Conan figures coming soon!


Here is a press release about the wargames show this weekend in London (Salute), it was posted on The Miniatures Page ( today.

Read down to the last paragraph and you will see that there is mention of a range of Conan figures.

So I guess they are still on the horizon after all.

MongooseMatt of Mongoose Publishing writes:

Mongoose Publishing will be exhibiting their entire range of miniatures games at Salute Zero Six. From Babylon 5: A Call to Arms and Starship Troopers to Gangs of Mega-City One and previews of new games coming out this year, there will be plenty to see and do at the Mongoose stand!

Mongoose Publishing is dedicated to leading the way in providing 21st Century gamers with the most exciting tabletop experiences. At Salute 2006 there will be new releases such as the all new Drakh fleet for A Call to Arms, new units for Skinnies in Starship Troopers, and a whole host of other finely detailed models based on your favourite licensed properties.

At Salute 2006 we'll be demonstrating:

Bringing the high-octane action of the novel, film and TV series straight to your tabletop in a fast-to-learn wargame. Experience the struggles and victories of the Mobile Infantry, Arachnids and Skinnies as they battle for survival across the entire galaxy.
The game of space combat in the universe of Babylon 5 and your commission to exciting battles in the depths of space. From single ship skirmishes to full fleet engagement - can you defend your governments or achieve vengeance against your enemies - will you enforce order in the universe or send it spiralling into chaos and shadow?
The adrenaline-pumped game of gang warfare that brings the excitement of the Judge Dredd comic strip right to your tabletop. Lead a gang of street punks to challenge other gangs, strange citizens and the long arm of the Law and become the dominant criminal force in the city of the future!

On top of this, we have many lines of miniatures coming out to support our roleplaying games, including Lone Wolf, Conan, Paranoia and many more. And all miniatures lines are supported through our house magazine Signs and Portents and online community at our website (below), which includes free downloads and player forums. So stay frosty and sign up to the Mongoose Miniatures gaming experience at Salute 2006!
Nothing new, actually. I wouldn't expect Conan miniatures and/or wargame coming out until at least mid 2007.
Has anyone heard if the miniatures are going to be released for use in the RPG or is Mongoose planning on releasing a miniatures battle system for use with Conan (other than the Mass Combat rules)?

High Lord Dee said:
Has anyone heard if the miniatures are going to be released for use in the RPG or is Mongoose planning on releasing a miniatures battle system for use with Conan (other than the Mass Combat rules)?


That was the impression I had as well. I thought they would be for the RPG. I imagine they could serve a dual purpose.
Conan miniatures will definately get me to stop spending cash on Flames of War, my girlfriend, and food. I want them.


If they are good, I'll buy them, if not I won't. if you look long enough you will find a host of figures that will work in Howards world. the trick is sifting through the D&D fantasy figs. Conan figs should look more like Historical cultures with a heroic twist.
I am lucky to have minis that stand in quite well as my groups characters. I even have one that is clearly King Conan but as I have gotten a great many minis in big bagfuls I cannot tell you who made it. It is of a smaller scale than standard. Still way awesome.

I repainted a Vampire mini to look more like Vendyan Noble I have with salmon and lime green colours like a Bollywood movie. I even put a little white on his temples to dignify the hell out of him.

On a side note I found the McFarlane series two figures of leaping Conan with the Haunter in the Dark. For 10 bucks apiece. Canadian. I have found many of the McFarlane stuff unstaady at best. This one works perfectly I am happy to report. I looks just fantastic.

My not quite three year old son was looking at it after I set it up and he pointed to the skull strewn base and said "Those are Conan's friends!"
How right he was.

P.S. He also told me the "Haunter" wanted to borrow Conan's axe for a minute, and that he was going to send him a letter.
I am very excited about the Conan miniature line. I would say I've been waiting the better part of 15 years for such an event. If the miniatures are anything like the book material Mongoose has been publishing for Conan then we are in for a real treat!

- Hollywood