allowed? Sheridan for example. Hopefully not.
23. No.

24. Is the ISA allowed to use its Allies rule - can you have (potentially) Vree fighting Vree etc?
24. Yup!

25) Can a proxy ship be used for the"admrial" ship if you do not have the model. (Thinking Minbari and Drakh here)?
25. No. However, the Drakh shouldn't have a problem by then (he said, touch wood), and we can help the Minbari out (though why EA players would vote for a Minbari to lead them. . .).

26) If you use a unique admiral (G'sten) or ship as part of your fleet and it is destroyed, can it be replaced?
26. yes - I don't want people not taking Unique ships because they fear to lose them. Doesn't seem right.

27) Can two or more players field the same unique ship?
27. Yes. Again, for simplicity's sake.

28 ) will we be using the refits tables in the fleet book? after battles

28. Yes.

29. If you are replacing your destroyed ships /Admirals - do you have to replace like for like - can you replace your Liati with a Primus if you have the models for instance? If a Unique Ship is destroyed do you have to repalce like for like - ie a non unique Ship? what happens if a player loses a Victory in a EA fleet - there is only the one Armagedon choice.......... ?
Your fleet list (the actual roster) must remain the same throughout the entire event.

30 Will there be refreshments available at the site (besides the Centauri Feast tbat I am sure will be laid on )?
There will be vending machines, but we are also looking at the possibilities of providing additional (and more wholesome) goodies. For Saturday evening, you are spoilt for choice in the Old Town.

31) If a game calls for lesss than 5 FAPs will carriers be allowed to deploy flights as patrol choices in the same way as in campaign games (I'm thinking Posieden and Cidikar here).
Such scenarios will have their own rules for the day.

31b.) How about Drakh and carried craft deployed from Huge Hangars. (Would make taking a mothership a viable option.)
Such scenarios will have their own rules for the day
32) Re answer to Q4, will crew be replenished between games?

33) Will Shial minis be available between now and then?
The Shial looks exactly like a Nial from the exterior - it is a trimmed down variant.

34) Will EA players be able to switch their missile variants between rounds?
35) Will all players be able to switch fighters between rounds?
Your fleet list (the actual roster) must remain the same throughout the entire event.

36) For a Grand Admiral's ship, can I take a War-level ship with an admiral on it?
I don't see why not.

37 Will there be non ACTA stuff for sale? If not, could people order non ACTA stuff on the Saturday, one of the Mongoose people picks it up from the office and we can buy it on the Sunday?
?Of course.

38 Carried fighters will be replenished automatically, but what about independant fighters? Will they autoreplenish regardless, autoreplenish only if the wing isn't completely wiped out, or not autoreplenish at all

?Fighters purchased separately will not be replenished automatically - they must be replaced in the same way as ships (with money!).

38b I think he meant (and if not I'd like to know) if you purchase a wing of 4 fighters as a Patrol point and say 3 of them are destroyed do they get replenished in the same way as a ship gets their crew, damage and fighters back?

I will have to say no to this.

39 In some situations, due to VPs you would win even if all of your ships were destroyed. In such situations, can you still concede?
Note: Whilst the first thought is "Why would you concede if you're guaranteed a win?", this isn't actually such a stupid question. Even if I'm due to win on VPs, if it's going to mean losing my entire fleet, and my opponent gives me the option of conceding whilst most of my fleet is badly damaged but not destroyed, I may want to take up that offer rather than suffer a pyrrhic victory.

?Hopefully this won't crop up too often. The basic rule would be a conceded game must be reasonable and not done for gain on the part of the concedee - in a campaign of this nature, there are all sorts of tricks that can be pulled that can gain an overall advantage in the campaign, but provide a bad game for the opponent. We will be watching for this closely!

In a nutshell, provide a good game for your opponent, and you can concede. If you are trying to 'pul' something, the judges will be hovering over your table!

Pyrrhic victories are part of war. . .

