Does Mongoose have any plans for Legend?

Now, before anybody jumps up about this :)

There is a Legend book on the design schedule for this year, but it is a bit tentative so I did not want to get anyone's hopes up by posting it, and then having to remove it.

But we have not forgotten Legend by any means.
msprange said:
Now, before anybody jumps up about this :)

There is a Legend book on the design schedule for this year, but it is a bit tentative so I did not want to get anyone's hopes up by posting it, and then having to remove it.

But we have not forgotten Legend by any means.
So there is a single book on the waiting list or more than one? Just curious what the flow might be like in 2017 as well as the last few months of 2016. :D
Hi Folks,

I've released my scenario, Bedlam in Blackcliffe on Drivethru RPG for those of you that haven't seen the original post. Link in the OP and my sig.

Have fun!
There is no mention at all of Legend in the Mongoose State of the Nation from Matt. I have asked if there is a plan, what the plan is over on the General Discussion part and I hope Matt will tell us what's going to happen with the books that are meant to be in a queue to be published.

There is a lot happening with Mythras, which is like Legend, and that is great. But it seems to me that if Mongoose does not support Legend like it supports Traveler and Paranoia then Legend will just die off. Matt does say that Mongoose doesn't need to care about what other companies are doing with their games, and I understand that, but if other companies are going to take your customers away because they support their games, like Mythras does, then I think you should care. I don't want to see Legend die.

Anyway I hope there'll be some news.
Matt has said there is a lot he wants to do with Legend, but there are too many other priorities, like Traveler and Paranoia, to make any plans right now. It is something I suppose, but it is a shame it was not made mention of in the State of the Nation address. I think it is a shame that there are books waiting there to be worked on, but not enough hands or time to do that work. Maybe its me but I feel that in a year's time, the situation may not have changed much.

My current campaign is Legend and it will be ending soon. We shall have a break and will be playing Fate, then it will be my turn again. I think it will be a Mythras campaign because I don't see much future in Legend. I hope things might change much sooner.
Ok Guys & Gals, I had a read of the State of the Mongoose and yes, unfortunately, Legend appears to be taking a back seat to Traveller and Paranoia.

Given the re-structuring that has taken place with Mongoose this, why not want Legend fans would like, is completely understandable. Matt and the much smaller team must focus on the product lines that return the best bang for their buck, i.e. the higher sales volume, more profitable lines. I took a look at the sales of Arcania of Legend: Elementalism and it has sold (e-book only) a little shy of 200 copies in 3 years with the highest volume in it's first 3 months of release. For a professional publisher, I would assume that is not a great number. If other Legend titles sell similar volumes it's not difficult to understand why it has become something of a "we'll-fit-it-in-when-we-can" product line.

As an indication look at the traffic on the forums, activity on the Traveller forum is significantly higher than the Legend forum. If I were a professional publisher it's where I'd be spending my time and money to be honest.

I think Mongoose will still support Legend, albeit at a slower rate than its stablemates.

In the new year I'll be finishing and submitting my Cities of Legend title to Matt (unless there is an official announcement that would cause me to re-consider), I also have an idea I'd like to pitch to him for Legend. I'll also be publishing my own (and perhaps others) work independently for Legend. The sales of my scenario; Bedlam in Blackcliffe have been very poor, no doubt for a number of reasons, if any of you would care to provide some feedback on my original thread it would be most welcome, particularly in regards to what you guys want!
I suspect you are right Damonjynx, and it is simply not cost effective for Mongoose to devote time to Legend titles. This is obvious and understandable. But my grumble is that Matt did not say so in the State of Nation address, which is a bit hard on the patient Legend fans. Yet when I asked the question directly Matt says there ARE plans when we get round to them, which is again not very fair on Legend fans. It is the fairness I'm grumbling about. The economics I get. I just wish there was more openness. Without it then Legend becomes a dead line except for the efforts of people like you who support the game with what they do on their own.

It is a shame I think. I won't wait any more for news of Legend releases. Just this weekend there are two new things for Mithras so that's where I shall watch now. If Legend books happen, then they happen, but I will not be holding my breath for any of them. Quite sad about this.

Thank you all.
Yes, it is a shame Matt didn't devote any of his State of the Mongoose to Legend. A paragraph outlining the fact there are titles in the works and plans to continue developing titles for Legend would've been nice and really all that's required to satisfy fans that the line would continue. I understand your frustration Carew. Mythras is a great system - Loz and Pete have some really good products in the line. I'm going to stick with doing stuff for Legend though, solely because it is OGL and I can publish anything I like independently without getting a sign-off from the Design Mechanism, not that I'm saying Loz & Pete would refuse a 3rd party publisher to advertise their product is compatible with Mythras (obviously they would if it was rubbish) just that it's another step in the process...

Sounds like Matt has lost another customer, which is a shame.
Prime_Evil said:
With all of these recent posts, it sounds like the band is back together. Now we just need some new products to fire up everyone's enthusiasm :D
I'm in conversation with someone.
Watch this space next year. It could get interesting ...
Prime_Evil said:
Care to say more? :lol:

Let's just say, I think you'll be seeing some independently released stuff, i.e. non-core Legend product, sometime in the latter half of next year :wink:
That's good to hear! I have a setting that is being edited after some great advice was provided over on the Legend Google+ group. As I'm sure everyone is aware, art is expensive to come by at an affordable cost.

It strikes me that independent releases may be the best way to go forward. Thank goodness for the OGL License.
warlock1971 said:
That's good to hear! I have a setting that is being edited after some great advice was provided over on the Legend Google+ group. As I'm sure everyone is aware, art is expensive to come by at an affordable cost.

It strikes me that independent releases may be the best way to go forward. Thank goodness for the OGL License.

It's the main reason I'm sticking with Legend rather than going to Mythras.

Can you PM me a short synopsis/blurb of your setting please. I'd hate to develop what I have in mind only to find you've already done it or something so similar as to not make a difference :wink:
DamonJynx said:
warlock1971 said:
That's good to hear! I have a setting that is being edited after some great advice was provided over on the Legend Google+ group. As I'm sure everyone is aware, art is expensive to come by at an affordable cost.

It strikes me that independent releases may be the best way to go forward. Thank goodness for the OGL License.

It's the main reason I'm sticking with Legend rather than going to Mythras.

Can you PM me a short synopsis/blurb of your setting please. I'd hate to develop what I have in mind only to find you've already done it or something so similar as to not make a difference :wink:

Absolutely, will send along soon.