Everybody's Character

I would like to see some of your guy's character concepts. Like actually type out your character...I myself just got into the conan rpg and made a 1st level cimmerian barbarian (yeah yeah). Dont be shy.
Belkregos, aka. El Azul, aka. The Blue Bastard
Hyperorian Barbarian/Soldier

Belkregos grew up outside the safety of the great hyperborean city walls, life was a constant struggle against the bitter cold and the barbarian hordes that periodically would come and try to raid his village, the villagers were good at defending their homes they would organize and turn back the barbarians and even attack their encampment when possible but even when the barbarians where able to penetrate their defenses they would leave enough for the village to survive, Belkregos joined the village militia as soon as he could pick up a sword, but even if his village was in constant battle with the Nordic barbarians there was a grudging respect between the two peoples, it was understood that each side did what they needed to survive, life was harsh out here and there where hard choices to be made.

The Hyperborean army did not think this way, they wanted the raiding barbarians gone and the way they saw things, the village only served as a supply post for the raiding barbarians, the village was not productive enough and too far for the army to protect it properly, they ordered the villagers to move closer to the main city, assuring them they could rebuilt closer to the city and when some of the families refused, the army threatened to torched the village leaving them no choice but to move, some villagers left but some decided to defend their homes; the hyperborean army’s forces were overwhelming, Belkregos was one of the few to survive the ensuing battle but that did not mean their life was spared they still had to survive the bitter winter, with out supplies, a slow death awaited them, they were wanted by the army and could not go to the city, it seamed that they would die of starvation and hypothermia.

Those who have had to endure the northern winter know that people do not survive on their own, winter is a time to set differences aside and do what is needed to survive, at least that was the way the northern raiders traditions spoke, the northerners were hit by the Hyperborian army as well and were also struggling to survive, everybody’s effort was needed and that is what they did, they worked together to survive, after the winter broke only the strongest had survived, it was a bitter season, family and old friends were dead their homes burned to the ground.

The few northerners and militia that survived banded together to make the army pay, with nothing left to call a home they started attacking the hyperborean army’s outposts, attacking and running, luring the soldiers to traps and making example of the soldiers that would follow blindly some heartless orders to kill its own people.
It worked for a while but when the army mounted a full expedition to get rid of the raiders they decided to disband, each one would go its own way, some of them would be caught but some would get away.
Such is the way of the frozen waste, the strong would survive.

Belkregos decided to go south and eventually joined a new mercenary company that was being formed in Yezud Zamora, charged with preventing Turanian raid parties from crossing the kezankian mountains, he was one of the youngest soldiers to join but he could hold his own, and when he saw all the signs of the tricks he learned up north, now it was his company being lured in to a trap, he warned the mercenary commander but he would not listen, on the ensuing battle his company was disseminated, Belkregos took a defensive position but there was only so much he could do, more experienced men fell and he could only fight for his life, when all seamed lost there was a break and a way to escape, he took what he could, weapons and some provisions from a dead horse and made his escape, by the time he broke from the battle field, the Turanians were already celebrating their victory,
Belkregos returned to Yezud where the mercenary company first gathered but he found only indifference from his Zamoran employers and learned that this was a regular occurrence, the Zamoran officials would contract a new mercenary band and send it to a known Turanian bandit stronghold, they figure this would reduce the number of bandits and they would only have to pay the surviving mercenaries; now that the company was gone Belkregos made his way to Shadizar and now is looking for new opportunities.
wow, sounds like you've put alot into your character. I myself have made a typical cimmerian barbarian. but only because i made the character just after watching the movie and wanted a pc who really kicks a*s! Plus their versatility ability is really nifty!
Yea, I always play this character, some times a variation of him, some times Cimmerian, I was DMing for a long time and he was an NPC but he got along well with the PC’s and I liked him so I started looking for games to play him in, im now playing in 3 games with him and I made him a Cimmerian on 2 same story just a little tweak, he’s a cold blooded bastard! :twisted:
One of the games is on line, check it out

Well I don't have a character, because I'm the GM. However, if I may, I'll give you a quick run down of the characters in my party. At the moment most if not all the names elude me.

Aquilonian Noble L6. This character has turned out to be a good great sword weilding, fully armored warrior. He's also been appointed the leader of the group. He's also a bit of a charmer with the ladies. He comes from a minor noble house in aquilonia but up till now we have yet to detail the house. He's just received the enhanced leadership feat, so we'll be fleshing it out soon. The party is currently in Shem so their ain't no big rush.

Cimmerian barbarian L5. this is your typical, run of the mill Conanesque barbarian. Mixes fighting with a bardish with two sword fighting well. This PC rolled amazing ability scores so has turned out to be the raging front lines type dude. However, he has been cursed with falling in battle on a fairly regular basis.

