One of the members over at Conan.com. has posted the following . I said I'd pass it along in case anyone fancied helping to take up the challenge . If anyone wants to get involved let me know and I'll put you together .
" I'm a big fan of the Encyclopedia of Arda , http://www.glyphweb.com/arda/ , and I've always thought Hyboria could use something like that.
Or perhaps such an encyclopedia wouldn't cover just the Conan stories, but all of REH's works. I'd probably leave out the pastiches initially, or make them sort of "Expanded Universe" thing, like they do for Star Wars.
I'd love to write content for such a project, but I'm no web designer...is anyone else interested in putting something like that together?
It could also be a wiki, so that lots of people could contribute "
Follow-up :
" Hopefully we'll reach a Conan fan/web designer with some time on his hands
I think it would probably be best to start this as a Conan-only project, then expand to other characters/worlds if it works out. "
" I'm a big fan of the Encyclopedia of Arda , http://www.glyphweb.com/arda/ , and I've always thought Hyboria could use something like that.
Or perhaps such an encyclopedia wouldn't cover just the Conan stories, but all of REH's works. I'd probably leave out the pastiches initially, or make them sort of "Expanded Universe" thing, like they do for Star Wars.
I'd love to write content for such a project, but I'm no web designer...is anyone else interested in putting something like that together?
It could also be a wiki, so that lots of people could contribute "
Follow-up :
" Hopefully we'll reach a Conan fan/web designer with some time on his hands
I think it would probably be best to start this as a Conan-only project, then expand to other characters/worlds if it works out. "