40. These concern other duties results:
Can I gain new ships? If I do gain new ships can they take me above the 8 ship limit?
If I gain RR points, can I buy new ships? If not, can I use RR points to replace destroyed ships to save Ducats/Credits?
Can I use diverting raid? How is applied? If 5 players on my side get diverting raid, can we apply them all against the same enemy player, so his fleet won't turn up?
Can we reroll useless results, such as new strategic target?

No to the RR points - this may cause some fleets to naturally take Refits rather than Other Duties but, for the purposes of the weekend, I think we are okay with that. Diverting Raids can only be applied to your next opponent. Remember, the point is to give everyone a set of good games, so we won't be allowing stunts that basically take a game away from someone. Fleets for Hire, we will be watching you on this score as well! Taking bribes from the other side is certainly permissable (though remember our warning in the Campaign Pack!) but if it means cheating someone out of a decent game, there wil be a ruling against you. I realise this may sound as if things will be a little chaotic - bear in mind that this is _not_ a tournament, and a very different ethos will be at work. No to the re-rolls. Way too much interpretation needed as to what constitues 'useless'. However, if you do get such a result, come and see a judge. You never know what might happen. . .

41. If RR points are usable, or somehow translate into Ducats/Credits, will the same apply to the Scavengers rule for Raiders?
?see above no RR points

41 Other duties - Can you gain new ships through these - Ie Assistance Rendered, Compatible Goals, Haven Escort etc? Are Vorlon Directives, Red Hunts, Whispers from the Shadows, Warmongering, allowed?
?If you have the minietures/counters, I don't see why not. Sounds like fun!

42. Should we be bringing more than the 5 battle points if some sceanrios are more than that - Planetary assault - also we will need ship sheets for them.?
No. You will be fighting Planetary Assault with 5 points each (no defences for the defender - well, not 'official' ones anyway :) )
Yeah could not find the question so just posted the answer - can you use your mod pwoers to find it cos I can't :)
No mod powers required, just the eyeball Mk 1.1 (I have glasses)

18b. If you've been fighting with less than you're full fleet, are you limited to the ships you were using in your own battle when reinforcing another battle?

While you edit your post above, which I could do with my mod powers, but then you'd never learn :lol: , you might want to tidy up the fact that the answer to 17 is in bold when it probably shouldn't be :lol:

(Picky little sod ain't I?)
Well they are selling the alternatives - be a bit embaressing if the only Adira's there were non company - especially if (as has been mentioned ) they want to put it in S+P. Understandable really :)

Pity there is not a counter though...........maybe we will have them by New Year?
What is the difference between a conversion and a new model officially. I shouldn't ask because I can't make it, but curious for future reference.

A conversion is Da Boss's Liati, which takes the original Liati, chops the wings of, sticks a gun underneath and adds wings from other Centauri models.

A new model is the Nike or Valerius.
I'll likely have some modified Nial counters to proxy for Shials.


EDIT here's 32 and 33 to add

32) Re answer to Q4, will crew be replenished between games?

33) Will Shial minis be available between now and then?

Da Boss said:
Updated - thanks Matt

No worries.

Just keep in mind that the event is likely to be very chaotic, and split decisions by the judges will be the order of the day to cover situations that do not normally crop up in tournaments.

Add to that there will be various events and happenings (some instigated by the other team, some by your own side, others by the judges) and, well, you should expect to get screwed at some point :) The objective is to make the best of what you have (as in any war) and have fun (not so usual in war)!
Da Boss said:
14. Will non-official models such as the Valerius (Adira stand-in) be allowed?
14. Conversions yes, new models no.

Whilst I can certainly understand Mongooses position here, I must say I'm more than a little dissapointed.

The overwhelming opinion of most people is that the Adira is at best 'ok' (and bloody expensive for 'ok') and the Liati is hideous. This comined with the fact that quite a few ships don't actually HAVE official models at the moment.

And what about Fleet Action? They have been allowed at every other event to date (and I assume still are) and they're not mongoose minis. Now admittedly theyre just a different scale are are still the same design but some people have entire fleets of FA scale stuff and have no other option if they want to use some of the newer ships but to use scratchbuilt models or have something that looks horrificially out of place.

