Demon Slayer?


(Sorry - original title was wrong)

One of the benefits of the abov feat is to be immune to terror saves caused by monsters of the defeated type.

But surely, merely having encountering the monster before means you don't make future terror saves?

Or have I misread something?
Perhaps not with the same type of monster. I think the idea of the Monster Slayer feat is that the PC isn't effected by the terror of ANY monster once they take the feat.

My take on it anyway.
I think that you mean Demon Killer. Monster Slayer, is an enhanced Power Attack vs. Large+ critters.

I personally read it as being more specific. With the feat, if you have defeated a ghoul in single combat, then you don't ever have to make a Terror save vs. another ghoul. Without the feat, you always have to make the save (although at +2) to act unimpeded.

And I will change the last paragraph on p313 to read "Monsters in this section all force Terror saves. At the Games Master's discretion. . ."

But that's just me.

Conan the Vampire Slayer?
Judge - it quite clearly says, in teh feat, that you are only immune to fear effects of the defeated type, and gain a +2 to will saves for terror.

So the actual immunity is a one-monster deal, until you have killed another monster which you can then add to your immunity checklist.

Tarot - that probably the best interpretation, even though the book does emphasise it as being terror of the unknown, only affecting a character the first time they encounter something.
Mayhem said:
Judge - it quite clearly says, in teh feat, that you are only immune to fear effects of the defeated type, and gain a +2 to will saves for terror.

Well, I have only had a chance to skim the feat the section. Now that you mention it, I do rememeber reading that.
Well, it also seemed to me, that if you were walking along and saw a ghoul, and subsequently fainted in fear (however, your compatriots were able to fend it off), that maybe you shouldn't be immune to the Terror of seeing another ghoul later even though you have encountered one previously.