Annatar Giftbringer
Emperor Mongoose
Some time ago I wanted to use the Zhodani Dazhia class Counsil Cruiser for an adventure idea. Unfortunately the deck plan key is missing for several ships in my Zhodani Alien Manual, so I decided to guess forth my own, and this is what I came up with:
Dazhia deck plan key
1. Bridge
2. Crew ready room/lounge (Tonnage taken from bridge)
3. Briefing room OR captain’s office/day cabin?
4. Common room/dining area
5. Common room/galley, lounge
6. Circulation/access space?
7. Briefing room & library
8. Briefing room & library
9. Lower deck/gunnery access
10. ?? (Can’t find it on the deckplan)
11. 11 across corridor
12. Low berths (tonnage matches)
13. Airlock/elevator access
14. Access corridor/interdeck access
15. Briefing room
16. Pinnace docking area
17. Common room/crew lounge and/or access space, elevator access
18. Engineering of some sort
19. Lower deck/engineering access corridor
20. Gunnery access corridor
21. Launch control/inspection space for courier (?). Note that the room has an access hatch, but the courier lacks upper deck exterior access, so it can’t be used for boarding.
22. Hangar/engineering/elevator access
23. Engineering
24. Engineering
25. Engineering
26. Main cargo bay
27. Secondary cargo bay (?)
28. Courier docking space (?)
29. Courier boarding area
30. Boarding ramp/upper deck access
31. Air/raft
Does it sound reasonable? Any comments, objections or suggestions to improve it?
I also had plans to convert it to 2nd edition rules, but at the speed I’m currently working the official version will probably be out before I’m done
Some time ago I wanted to use the Zhodani Dazhia class Counsil Cruiser for an adventure idea. Unfortunately the deck plan key is missing for several ships in my Zhodani Alien Manual, so I decided to guess forth my own, and this is what I came up with:
Dazhia deck plan key
1. Bridge
2. Crew ready room/lounge (Tonnage taken from bridge)
3. Briefing room OR captain’s office/day cabin?
4. Common room/dining area
5. Common room/galley, lounge
6. Circulation/access space?
7. Briefing room & library
8. Briefing room & library
9. Lower deck/gunnery access
10. ?? (Can’t find it on the deckplan)
11. 11 across corridor
12. Low berths (tonnage matches)
13. Airlock/elevator access
14. Access corridor/interdeck access
15. Briefing room
16. Pinnace docking area
17. Common room/crew lounge and/or access space, elevator access
18. Engineering of some sort
19. Lower deck/engineering access corridor
20. Gunnery access corridor
21. Launch control/inspection space for courier (?). Note that the room has an access hatch, but the courier lacks upper deck exterior access, so it can’t be used for boarding.
22. Hangar/engineering/elevator access
23. Engineering
24. Engineering
25. Engineering
26. Main cargo bay
27. Secondary cargo bay (?)
28. Courier docking space (?)
29. Courier boarding area
30. Boarding ramp/upper deck access
31. Air/raft
Does it sound reasonable? Any comments, objections or suggestions to improve it?
I also had plans to convert it to 2nd edition rules, but at the speed I’m currently working the official version will probably be out before I’m done