I can't say I'm surprised Mongoose are taking this line but I AM saddened since one of the things I have always liked and respected about you guys is that you HAVENT taken the draconian GW 'our way or the highway' attitude.

Oh and Im still not seeing why this 2 day event costs FOUR TIMES what a one day event cost.... I'm just a little concerend of late that alot of Mongoose stuff seems to be getting prohibitively expensive and I really don't want to see Mongoose turn into another GW....
Locutus9956 said:
I can't say I'm surprised Mongoose are taking this line but I AM saddened since one of the things I have always liked and respected about you guys is that you HAVENT taken the draconian GW 'our way or the highway' attitude.

Between FA and counters, we've given people plenty of options. But I do not think it is a huge thing to ask seeing as it is a) an official event and b) will be photographed for S&P.

Locutus9956 said:
Oh and Im still not seeing why this 2 day event costs FOUR TIMES what a one day event cost.... I'm just a little concerend of late that alot of Mongoose stuff seems to be getting prohibitively expensive and I really don't want to see Mongoose turn into another GW....

Ah, now, there _is_ a good reason for this. In the past, we charged a nominal amount (£5) mainly to help ensure people actually turn up (silly, I know, but you get a better response on the day if people have something invested in it, even if it is just a token amount).

No problem at all, when we were running events in our office. However, the Crofts Sports Centre does, of course, charge us, and we need to recoup at least a little of that, which is how the event is costed. We make _nothing_ on that (and actually lose a little, unless 30 of you sign up), and the only 'profit' made on the day comes from the bits and pieces you chaps buy at the time - which is never a huge amount, unless something big has just been released.

So, basically, the events are costed in such a way that we can continue running them throughout the year, not for profit.

I should also point out that if you were having a weekend event in Nottingham, you would be paying a great deal more than £20 these days. . .
hiffano said:
WILL there be any new releases at the event?

There will likely be some goodies available there before they go on general release. And, cross fingers, there may be some _awesome_ models previewed from another range.

If nothing else, we should be able to demonstrate our new stock system that keeps at least 99% of all ships available at any one time :)
Thanks for the reply Matt, ok that does clear up a fair bit regarding the price (I would just add though that whilst GW weekend events DO cost a bit more in my experience (though not THAT much more...) they do generally include 2 lunches and lots of free doughnuts/coffee etc, but fair enough GW are a behemoth evil coroporation and can afford it more due to the sheer size of most events they throw (and of course they own the building the events being run in...).

So with that explanation that price seems justified (sadly I still wont be able to make it though as I simply cant spare the money at the moment (muchos expenses at the moment stopping me from blowing cash on game related stuff :()

Regarding ship options though, as I said I can understand why, but I (and alot of others) are still a tad disapointed that the Adira etc hasnt been slated for a redo like most of the other armageddon ships (or even the possibility of making Urobachs version official (or aquiring the rights and making a version of it), since frankly nearly EVERYONE seems to prefer it).


There is as of this date, no model, either FA or otherwise, or official counter for:

The Neroon,
The Brivioki,
The Drakh Mothership (though we've been promised these will FINALLY be ready in time....)

And as I mentioned its a bit of a shame to stop FA players using scratchbuilt versions of official ships they've made scaled down... (or would these be allowed?)

In all honesty I think the only big sticking point with this is going to be with the Liati/Adira since so many centauri players hate the model and love the fan made alternatives....
msprange said:
I should also point out that if you were having a weekend event in Nottingham, you would be paying a great deal more than £20 these days. . .

Actually, Matt, I organised the annual tournament for the Golden Throne forum at Warhammer World in summer, and GW didn't charge us anything for the venue. I can only assume that's what you meant.
Lord David the Denied said:
Actually, Matt, I organised the annual tournament for the Golden Throne forum at Warhammer World in summer, and GW didn't charge us anything for the venue. I can only assume that's what you meant.

No. . . You can assume I meant that a campaign or tournament weekend costs a lot more than £20. . .