Nordemeir Barbarian L5. This character is very cautious however he's a capable fighter, although a little inconsistent. He distrusts the Cimmerian, but after a few adventures together, he's developped a respect for him. Has very questionable morales.

Nordemeir Barbarian L1/ Soldier L5. This is the other guy's cousin. Probably the best overall fighter in the group. Another womanizer. He and the noble tend to compete for strange women's affections. He also has a great ego, when it comes to his fighting prowess, and it has gotten him in may bar brawls and pit fights.

Zamorian Thief L6. He's quick as lightning and deadly with a blade, if not a little cowardly. Unlike Robin Hood, he steals from everyone (including the rest of the party) and keeps to himself. He's a decent shot with a bow, but has yet to master a special (exotic) bow. His sneak attacks and flank attacks (when he sticks around long enough to use them) have become near lengendary.

Stygian Scholar L5. No one seems to trust him, or like him for that matter. He's been sucking up to the thief lately, but has yet to declare his intentions. So far the party has tolerated his presence (in spite of his obvious evil nature) simply because his healing skills are second to none. This character is annoying, obnoxious and has become a pain in the butt to most other PC's. I think it's only a matter of time before he becomes a floormat.
sanseveria said:
Stygian Scholar L5. No one seems to trust him, or like him for that matter. He's been sucking up to the thief lately, but has yet to declare his intentions. So far the party has tolerated his presence (in spite of his obvious evil nature) simply because his healing skills are second to none. This character is annoying, obnoxious and has become a pain in the butt to most other PC's. I think it's only a matter of time before he becomes a floormat.

While I have not played in a campaign yet, I find it difficult to see how a scholar can fit into your typical adventuring party. No Cimmerian worth his salt would trust a "scholar." Nor, I would imagine, would most characters. How do you GM's get scholars to fit into our group's parties?
I don't allow scholars as PCs. The game's tone is really set when everything is settled with steel, with not a 'cleric' in sight.

I'm also of the opinion that sorcery should only be used sparringly, and used to show a great evil, sick mind. Sorcerors make awesome villians!
Injinashi Khaguran Morokha Shiraghul

A hyrkanian nomad (lvl 3), skilled with a bow and no stranger to combat.

He left his clan in northern Hyrkania, seeking to recover a long-lost tribal standard and end his family's disgrace.

He is rather laid back and does not understand his comrades' inclination to walk everywhere. In combat, he supports the melee fighters, using his tulwar when pressed.

Memorable quotes:

[to the zamoran male thief]
"Ah, red silk. The color of whores. You wear it..."

[to the zamoran male thief]
"Ah yes. Zamora is a fine country. It is where we Hyrkanian's keep our slaves until they are old enough to serve properly..."

[to the zamoran male thief]
"You look familiar. Didn't I own your mother?"
Hadram - a 3rd level Turanian Nomad. he was captured by slavers and escaped with his current adventuring band, ending up in Zamboula. After some hijinks there him and his group are in Arenjun looking for payback on the guy that captured them to be sold in slavery.

His character sheet (Word format) can be downloaded here: http://www.angelfire.com/scifi/geekdom/documents/hadram.zip
Wicked Tinker said:
While I have not played in a campaign yet, I find it difficult to see how a scholar can fit into your typical adventuring party. No Cimmerian worth his salt would trust a "scholar." Nor, I would imagine, would most characters. How do you GM's get scholars to fit into our group's parties?

No scholar worth his salt would ever let a Cimmerian know that he's a scholar... ;)
Belkregos said:
him and I made him a Cimmerian on 2 same story just a little tweak, he’s a cold blooded bastard! :twisted:
One of the games is on line, check it out


Aye and in that game, I am the GM. :)

Here is a bit more on Freya, the Aesir barbarian chick from Conan: Throne of Blood.

