If can you check my logic here:
Personal Computer: Expert Pad
This will give a character with the skill and +1 DM for any task 10+ or lower. This is any Engineer roll, J-Drive, M-Drive et al.
Personal Computer: Advanced Expert Pad
As the Expert/2 gives an Engineer-1 skill - this must be specialized. However, this Expert system will give a character with the skill and +1 DM for any task 12+ or lower? It doesn't need to be a J-Drive task. I could be M-Drive task for instance.
Personal Computer: Expert Pad
- Hardware
- Manufacture TL12
- Computer/2, TL11 (RetroTech*)
- Cost Cr150*
- Weight: 0.25kg*
- Options
- Comms
- Data Wafer, Cr5
- Software:
- Intelligent Interface, 1, Cr100
- Expert (Engineer), 1, Cr1000
This will give a character with the skill and +1 DM for any task 10+ or lower. This is any Engineer roll, J-Drive, M-Drive et al.
Personal Computer: Advanced Expert Pad
- Hardware
- Manufacture TL12
- Computer/3, TL12
- Cost Cr1000*
- Weight: 0.5kg*
- Options
- Comms
- Data Wafer, Cr5
- Software:
- Intelligent Interface, 1, Cr100
- Expert (Engineer-J-Drive), 2, Cr10,000
As the Expert/2 gives an Engineer-1 skill - this must be specialized. However, this Expert system will give a character with the skill and +1 DM for any task 12+ or lower? It doesn't need to be a J-Drive task. I could be M-Drive task for instance.