Conan said:So if I take the Dabbler feat it gives me 2 + Wis bonus in power. Assuming I have a 13 Wis then once per 6 hours I can blast everyone within 10' with 3d6 fire damage? Seems like an awfully powerful feat. Or with just one level of Scholar I could hit everyone within 10' with 5d6.
Anonymous said:Thanks for the response. Are there any other low level aggressive spells that anyone could suggest. I know there is nothing like Magic missle or such but what can a scholar do to help in combat.
The Dabbler feat doesn't give you 'permanent' access to a sorcery style
There's already a way to make a studious person who has no formal training – you make a Scholar with the Independent background.VincentDarlage said:The once per month limitation makes the feat much less powerful than one might otherwise be lead to believe. I am leaning more toward allowing it for DB.
Dabblers can be quite studious. They just lack formal training perhaps.
InsomNY said:There's already a way to make a studious person who has no formal training – you make a Scholar with the Independent background.VincentDarlage said:The once per month limitation makes the feat much less powerful than one might otherwise be lead to believe. I am leaning more toward allowing it for DB.
Dabblers can be quite studious. They just lack formal training perhaps.
Limiting a dabbler to one use of DB per month isn't really a limitation. When you consider that many of Conan's adventures took place over several weeks or months, and the closest thing to rapid transport is a ship or a horse, once a month becomes once a session. Further, a well-played scholar will almost never have to use this ability, and certainly no more than noce a month, so once again the limitation placed on dabblers' DB is no limit at all.