I have been pleading with the folks at PCGen and CMP to do datasets of some of the Quintessential Series (particularly Ranger I + II), but no one is taking the bait.
Apparently Mongoose is allowing PCGen license to make the datasets, but none of the PCGen datamonkeys have taken on the project. So I BEG, PLEAD to any who are good coders and who know how to create datasets for PCGen to take up this very worthy cause.
Q. R. I+II are great books and I would love to have my PC's take some prestige classes/feats from them. Please don't make me have to keep track of my PC's by (shudder) pencil and paper!!! Nnnooooooo!!!
Apparently Mongoose is allowing PCGen license to make the datasets, but none of the PCGen datamonkeys have taken on the project. So I BEG, PLEAD to any who are good coders and who know how to create datasets for PCGen to take up this very worthy cause.
Q. R. I+II are great books and I would love to have my PC's take some prestige classes/feats from them. Please don't make me have to keep track of my PC's by (shudder) pencil and paper!!! Nnnooooooo!!!