I was looking at the technologies included in the Vorlon fighter, transport, and Star Dreadnaught and it looks to me like the point totals are way off. A fighter or transport costs 40 TP and the Dreadnaught costs 100 TP. I added up what it would cost a Vorlon to build these ships and the transport seems to have a cost of over 200 points, the Dreadnaught way over that, close to 1,000 TP. I believe that the low cost listed for these ships represents the fact that a Vorlon should be able to get ahold of, or breed one. Therefore I have designed two Vorlon ships and given them a TP cost that places them in between the transport and the Dreadnaught. Here they are:
Vorlon Destroyer:
Gargantuan Spacecraft: hp 100; DV 14 (-4 size, +8 agility); DR 16; Spd45; Acc 8; Dcc 8; Han +6; Sensor +18; Stealth 40; SQ Adaptive Armor, Artificial Gravity, Atmosphere Capable, Jump Point, Living Ship; Cargo 1,000lbs.; No crew required
One Discharge Cannon: Front; Attack +8 (targeting computer); Damage 250+5d10; Critical 19-20; Range 4
TP: 60
Vorlon Light Cruiser:
Colossal II Spacecraft: hp 600; DV 12 (-10 size, +12 agility); DR 16; Spd-; Acc 8; Dcc 8; Han +6; Sensor +18; Stealth 40; SQ Adaptive Armor, Artificial Gravity, Atmosphere Capable, Jump Point, Living Ship; Cargo 150,000lbs.; No crew required
One Discharge Cannon: Front; Attack +10 (targeting computer); Damage 750+7d10; Critical 19-20; Range 8
TP: 80
and here is my take on a Vorlon NPC:
Level 10 Vorlon-P17
Hit Points: 57 Initiative: +2 (+7 out of encounter suit) Speed: 50 DV: 15 (20 out of encounter suit) DR: 15 (0 out of encounter suit)
Attacks: Melee: +14/9, Ranged: +12/7 (17/12)
Abilities: Str: 18, Dex: 14 (24 out of encounter suit), Con: 18, Int: 20, Wis: 18, Cha: 20
Saves: Fort: 11, Ref: 5 (10 out of encounter suit), Will: 11 (opponents Will save: 37)
Skills: Computer Operation 7 (12), Concentration 6 (10), Diplomacy 7 (12), Gather Information 7 (12), Knowledge [telepathy] 10 (15), Knowledge [Alien Life] 7 (12),Knowledge [astrophysics] 7(12), Medical 8 (15), Pilot 4 (6/11 out of encounter suit), Sense Motive 7 (11), Technical [organic] 7 (12),Technical [Space Travel] 12 (20),Technical [structural engineering] 12 (20),Technical [electronics] 7 (12),Technical [engineering] 5 (10),Technical [spacecraft operation] 7 (12), Telepathy 13 (18).
Weapons: All Vorlon Weapons
Feats & SQ: Aspect (Vorl) Immortality, Flight, Phasing, Telepathy (level 4 [P17, Angel Guise, Communication, Surface Scan, Deep Scan, Mind Shield, Mind Mirror, Pain, Sense Telepathy, Warning, Danger Sense, Locate Mind, Second Sight, Soul Riding, Dream Walk, Jamming, Nerve Stimulation, False Memory Implantation, Reality Fabrication]), Skill Emphasis-Technical [Space Travel], Skill Empasis-Technical [Structural Engineering], Secondary Aspect (Uler), Skill Empasis-Medical, Mindshredder
Equipment: Encounter Suit (DR 15; Force Field level 1 [1 TP to activate, 200 hp]; Translator; Cloak level 2 [2 TP to activate, +10 to DC to detect the Vorlon]; Blast level 2 [4 TP to activate, 2d10+25 damage, range increment 200 ft]; Decrease Disturbance [the Vorlon can decrease Disturbance by -2 instead of -1 for every +10% TP spent], Vorlon Transport, Vorlon Light Cruiser.
TP: 25 (20 used)
*edited to remove smilies