Dirty secrets of Babylon5

lastbesthope said:
Maybe the loos have gone co-ed after the signs get put up?

Maybe the woman thought Ivanova was in the ladies and didn't want to risk it?


I figure she really had to go and didn't care which one she ended up in. :)

You lot are R E A L L Y ....unprintable.
Nie to know that theres public loos. Wonder if that is part of the guided tour.
As for sonic showers, quartrs in downbelow have 50% chance of one and 50% chance of water(or was it power). Brown sector has 90% chance of shower.

There is no mention of toilets in the quarters, or would this come under adjustments for alternate atmospheres.
Barbara said:
...50% chance of water(or was it power).

It was power. Only the top diplomatic staffs and the command personnel have water showers. Everyone else deals in vibe showers.

I'm sure there has to be something to dispose of bodily waste in any quarter that can have some intelligent being living in. You just have to believe in the fact that the designer wouldn't put the bathrooms more than a quick jog for any one race.
Greg Smith said:
But the Minbari don't need one, as they rub themselves with sand.

In the show Deleen says they use a fluid to kill off the dead skin cells on the surface or something like that. It's in the ep where Delenn is having her bad hair day, and getting these strange cramps . . . .

Where is the sand from?

That's what I thought, but I thought it was a liquid that they immersed themselves in.

Delen does say "We do not bathe in the same way you do" or words ver like that with a definite emphasis on the pword 'bathe'

Ivanova asked Delenn, "It's pretty brittle. (Delenn's hair.) What are you washing it with?"

Delenn replies, "Washing?"

Ivanova, now a little wild eyed, says, "Yes, you know, when you bathe?"

Delenn says, "We use a chemical compound that strips away the outer layer of epidermal tissue. It is symbolic of being reborn each day."

Ivanova replies, "And you've been using this on your hair?"

Delenn replies, "Yes."

Ivanova says, "Have you considered just immersing your body in water to remove the sweat and..."

Delenn replies, "We do no perspire in the same way you do. While we sleep, we secrete a fluid..."

Ivanova stops the conversation right there and informs C&C that she will be awhile.

I couldn't be bothered to dig out the VHS and I've loaned the DVD to a mate I've converted to B5 recently, along with his wife, 2 kids and his father.

But it means I don't have the discs to hand :cry:

Get them young, that's the key. My mate's sprogs aren't even 2 yet and they're hooked.

Mind you , at that age they're probably just impressed at the moving pictures.
