Does Mongoose have any plans for Legend?


The title sort of says it, but are there any plans for new rules, other updates to the game systems or new settings? Things seem a little dry here, and that is bad because I really like the system.
A number of new Legend books have been submitted to Mongoose for editing and there are others at various stages of development. However, it looks like the available resources are currently tied up with the reboot of Traveller, so progressing them through the production queue is problematic at the moment. Matt has indicated that he would like to get a couple of new Legend books out, but doesn't know exactly when the backlog will clear at this point. There are no Legend books listed on the upcoming releases schedule at the moment, but that is probably because Mongoose doesn't want to disappoint people if delays occur. We've been told that the product line isn't dead (yet!), but there is official word on what the future plans for Legend might be. This is a shame, because we are heading into a bumper release season for d100 games and Mongoose is conspicuous by its absence - on the horizon, we've got Call of Cthulhu 7e from Chaosium, Mythras from Design Mechanism, a new edition of Runequest, a reworked version of Magic World....but nothing for Legend :(
Which is a pity, because I have submitted two spectacular Legend sourcebooks, and a follow-up adventure.

But it is a big backlog, since Traveller is a world-recognised product, whereas Legend is not.

Prime_Evil said:
A number of new Legend books have been submitted to Mongoose for editing and there are others at various stages of development. However, it looks like the available resources are currently tied up with the reboot of Traveller, so progressing them through the production queue is problematic at the moment. Matt has indicated that he would like to get a couple of new Legend books out, but doesn't know exactly when the backlog will clear at this point. There are no Legend books listed on the upcoming releases schedule at the moment, but that is probably because Mongoose doesn't want to disappoint people if delays occur. We've been told that the product line isn't dead (yet!), but there is official word on what the future plans for Legend might be. This is a shame, because we are heading into a bumper release season for d100 games and Mongoose is conspicuous by its absence - on the horizon, we've got Call of Cthulhu 7e from Chaosium, Mythras from Design Mechanism, a new edition of Runequest, a reworked version of Magic World....but nothing for Legend :(

I understand Re: Traveller, and that Legend has a much smaller market share. I just really like the system, and as a loyal customer, I hope it doesn't just die on the vine--but it sort of looks that way right now.
alex_greene said:
Which is a pity, because I have submitted two spectacular Legend sourcebooks, and a follow-up adventure.

But it is a big backlog, since Traveller is a world-recognised product, whereas Legend is not.


Since Traveller IS such a famous name, I suspect the backlog will be around for some time.
The thing that I find really discouraging is that Mongoose won't even mention the books that are in the queue. I can see not announcing a release date, but at least tell us what is sitting there. Like we have a book of adventures, a new arcania magic book, etc.
One thing that would be useful is a list of products in production for Legend. Even if the release dates are TBC, it would give us some reassurance that there is some movement for the product line. I can understand Mongoose's position regarding the new release of Traveller, but some info regarding their other systems would be pretty nice.

Maybe Mongoose could separate their upcoming release schedule by product line? That may help.
i agree with all of this. The extended period of silence is frustrating. I know that Legend is not generating the kind of revenue that the Traveller licence does, but it would be nice to have an acknowledgement that future products are still coming!

Also, remember that Mongoose also has the products associated with the Paranoia kickstarter somewhere in the product backlog...
Prime_Evil said:
i agree with all of this. The extended period of silence is frustrating. I know that Legend is not generating the kind of revenue that the Traveller licence does, but it would be nice to have an acknowledgement that future products are still coming!

They are in the works!

However, we really art flat out right now.
Thanks, Matthew.

Any plans for doing a Community Project like TAS but for Legend? It might offer an incentive for new writers to post first-time D100 material like my fan articles on carbide weapons, reptilians, Creations and alchemical preparations, and of course adventures like my orcish escapade The Blood Path which I co-wrote with Jim Abbott. Legend material would still be coming out through Drivethru, and as it is being done through Mongoose the company would be able to say that it is an outlet for Legend books and adventures.
alex_greene said:
Thanks, Matthew.

Any plans for doing a Community Project like TAS but for Legend? It might offer an incentive for new writers to post first-time D100 material like my fan articles on carbide weapons, reptilians, Creations and alchemical preparations, and of course adventures like my orcish escapade The Blood Path which I co-wrote with Jim Abbott. Legend material would still be coming out through Drivethru, and as it is being done through Mongoose the company would be able to say that it is an outlet for Legend books and adventures.

No plans as yet, but if we went for a general relaunch of Legend... well, never say never!
msprange said:
alex_greene said:
Thanks, Matthew.

Any plans for doing a Community Project like TAS but for Legend? It might offer an incentive for new writers to post first-time D100 material like my fan articles on carbide weapons, reptilians, Creations and alchemical preparations, and of course adventures like my orcish escapade The Blood Path which I co-wrote with Jim Abbott. Legend material would still be coming out through Drivethru, and as it is being done through Mongoose the company would be able to say that it is an outlet for Legend books and adventures.

No plans as yet, but if we went for a general relaunch of Legend... well, never say never!

You, sir, are a tease!

Well folks, it's been a while since I contributed to, and in fact, visited this forum. Its good to be back. Speaking of which, I am also back to work on a Legend product which has languished in a forgotten folder of my Mac for quite sometime! I will also be releasing via Drivethru RPG, a short adventure, something along the lines of the old D20 Dungeon Delves by WoTC, and 1 Page 1 Shots from Pinnacle for Savage Worlds. It just needs a minor re-write and the map re-done (I'm not particularly happy with it) as it was written specifically for the Elric of Melnibone game and I don't want to get sued by the current licence holders or Mongoose for copyright infringement!
DamonJynx said:
Well folks, it's been a while since I contributed to, and in fact, visited this forum. Its good to be back. Speaking of which, I am also back to work on a Legend product which has languished in a forgotten folder of my Mac for quite sometime! I will also be releasing via Drivethru RPG, a short adventure, something along the lines of the old D20 Dungeon Delves by WoTC, and 1 Page 1 Shots from Pinnacle for Savage Worlds. It just needs a minor re-write and the map re-done (I'm not particularly happy with it) as it was written specifically for the Elric of Melnibone game and I don't want to get sued by the current licence holders or Mongoose for copyright infringement!

Where's the Thumbs Up button on this forum....? Lol :)
I'll probably release my little adventure first as it requires less work. I't may need a little more than a minor re-write as planned. I'm thinking just some basic background to put things in context, as the villian's motivations and locations as originally written were familiar to anyone who used the Elric setting. It will also contain a new cult and a couple of new spells…
Good to see you back. And I hope that you can release your adventure. Are you thinking of doing it through Mongoose or as an independent work?
With all of these recent posts, it sounds like the band is back together. Now we just need some new products to fire up everyone's enthusiasm :D