Dessi Willpower Ritual


hi guys

my players and i had a discussion about the willpower of dessi mag.

we didn´t like the fact that a dessi mag. could end up with a very low willpower score if "his dice" is not rolled in his favour

so we invented a ritual were a mag of dessi can "buy" willpower points for permanent exp

the first point costs 100exp, the second 200, the third 300 and so on

so the first 4 points of willpower will cost a dessi 1000 exp

I guess that works, unless you're using the 1-level-per-adventure system instead of XP.
For those who are, you could always work out a way of trading in skills instead. Or allow willpower to be increased in lieu of one of the main stats?

However, is this randomness any worse than rolling for ability scores, Endurance, etc?

How about letting them roll two dice and choose the better result, instead?
Methos said:
hi guys

my players and i had a discussion about the willpower of dessi mag.

we didn´t like the fact that a dessi mag. could end up with a very low willpower score if "his dice" is not rolled in his favour

This is true but think how much worse it is for a Brother of the Crystal Star if he rolls low for his endurance.

Personally I would use it as a chance for some good roleplay.

SK "What kind of a wizard are!"

MD "The crap kind look I never said I was very good, get off of my case will you! It's 12 o'clock soon I'll have another go in a couple of hours, nobody will find us out here."

SK "I thought I heard something...."