Arthas the Lich King
I would like to see some of your guy's character concepts. Like actually type out your character...I myself just got into the conan rpg and made a 1st level cimmerian barbarian (yeah yeah). Dont be shy.
sanseveria said:Stygian Scholar L5. No one seems to trust him, or like him for that matter. He's been sucking up to the thief lately, but has yet to declare his intentions. So far the party has tolerated his presence (in spite of his obvious evil nature) simply because his healing skills are second to none. This character is annoying, obnoxious and has become a pain in the butt to most other PC's. I think it's only a matter of time before he becomes a floormat.
Wicked Tinker said:While I have not played in a campaign yet, I find it difficult to see how a scholar can fit into your typical adventuring party. No Cimmerian worth his salt would trust a "scholar." Nor, I would imagine, would most characters. How do you GM's get scholars to fit into our group's parties?
Belkregos said:him and I made him a Cimmerian on 2 same story just a little tweak, he’s a cold blooded bastard! :twisted:
One of the games is on line, check it out
sanseveria said:Well I don't have a character, because I'm the GM. However, if I may, I'll give you a quick run down of the characters in my party. At the moment most if not all the names elude me.
Aquilonian Noble L6. This character has turned out to be a good great sword weilding, fully armored warrior. He's also been appointed the leader of the group. He's also a bit of a charmer with the ladies. He comes from a minor noble house in aquilonia but up till now we have yet to detail the house. He's just received the enhanced leadership feat, so we'll be fleshing it out soon. The party is currently in Shem so their ain't no big rush."
.....well speaking as a dead Aquilonian Noble named "Karmyrius" by the way, the question is... "Do you know who I am?"
Probably not as I am now dead... all good things must come to an end. But that's what happens when only half the group shows up for the session..... "BY CROM!!!"
All of a sudden appears a Bossonian archer... in battle he joins them... "You seem trust worthy" they say... and here we go again...
Donato da Marcello, the former heir to the Duke da Marcello, was once one of the most promising squires in the service of the house of da Lugo. He was dutiful, he was handsome, he was charming and when he held his arming sword it seemed that no one but Set himself could stand in his way. It was not long before he recieved the special favor of Gustavo, the Duke da Lugo himself, who took on Donato as his personal squire. With this feather in his cap it seemed that Donato was well on his way to becomming one of the most renowned knights in all of Zingara and he lorded it over the other squires.
Alas, it was not to be. Young Donato was caught in flagrante delicto engaging in immoral acts with the Duke da Lugo by one of the Duke's own sons. The Duke's death at the hands of assassins soon afterwards spared his reputation from the worst of the scandal, but Donato's was not so lucky. The squires that he had so recently dominated turned on him with a vengance and made Donato's life a living hell. The boldest of his tormentors were maimed on the dueling field but that only seemed to encourage the rest and Donato was soon forced to return in disgrace to the da Marcello estates.
Back at home, Donato honed his fighting skills with his father's master-at-arms and as time passed be began to think that he had lived down his shameful behavior. But no sooner did the hopeful heir da Marcello present himself to the royal court then Estavo da Terrena, the court's wit, quipped that Donato had better shut his arrogant mouth or he would "take his sword and shove it somewhere even da Lugo never found." For this offense, Donato cut down the unarmed Estavo before countless witnesses.
Before news of his crime could the da Marcello estates, Marcello fled home and relieved his aged father of the da Marcello's ancestral Akbitanan blade, Widow's Wail, and continued southwards in his flight from justice. It was not truly theft, for his father was too old to make use of so fine a blade and, despite his crime, Donato was the eldest of the da Marcello hiers and by far the finest swordsman.
Donato made his way to Shem and tried to make his reputation as a sellsword. Sadly, skills hard-learned on the practice field did not serve him as well on the field of battle and served him even less well in the backstreets of Khem. The naive Donato was soon reduced to an impoverished drunken failure and found himself forced to serve as an enforcer for a Shemite loanshark and engage in less savory acts in order to make ends meet. But even when things seemed darkest, Donato always kept Widow's Wail sharp and never considered selling it.
And it is Widow's Wail that Donato credits with his redemption. One night his Shemite employer plied him with sweet wine, in hopes of getting him drunk enough to make off with Widow's Wail. But even while drunk, Donato's reflexes were still sharper than those of the Shemite and he drove Widow's Wail into his employers guts and then fled northwards one step ahead of the Shemite's business associates.
On the docks of Messantia, Donato signed on as a guard on the Argossean galleon, The Pride of Messantia. But before embarking, Donato swore on his sword that from hencefroth he would always act in a manner worthy of his blade and that he would bring nothing but honor to his lineage. He hopes that in the Black Kingdoms, he will finally be able to outrun his disgrace and write red tales of heroics with Widow's Wail as his quill. For the first time in years, Donato feels hope for the future, yet his old demons still haunt him...
Donato is a strikingly handsome Zingaran of the purest noble blood. He has knife-sharp brown eyes set in a fair but angular face which is graced with a waxed moustache and topped by greased black hair. His frame is long and lean and moves with the graceful gait of a trained duelist. He is currently dressed in worn and travel-stained Zingaran finery and is never seen without his Akbitanan arming sword, Widow's Wail, in his hand or sheathed at his hip.