Freya grew up in a village that bordered Asgard and Cimmeria. She was the only child of a Aesir metalsmith and a herbalist. Her parents were well regarded in their village. Her father crafted many fine arms and armor for the village, both for hunting and for warfare with the Vanir, Cimmerians, Picts and others that threatened their village. Her mother was a bit of a herbalist and general healer and helped out when needed for nursing and whatnot. Freya’s father trained her mother and her on how to fight with a sword should that need ever arise. Sometimes it did when the Vanir or other barbarian tribes threatened their village with war. As she developed into womanhood, Freya became very skilled with swords and showed more of a warrior spirit and even learned some smithing skills from her father, helping him in his forge after her studies with the blade and other typical duties for one of the Aesir blood. Freya enjoyed learning about sword crafting and metalsmithing and excelled in battle compared to many of the young men her age. She was encouraged by her father to become better than the boys who teased her in her village and soon bested many of them in personal combat. Soon after that the young men of the village began to respect her more as a warrior than as a woman who was to keep hearth and home. She joined them on their raids against the Vanir and fought along side them with the Cimmerians against the Pictish hordes that came to rape and pillage their village. By the age of 19, still a pure virgin, but well on her way into the ways of warriorhood, Freya was given a finely crafted war sword by her father as a gift for her birthday. She blooded that blade well as shortly after receiving it a dark cloud came over her life as her village was assaulted by a large raiding party of Vanir with some Hyborbean allies. Her parents and most of the village fought very bravely, with Freya in the midst, she hacked and hewed many a red haired youth who thought they could take her and use her as they willed. Alas, she couldn’t stop them from killing her parents and burning her village. She barely escaped with her own life and nearly died of her wounds, as she laid under a pile of corpses pretending to be dead. She still held her birthday gift from her father when she limped out of the burning and pillaged mess that was once her home. She fled to a storage cave in some hills nearby. There she had only rested one night when a couple of Vanir who were robbing the corpses of her village, followed her blood trail to the cave and nearly took her by surprise. She fought them off and slew them, taking their gear and mounts and fled Asgard for several years. She went into Cimmeria and joined a band of Cimmerians for awhile, helping them in their raids and campaigns, before moving onward and continuing her journey through other realms. Her adventures have taken her into far off places never seen by her people. She has sold her sword arm and skills to many, eventually traveling from Shem to Zamoria looking for more high adventure. On the road to Shadizar she was ambushed by Turan slavers and helped by a group of adventurers.......leading her to the current story.....
sanseveria said:
Well I don't have a character, because I'm the GM. However, if I may, I'll give you a quick run down of the characters in my party. At the moment most if not all the names elude me.

Aquilonian Noble L6. This character has turned out to be a good great sword weilding, fully armored warrior. He's also been appointed the leader of the group. He's also a bit of a charmer with the ladies. He comes from a minor noble house in aquilonia but up till now we have yet to detail the house. He's just received the enhanced leadership feat, so we'll be fleshing it out soon. The party is currently in Shem so their ain't no big rush."

.....well speaking as a dead Aquilonian Noble named "Karmyrius" by the way, the question is... "Do you know who I am?"
Probably not as I am now dead... all good things must come to an end. But that's what happens when only half the group shows up for the session..... "BY CROM!!!"
All of a sudden appears a Bossonian archer... in battle he joins them... "You seem trust worthy" they say... and here we go again...
Mijoro's nomad, Hadram and my thief, Tiberias (aka Arcavius) are in the same free company of mercenaries.

Tiberias tries to pass himself off as the highborn son of a wealthy merchant who took up as a rapscallion out of boredom. In reality Tiberias is the base-born illegitimate son of a whore and one of her many customers who spent his youth as a cutpurse and sneak-thief.

He was pressed into service by aboard the Zingaran pirate vessel, The Ill Wind, as a lad of 15 and, eventually, wormed his way from the lowly position of galley slave to cabin boy for the captain through his conniving ways and by engineering the accidental drowning of the previous cabin boy.

This eventually afforded him the opportunity slit the throat of the drunken, slumbering captain one night and slip off of the ship with his former captain's jewelry, loose coins, and weapons.

After spending most of this coin on wine, women and song, Tiberias took up as a sell sword and came into the company of Akriphon, Hadram and Ebola.
Well, I'm another DM, so I'll only describe the weirdest character alliance I have in my party... :P

Stygian Scholar / Darfari Barbarian

After being freed from slavery by the scholar the Darfari Barbarian just stayed with him so he could pay him his debt ! Short story, but there is more background to both of'em !

And I also have, of course, a Cimmerian Barbarian !
Well in my group I have

Ovardius - Nemedian Scholar
Calliope - Corinthian Thief/Pirate
Chunder - Shemite Noble, Soldier
Bovril the Obligatory Cimmerian Barbarian - So Far he has failed to notice the Scholar is a sorceror as he Fainted when they encountered a minor monster so didn't see his defensive blast....
My Zingaran noble/soldier/thief (from abortive online game :( want to get a chance to play him)

Donato da Marcello, the former heir to the Duke da Marcello, was once one of the most promising squires in the service of the house of da Lugo. He was dutiful, he was handsome, he was charming and when he held his arming sword it seemed that no one but Set himself could stand in his way. It was not long before he recieved the special favor of Gustavo, the Duke da Lugo himself, who took on Donato as his personal squire. With this feather in his cap it seemed that Donato was well on his way to becomming one of the most renowned knights in all of Zingara and he lorded it over the other squires.

