Conan - Upcoming Releases

Hudson said:
IT is very hot. So hot my brain is sizzling and I am grumpy. Please understand and forgive me. Conan only. We all love Conan You guys are the best. Melting....melting.....

So its hot in Canada, whats that, like 60 degrees fahrenheit?

Heh heh, just ribbin' ya, had to get in one last jab. :wink:
Hudson said:
You are right. It was a petty jab. being called backwards just got me fired up. I am sorry. I have always viewed all religion as backwards and unhelpful in the context of world history. But never want anyone to infringe on that right. I have always admired to phrase " We the people..." because yours was the first country to say no to Kings and Popes and yes to the people. Whoever they may be, or how they think or feel. The people were in charge. Radical stuff. I am just saddened to see that changing. Sorry again.

I love Canada because of their involvment in World War I and II (among other things). They just sent men and waged war without being directly concerned, just for the idea of freedom.

I also love the USA because I always think they did the same in 1861 where Northern people volunteered and gave their live for the same idea of freedom, that is to free the Blacks from Southern slavery.

And don't tell me I'am a demagogue: the Marshall plane enabled Europe to have a common goal instead of the victors impoverish the losing nation and start again some ideas of revenge like those that got the NSDAP to leadership.

However, I don't like anyone who says no to The King.
VincentDarlage said:
The King said:
Will you include some adventure in the Stygia / Shem sourcebooks ?

My intent is to do so, but if I run out of pages (like I did with Aquilonia), then I might not.

The King said:
Please do make sure you include some half-forgotten ruin in the desert. What about accursed Sabatea of which Howard often wrote with a veil of mystery?

There will be ruins and Sabatea will be there.
Great. Perhaps you can write a 2-part semi-campaign with the 1st part taking place in Stygia and the last in Shem (it's also a commercial operation :wink: ).
I am impatient to discover what you wrote for us about Sabatea...
VincentDarlage said:
I would imagine it will be four or five pages with a map. I am not sure. I haven't seen the edited version of it. Other articles are of varying length. If I write a sourcebook that would logically use an article, then I will put it in. Tortage will definitely not be appearing in Shem or Stygia, which are my only two assignments right now. I have not been assigned Vendhya, so I have no idea when or if it will be appearing.

got my copy and the town is great and the map is useful which is another bonus have you got any more signs stuff coming our way vincent 8)
Really?! Yikes! Over here in Alberta it hasn't gotten past probably the mid 70's, with the nights still in the 50's-60's (F).

(Yeah.. this entire line of conversation is so painfully off topic...)
been known to do that from time to time :D but would love to know more about the coming releases especally in signs as the next one up seem to have no conan/slaine/lone wolf in it at all :shock: and while OGL horror is great still am at heart a fantasy man so some meaty guides to the lesser ports and towns around would be great