Excel Ship Designer v2025.03.06b

New Version 2024.12.25.b

Added Disintegrator spinal mounts from Companion
Changed damage on spinals to xK instead of x1000 so it will fit better in the space in the SSD's
Screens has a custom space so you can define a different type of screen. When filled out, it will appear in the Globe Generator's drop down
Fixed bug where burst lasers on small craft had no range.
New Version 2024.12.25.b

Added Disintegrator spinal mounts from Companion
Changed damage on spinals to xK instead of x1000 so it will fit better in the space in the SSD's
Screens has a custom space so you can define a different type of screen. When filled out, it will appear in the Globe Generator's drop down
Fixed bug where burst lasers on small craft had no range.
Great Christmas present! Thanks!
New Version 2024.12.25c

Bays were not displaying all selections
Custom Hardpoint was not selectable
Longer range small craft weapons no longer benefit from the long range mod. A warning will color the mod field yellow to alert you that the mod might not work.
This is a fantastic piece of work, and thank you. I had worked out a spreadsheet which was under the High Guard rules before the update, which was working well. However when the updated edition came out I didn't have the time (or the energy!) to go through it and check everything for changes, and fix it where it needed. So this version is a great relief.

I've started to transfer some designs onto your version (the 2024.12.25b update) and I have found some issues as I've been going.

Typo on "Hull tab", cell S5. Should read "Cylinder".

Power Plant tab: Power Plant Mods section
The increase in power output having selected "D1 Advanced - Energy Efficient" does not seem to factor in the increased output (plus 10%) on the Power Plant or on the Summary tab.

Furthermore, this is impacted by a change between High Guard 2016 and the updated High Guard 2022 update:
Page 71 of High Guard 2022 (in the customising ships section) states:
"Increased Power: This power plant produces +10% more Power than normal (round up). Increased Power requires two Advantages." (italics mine as this was not present in the 2016 version)

"Energy Efficient" isn't listed against power plants, although "Energy Inefficient" is (as a disadvantage). I suspect this is an error that slipped through proofing as using consistent terms would have been clearer.
Then there's the bit which I've put in italics. Given there are only three advantage 'slots', if Increased Power/Energy Efficient takes up two of them, then only one instance is possible.
Suggest excluding option from the dropdown lists for B13 and B14 so it can only be chosen once (in cell B12).

It looks like Point Defence Batteries (tab 8a-Weapons) are counted towards the number of gunner/crew positions. I don't think this is intended to be the case. High Guard 2022 page 33 states, re Point Defence Batteries:
"This removes the need for separate gunners dedicated to point defence, needing only a command from the bridge to activate when an incoming attack is detected.

I have a couple of thoughts/suggestions for consideration as well, if I may:

On tab 9a-Optional, there is a section for additional airlocks. Is it worth including the option to designate the additional airlocks as Cargo Airlocks, so this is mirrored as such on the summary tab?

Trivial, but is it worth considering including the Hull Points and the Radiation Shielding rating on the summary tab, as well as the SSD?

Lastly, none of the above is intended as any criticism, so I hope you don't take it as such. I know just how much work putting together something like this is, and I am hugely appreciative!
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This is a fantastic piece of work, and thank you. I had worked out a spreadsheet which was under the High Guard rules before the update, which was working well. However when the updated edition came out I didn't have the time (or the energy!) to go through it and check everything for changes, and fix it where it needed. So this version is a great relief.

I've started to transfer some designs onto your version (the 2024.12.25b update) and I have found some issues as I've been going.

Typo on "Hull tab", cell S5. Should read "Cylinder".

Power Plant tab: Power Plant Mods section
The increase in power output having selected "D1 Advanced - Energy Efficient" does not seem to factor in the increased output (plus 10%) on the Power Plant or on the Summary tab.

Furthermore, this is impacted by a change between High Guard 2016 and the updated High Guard 2022 update:
Page 71 of High Guard 2022 (in the customising ships section) states:
"Increased Power: This power plant produces +10% more Power than normal (round up). Increased Power requires two Advantages." (italics mine as this was not present in the 2016 version)

"Energy Efficient" isn't listed against power plants, although "Energy Inefficient" is (as a disadvantage). I suspect this is an error that slipped through proofing as using consistent terms would have been clearer.
Then there's the bit which I've put in italics. Given there are only three advantage 'slots', if Increased Power/Energy Efficient takes up two of them, then only one instance is possible.
Suggest excluding option from the dropdown lists for B13 and B14 so it can only be chosen once (in cell B12).

It looks like Point Defence Batteries (tab 8a-Weapons) are counted towards the number of gunner/crew positions. I don't think this is intended to be the case. High Guard 2022 page 33 states, re Point Defence Batteries:
"This removes the need for separate gunners dedicated to point defence, needing only a command from the bridge to activate when an incoming attack is detected.

I have a couple of thoughts/suggestions for consideration as well, if I may:

On tab 9a-Optional, there is a section for additional airlocks. Is it worth including the option to designate the additional airlocks as Cargo Airlocks, so this is mirrored as such on the summary tab?

Trivial, but is it worth considering including the Hull Points and the Radiation Shielding rating on the summary tab, as well as the SSD?

