Excel Ship Designer v2025.02.08

Good morning chief, this is fantastic.
I don't know if it's me opening the sheet in LibreOffice (it shouldn't be) but I can't click on the quantity or tons cells for Fuel/Cargo Container on Sheet 4- Fuel, like they're locked. I can fill in Collapsible and Demountable, but it's the Fuel/Cargo option I'm after...
I have been trying to add the Point Defence Weapons as a User Designed Hardport. The drop down shows X Double Turret as the last value, not the my entered value.
Would it be possible for you to add Point Defence Weapons (High Guard Update 2022, pg. 40) to the spread sheet?


  • Screenshot 2024-02-16 175943.png
    Screenshot 2024-02-16 175943.png
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I've encountered a few issues with the 2023.12.12a version of the sheet:
Tab 1-Hull - "Calculate cost as if module is installed?" (for modular sections) gives a negative cost
Tab 8a-Weapons - The cost and space for small weapon mounts and turrets does not match up with the rules on pg40 HG 2022 at all

Tab 10-Crew - Base Salary for an astrogator is -5000
Tab 12-Cargo - Defaults to having a 100 dton cargo bay
IIRC, Module: That was set up after I made Modules a Type on the info tab. The cost of the module is calculated on a separate spreadsheet, so the base cost is not calculated twice when you click that option.
Astrogator comes up as 5000, as per HG, IF you have an astrogator. The blank sheet does not have an astrogator.
The last one is an accident where I missed zeroing it before saving. You can clear that by setting your master copy to zero and saving it.
The weapons I will check tomorrow. It's midnight here.
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Ugh, I checked a couple of different ships I'd made and they all had -5000 for the astrogator salary... then I realised the "-" was a speck of dust on my screen. I'm sorry for wasting your time with that.
For the small weapons, HG p40 says fixed mounts cost 5000Cr per weapon (plus weapon cost) regards of their size, or 50000Cr for a pop up turret. The sheet appears to be charging 1000Cr per space of weapon or 1000Cr for a 1 dton turret. Also can't create a turret smaller than 1 dton, should be able to have a 0.25 dton turret for weapons that mass less than 250kg. Thanks for looking at this, I know small weapons are not a focus of ship design, but I'm currently recreating a couple of TNE designs that have small weapon mounts.
Also can't create a turret smaller than 1 dton, should be able to have a 0.25 dton turret for weapons that mass less than 250kg. Thanks for looking at this, I know small weapons are not a focus of ship design, but I'm currently recreating a couple of TNE designs that have small weapon mounts.
Too many vehicle sized weapons to list on a ship sheet.
Scroll down. Look below the turret/bay lines.
There is a spot for designating tonnage for small weapon turrets.
Ugh, I checked a couple of different ships I'd made and they all had -5000 for the astrogator salary... then I realised the "-" was a speck of dust on my screen. I'm sorry for wasting your time with that.
For the small weapons, HG p40 says fixed mounts cost 5000Cr per weapon (plus weapon cost) regards of their size, or 50000Cr for a pop up turret. The sheet appears to be charging 1000Cr per space of weapon or 1000Cr for a 1 dton turret. Also can't create a turret smaller than 1 dton, should be able to have a 0.25 dton turret for weapons that mass less than 250kg. Thanks for looking at this, I know small weapons are not a focus of ship design, but I'm currently recreating a couple of TNE designs that have small weapon mounts.
OK. I see what you are saying. The small mounts are compliant with the old second edition HG. I will work on getting that HG2022 compliant.
I’m not sure I’ve seen the newest version(where can I get it?) but one of the problems I had was the version I got would allow for mix weapons in turrets or vehicle weapons for thing like drop ships like say the Venter
The current version is always in the first post of the first page and in the post I release it in. I try to delete the older versions as I go.
What book is the Venter in?
Mixed Turrets will only go in the first three slots. They should be disallowed for small craft.
As stated above, the next release will occur when I fix small weapon mounts to work like the HG update instead of the old version.
The Venter (I might be misspelling that) is from the LBB Spinward Marches Adventure it’s one of the imperiums none jump marine transport carrying both Tanks and APCs as well as ground support weapons as well as starship weapons. I doubt it will get converted but the concept of support weapons on ships are mentioned in Highguard
The current version is always in the first post of the first page and in the post I release it in. I try to delete the older versions as I go.
What book is the Venter in?
Mixed Turrets will only go in the first three slots. They should be disallowed for small craft.
As stated above, the next release will occur when I fix small weapon mounts to work like the HG update instead of the old version.
when I click on the link i get this message "This content is no longer available"