Alas, it was not to be. Young Donato was caught in flagrante delicto engaging in immoral acts with the Duke da Lugo by one of the Duke's own sons. The Duke's death at the hands of assassins soon afterwards spared his reputation from the worst of the scandal, but Donato's was not so lucky. The squires that he had so recently dominated turned on him with a vengance and made Donato's life a living hell. The boldest of his tormentors were maimed on the dueling field but that only seemed to encourage the rest and Donato was soon forced to return in disgrace to the da Marcello estates.

Back at home, Donato honed his fighting skills with his father's master-at-arms and as time passed be began to think that he had lived down his shameful behavior. But no sooner did the hopeful heir da Marcello present himself to the royal court then Estavo da Terrena, the court's wit, quipped that Donato had better shut his arrogant mouth or he would "take his sword and shove it somewhere even da Lugo never found." For this offense, Donato cut down the unarmed Estavo before countless witnesses.

Before news of his crime could the da Marcello estates, Marcello fled home and relieved his aged father of the da Marcello's ancestral Akbitanan blade, Widow's Wail, and continued southwards in his flight from justice. It was not truly theft, for his father was too old to make use of so fine a blade and, despite his crime, Donato was the eldest of the da Marcello hiers and by far the finest swordsman.

Donato made his way to Shem and tried to make his reputation as a sellsword. Sadly, skills hard-learned on the practice field did not serve him as well on the field of battle and served him even less well in the backstreets of Khem. The naive Donato was soon reduced to an impoverished drunken failure and found himself forced to serve as an enforcer for a Shemite loanshark and engage in less savory acts in order to make ends meet. But even when things seemed darkest, Donato always kept Widow's Wail sharp and never considered selling it.

And it is Widow's Wail that Donato credits with his redemption. One night his Shemite employer plied him with sweet wine, in hopes of getting him drunk enough to make off with Widow's Wail. But even while drunk, Donato's reflexes were still sharper than those of the Shemite and he drove Widow's Wail into his employers guts and then fled northwards one step ahead of the Shemite's business associates.

On the docks of Messantia, Donato signed on as a guard on the Argossean galleon, The Pride of Messantia. But before embarking, Donato swore on his sword that from hencefroth he would always act in a manner worthy of his blade and that he would bring nothing but honor to his lineage. He hopes that in the Black Kingdoms, he will finally be able to outrun his disgrace and write red tales of heroics with Widow's Wail as his quill. For the first time in years, Donato feels hope for the future, yet his old demons still haunt him...

Donato is a strikingly handsome Zingaran of the purest noble blood. He has knife-sharp brown eyes set in a fair but angular face which is graced with a waxed moustache and topped by greased black hair. His frame is long and lean and moves with the graceful gait of a trained duelist. He is currently dressed in worn and travel-stained Zingaran finery and is never seen without his Akbitanan arming sword, Widow's Wail, in his hand or sheathed at his hip.
Another guy and I alternate GMing...he does an arc, then I do one that continues, then he goes. We have some interesting characters.

My main guy is Gottiskolker, a Hyperborean barbarian who talks like Drago from Rocky IV. He's very violent and stubborn and considers the whole party his slaves. He also thinks he's the future king of Hyperborea, and tells anyone who will listen.

Mister T'cules is a Southern Black Kingdom Barbarian/Borderer who was born from a conversation describing how cool it would have been if Mr. T had played Hercules in a movie (don't ask). Imagine B.A. Baracus meets Hyboria.

Then there's Chu'ba'kah the Southen Islander pirate who has huge, long dreadlocks, no tongue, and is illiterate. He communicates with a serious of rude gestures and through interpretive dance. His universal greeting/sign of dirision/taunt is the 'penis waggle'. He also once de-flowered the virgin sacrifice of a priest to disrupt the ritual while the rest of us were fighting and once raped and then ate a chimpanzee. A truly unique character.
He also once de-flowered the virgin sacrifice of a priest to disrupt the ritual while the rest of us were fighting and once raped and then ate a chimpanzee. A truly unique character.:shock: :shock:
Currently in our campaign we have *cue theme music*

Wulfhere, a Pirate/Barbarian who recently wandered south from Vanaheim, only to be caught by Zingaran forces and sold into slavey for piracy.

Sylvaro, a Zingaran thief who was on the wrong side of a local "disagreement" between rival Zingaran barons; Sylvaro was sold with servitude...

Ahma'te Nabtawi, a Stygian scholar who covers his sorcerous studies behind his medical skills; he ended up on sold into slavery after one of his patients disappeared; when her body was found, it was discovered that she was the noble-born daughter of Ahma'te's closest rival in Kheshatta...

The characters met aboard the Zingaran slave-carrack, escaped and made it back onto the mainland...