Lastly, none of the above is intended as any criticism, so I hope you don't take it as such. I know just how much work putting together something like this is, and I am hugely appreciative!
I missed the summary, but it reports on the Power plant page. Adding the mod to a 20-power plant adds 2. The max power increases appropriately.
Point Defense IS subtracted from crew (weapons tab v75)
Other suggestions are implemented.
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New Version: 2024.12.29

Updated Jump/Hop/Skip in the summary to make range clearer.
Added a toggle on the ship info tab to turn on/off mortgage payments
Implemented suggestions from Prodromoi:
Power plant mod changed to Increased Power, counts as two mods
Cylinder hull spelling corrected
Hull points and amount of radiation shielded show on Summary
Added Notes for airlocks, which appear on summary
Point Defense IS subtracted from crew (weapons tab v75)
I see where I made a mistake here. The design I was using to test had a bay weapon and a PDS. I hadn't realised the bay required two gunners (per the chart on p23 of the updated High Guard). The text section about bays omits mention of that, while the barbette section specifically makes mention.

So it was the bay adding a gunner I wasn't expecting, not the PDS! My fault.
I'm transferring another design over and I've hit a snag. Are the Safari-ship holding tanks included on the spreadsheet? If so, how do I correctly include them?

In HG2022 (page 173) the classic Type-K Safari ship has 16 dTons assigned as "Multi-Environment Holding Tanks" and 0.8 dTons as "Multi-Environment Equipment" at a cost of Cr400,000. The text describes it as 2x eight dTon holding tanks.

Page 51 of HG2022 gives the rules for including multi-environment spaces (in short, the tonnage devoted to holding tanks doesn't cost extra money, and you equipment equal to 5% of the holding tank tonnage to run it.

On the spreadsheet I've hit a snag. Tab 11-Staterooms has cell C33 which seems to be the cell to enter the size of the Multi-Environmental space. (There's a pop-up comment to this effect.)

Entering "16" into cell C33 populates the line below. Cell H34 rounds the 0.8 dTons of equipment up to 1 dTon, and costs it out as Cr500,000. So it has calculated the cost from the rounded-up figure of 1 ton. (I don't think rounding up is a problem, as 0.2 dTons isn't much use for anything!. I don't think it is intended to be rounded up however.)

The greater issue is that I cannot see if the "16" entered into C33 is accounted for in the ship's available tonnage. The "unused tonnage" in cell H6 does not deduct the 16 for the holding tanks, it only deducts the 1dTon of (rounded-up) equipment.

On the summary page one sees:
"16x Multi-Environment Space" / 1dTon / Cr500,000

instead of 17 dTons (or 16.8 technically), for the holding tanks plus the equipment to run them.

If I'm correct, the tonnage allocated for the Multi-Environment holding tanks needs to be factored into the "used displacement" calculation (probably in cell H33?) and also fully onto the summary page.

Suggestion: Is it possible to allow for multiple holding tanks? For example, so the Safari ship can have 2 x 8 dTon Multi-environment holding tanks, rather than doing it as a single "16 dTon total"?

Or am I missing it completely and it's there all along? (I've CTRL-F'd across the whole workbook looking for instances of tank, multi and environment in case I've missed it!)

I can allocate those 16 tons as a workound as "Internal Storage Space" on the cargo tab if needed.


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In the last HG, the support equipment was 1 per 20. The formula did not change, so I didn't change the cell... but it appears they moved to NOT require a minimum of one ton. That is fixed now.

Multi-Environment spaces are designated by you from existing spaces. They take up no additional room beyond the support equipment.

In the case of the safari ship tanks, those would be two eight ton cargo bays.

In the next update, I have added descriptors for the cargo bays (somewhat pinkish fields)
The main area for delineating Multi-Environmental Space remains the Description Area (fluff text)

In the last HG, the support equipment was 1 per 20. The formula did not change, so I didn't change the cell... but it appears they moved to NOT require a minimum of one ton. That is fixed now.

Multi-Environment spaces are designated by you from existing spaces. They take up no additional room beyond the support equipment.

In the case of the safari ship tanks, those would be two eight ton cargo bays.

In the next update, I have added descriptors for the cargo bays (somewhat pinkish fields)
The main area for delineating Multi-Environmental Space remains the Description Area (fluff text)

Ah, using the additional cargo bays! I didn't think of that. I felt I must have missed something obvious.

Great stuff, thank you.
After reflection, I have decided that my long held stance on using Fluff Text to define Multi Environmental spaces is lazy.
Next update will allow you to designate which areas are multi-environment. If you bite off more than you can chew (designated ME exceeds built spaces) you'll get an error message... and now I'm realizing I have to go back and let you designate everything in the engineering, bridge, sensors, weapons, and optional tabs too, instead of just the cargo and staterooms I have now... because eventually someone will want to do that...

After reflection, I have decided that my long held stance on using Fluff Text to define Multi Environmental spaces is lazy.
Next update will allow you to designate which areas are multi-environment. If you bite off more than you can chew (designated ME exceeds built spaces) you'll get an error message... and now I'm realizing I have to go back and let you designate everything in the engineering, bridge, sensors, weapons, and optional tabs too, instead of just the cargo and staterooms I have now... because eventually someone will want to do that...
Did I prod the bear? I'm sorry...!


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I teeter between if it's not broken don't break it and stop being so lazy and just make it better, already. Then fix what you broke.
Sometimes it takes a nudge, and sometimes it takes a bus to get pushed over the edge.
Wait until he goes Spring Cleaning all the tables scattered around inside it. ;)
AND this is what it will look like. (just the new stuff is shown)
You can designate all or part of each tab as ME
and there are five user defined labels that you can use instead or as an add-on to all of the above.


Unfortunately, now you really have to scroll down to add an entertainment system or a wet bar.