Conan the Unstoppable

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Has anyone noticed that the Conan Forum has more posts and views than any other Mongoose product? And the game only just came out!

Not trying to disrespect fine products like Judge Dredd and Babylon 5, but Conan is crushing everyone beneath his sandaled feet!

I wonder if sales are reflecting this...
I've finally finished a once-over of the main rulebook and am now planning out a campaign while Conan the Barbarian plays in the background.

"It just works, mate!"
Many people have been waiting a long time for a good Conan game. And this product surpasses all expectations, at least IMO. 8)
And it's only going to get better and better. I love Conan as much as you guys and as Studio Manager you can be sure that I'm watching carefully. With Vincent Darlage on board I am totally confident that we will produce the definitive Hyborian game.

Now what I'd really like to get my hands on is a tabletop Hyborian wargame... :wink:
Ian Sturrock said:
Mongoose Old Bear said:
With Vincent Darlage on board I am totally confident that we will produce the definitive Hyborian game.

I think I already did, didn't I? :)

Although Vincent certainly helped.

You surely did, Ian.

Excellent work and congratulations on a game which will surely be the game of the year 2004.

All I have to do now is retrieve my tongue from the back of your trousers. Bleaugh!

Ian Sturrock said:
Mongoose Old Bear said:
With Vincent Darlage on board I am totally confident that we will produce the definitive Hyborian game.

I think I already did, didn't I? :)

Although Vincent certainly helped.

I was thinking along the lines of the whole project. I think it's afe to say we are well on our way. :)
Mongoose Old Bear said:
With Vincent Darlage on board I am totally confident that we will produce the definitive Hyborian game.

And definitly keep Quilliams! ;)

Mongoose Old Bear said:
Now what I'd really like to get my hands on is a tabletop Hyborian wargame... :wink:

Mighty cool if was realised! I really like what FFG has done with the A Game of Thrones boardgame, it is one of the best boardgames I have played (and I am an avid boardgamer).
Glad to see that my post attracted some attention from Mongoose.

Just curious, what future supplements, (not currently on the release schedule) can you tell us about? Also, do you have a ship date for Scrolls of Skelos? Us poor ignorant lads here in the US are salivating. Perhaps you could break the Concorde out of mothballs and pack it with books?

I guess what I'm trying to say is...

Skelos is in the system now, so should be out before too long. Matt will be able to tell you more on that front, but he's a touch busy designing wargames, so be patient if he isn't about as much as he'd like to be.

Future Conan releases are firmed up to Shadizar - City of the Wicked in December.