F6 and Shock Trait


the f6 frignaut have shock trait 2 for using disruptors. the f6 have 2 disruptors, one with 1 ad and the other with 2.

can i use the one disruptors with 2 ad without checking about a critical hit, because the triat has a value of 2 and would legalize the 2 ads.

if i use the discruptors with 1 ad i have to check about a critical hits.

is this correct?
archon96 said:
i could have sworn the f6 has 3 banks of disruptor s.

oh, yes you have right. there are 3.

but the question of mine is the same. one have 2 ap, the others only 1 ap.
raif said:
archon96 said:
i could have sworn the f6 has 3 banks of disruptor s.

oh, yes you have right. there are 3.

but the question of mine is the same. one have 2 ap, the others only 1 ap.

If I understand the rule correctly, if you elect to fire 3 or more disruptor dice in a given turn , you take an auto critical.
Its there the F6 cannot fire more than 2 Disruptors per impulse. The simplification for ACTA appears to be shock. The more common F6 variant is the F6B, which is based on the F5D drone frigate with a third nacelle.
Given that is per impulse and there are multiple impulses in a turn in FC, should the F6 suffer from Shock at all? Logically you'd just fire two disruptors each in consecutive impulses.

You might say firing overloaded disruptors causes Shock, but should firing non-overload disruptors do so given that compressing the turn in FC (with multiple impulses, where restrictions could be sidestepped) to ACTA should not necessarily lead to restrictions.
Ben2 said:
Given that is per impulse and there are multiple impulses in a turn in FC, should the F6 suffer from Shock at all? Logically you'd just fire two disruptors each in consecutive impulses.

You might say firing overloaded disruptors causes Shock, but should firing non-overload disruptors do so given that compressing the turn in FC (with multiple impulses, where restrictions could be sidestepped) to ACTA should not necessarily lead to restrictions.

Yes most definitely it should. The Shock Trait is closer to the SFU intent than the F6 card is. Shock in SFB is a fiddily rule that FedCom tried to simplify. It should be the same wither it is a Fed BCJ, Klink F6 or Romulan Mauler.

Shock simply put is a rule that says if you fire x number or more weapons you are almost certain to cause damage to your ship. Now that interpitation in FedCom was firing restrictions on the BCJ. If you could nyo over fire a weapon uou would not take shock damage was the thought process. Being Photons are a multi turn arming weapon that work sorta. But on the F6 with Disruptor being single turn arming what's the point. ADB could have published the F6 with just 2 Disruptor but then what would make it different than the F5W? So in the name of simplicity they gave it an extremely generous firing restriction.

Now as everyone likes telling me this is the ACTA and there will be difference between FC and ACTA. Shock implementation seems to be one of those. Having played F6s in SFB, FedCom and ACTASF I can say I think the Shock Trait is a better mechinism than the FedCom Impulse restriction for modeling the results of SFU Shock.