Conan in 2006

Toothill, don't forget to besiege the Mongoose Office until the cancelled campaign is again on schedule. :shock: :lol:
Thanks for the update. I'm really liking the Hyborian Empires concept. I had a blast years ago ruling Pikarayd in the Young kingdoms in my old Stormbringer days and that level of gaming will work great in the Conan RPG.

I think a cool seige adventure would fill the time between Feb. and April... :wink:
Teflon Billy said:
Darlage has already said that he is the author of both Stygia and he also the author of Argos & Zingara?

Yup, at least he said he was working on it.
msprange wrote:

Tito's Trading Post

Equipment is not my favourite subject for a sourcebook, but if it adds to Hyborian flavour, it can be quite good.


Stygia is a must for any campaign. Period. :twisted:

And can become more interesting when used with Hyborian Empires :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Faith & Fervour
Ruins of Hyboria

A view on Hyborian religions can be worthy, if it is carried out properly.
Given they commisioned Vincent to do it, I have great faith in the project.

As for ruins, well, it is good to know that the What Should Mongoose Publish Next forum can have its effect.
I don't know what the sourcebook will include, but if there's a example, please make it be Xuthal or Xucholt, please 8)

Argos & Zingara

This I'll buy for sure. It can only make better my Zingaran Civil War campaign...

Plus, pirates stories are cool! I do not know if Tortage will be included, but well, in any event Argos & Zingara means pirates...

And Vincent hinted (that's my guess) that there's something about Zingaran fencing 8)

Hyborian Empires

This is a big surprise! It seems a wonderful idea. The idea of having PCs manage a kingdom is one I love. In fact, part of the premise of my Zingaran Civil War campaign was making one of the PCs the youngest son of a Count, which has allowed for some politics & strategies in the game.
As the campaign goes on, his status will change (you know, a war can change a sucession line quite quickly) and more interesting options will arise (such as deciding which alliances make, which fiefs burn to the ground and who to trust, a difficult matter in Zingara :lol:).

Oh, and using Hyborian Empires with Stygian nobles is such an appealing idea...


Other must buy. Man, what a year!
excepted for slaver raids, Stygian armies were never good at anything: they were pushed back from Koth and then from Shem.
The only acceptable armies are Hyborian and Turan ones (though I admit this all depends on the kind of ground).
The King said:
excepted for slaver raids, Stygian armies were never good at anything: they were pushed back from Koth and then from Shem.
The only acceptable armies are Hyborian and Turan ones (though I admit this all depends on the kind of ground).

Can't really comment, I don't recall being present for any of their battles!
I wasn't too. But this is written in the short stories and in the Hyborian Age essay. Beyond sorcery, Stygia never fared well; and then it conly concerns an small elite.
The King wrote:
Beyond sorcery, Stygia never fared well; and then it conly concerns an small elite.
Agree, but in war there are no rules as to how victory can be achieved :twisted:
And as you pointed out, there are lots of countries ripe for conquest.
They WERE the masters of the entire eastern portion of the continent before the Lemurians (ancestors of the Hyrkanians) rose from slavery and revolted. Then they moved east and conquered the south lands they still hold as well as much of the western portion of the continent, working with ancient Acheron. Those empires eventually fell though Stygia remains still, just as the Hyborian kingdoms will eventually all fall as well to the Hyrkanians and Picts....

Speaking of Howard's explanatory essay, the Stygians were powerful at one time, but they weakened just as Aquilonia eventually will and be overwhelmed the the Picts and all Hyboria will be overwhelmed by the Picts and Hyrkanians....then will come the time of the Egyptians (again).
I know all that but you forgot to mention that they lost Koth and Shem and the borders settled south of the Styx.
I didn't mention they also lost Zamboula.
As I wrote their armies are just go for slaver raids in the black kingdoms.
Yeah, I agree. Howard wrote more of sorcerers like Xaltotun or Thoth-Amon using dark sorceries to destroy opposing armies, than the march or success of the Stygian armies themselves. Stygia is like the sleeping serpent revered as it's god, in slumber.

Heck, even Belit's pirates had them scrambling for cover, and their attempts to hunt down the pirate queen and Conan were unsuccessful.

The way I see it, the kingdom is so ancient and evil, and has seen the rise and ruination of it's sister kingdom to the upstart Hyborians who now rule the lands north, that it knows it's limitations, to quote Dirty Harry ( :o ), and just bides it's time waiting to renew it's strength and it's neighbors/enemies to wither/grow careless. For what that's worth.
a snake only fights back when threatened so stygia :shock: but if angered its sorcery not its armys will kill you every time as thats what they as a nation do best 8)
In Howard's story Thoth Amon doesn't appear as powerful and Xaltotun is resurrected by Nemedians would-be magicians. Though the guy is powerful he also lost the stone as if he was a beginners. Too much addiction to black lotus vapors.. :wink: Bt this is typical to the Stygian society where only a small elite rules over the country but progressively falls in decadence.

I would also guess that Vendhya's army is powerful but the mountains prevent any real move. The same is true with Khitai but then the forest and the jungle are the obstacles.