Emperor Mongoose
I start with Starship Symbols by Robert Pearce, Available at his Yet Another Traveller Blog website. The original version of the grid background is in his download section there, too.
Starship Symbols entry
I use the pdf version set at 178% magnification. I changed the file name to append 178 to the end of the name so I don't forget the setting.
Then I use PaintShopPro. I update mine whenever the Black Friday sales go under $35. Last time was 2022, when they bundled it with their Paint.
GIMP will work just fine. You want something that handles layers. Snapshot the piece you want, clean up the white around it and paste it in place. Use a separate layer for hull lines, so when you go pasting internals you aren't messing them up. Just goes under or over. Use several layers for Engineering so you can build up an interesting look.
For the ship images, either the ship designer in Galactic Civilizations III or screenshots from Elite Dangerous. The next one will use the ship designer from Galactic Civilizations IV.
Once you are done with the layers, save one copy with layers in case you find a mistake later and save another copy as a png.
I start with Starship Symbols by Robert Pearce, Available at his Yet Another Traveller Blog website. The original version of the grid background is in his download section there, too.
Starship Symbols entry
I use the pdf version set at 178% magnification. I changed the file name to append 178 to the end of the name so I don't forget the setting.
Then I use PaintShopPro. I update mine whenever the Black Friday sales go under $35. Last time was 2022, when they bundled it with their Paint.
GIMP will work just fine. You want something that handles layers. Snapshot the piece you want, clean up the white around it and paste it in place. Use a separate layer for hull lines, so when you go pasting internals you aren't messing them up. Just goes under or over. Use several layers for Engineering so you can build up an interesting look.
For the ship images, either the ship designer in Galactic Civilizations III or screenshots from Elite Dangerous. The next one will use the ship designer from Galactic Civilizations IV.
Once you are done with the layers, save one copy with layers in case you find a mistake later and save another copy as a png.