Lando The Archmagi
Banded Mongoose
I'm recruiting for interest in restarting my short lived, but very good Throne of Blood game online game. I'll be running a live in person version of it at DragonCon 2004 here in Atlanta, GA this fall. Mongoose will be providing prize support for the best roleplayers. Here is a link to the convention information:
I originally ran this on OpenRPG and would like to do so again, but I am open to other thoughts (see poll)
Looking for four-six players or interested party members. I definitely need at least one barbarian or soldier type, but any assortment of other pcs is welcome. A scholar might be most useful too. Roleplaying seriously encouraged, backgrounds/full character concepts required.
May roll 4d6 for stats, Level 1-2, max hp for 1st, regular starting funds per Conan RPG. Any other questions ask.
I originally ran this on OpenRPG and would like to do so again, but I am open to other thoughts (see poll)
Looking for four-six players or interested party members. I definitely need at least one barbarian or soldier type, but any assortment of other pcs is welcome. A scholar might be most useful too. Roleplaying seriously encouraged, backgrounds/full character concepts required.
May roll 4d6 for stats, Level 1-2, max hp for 1st, regular starting funds per Conan RPG. Any other questions ask.