Conan Downloads

I have to say I don't entirely agree with you on your "They are on human" point Midnight. Yes, I was disappointed with he book, I've had my say and I'm waiting to see what happens with future product. You are right; nothing is perfect, but that statement is a cop out for not trying to achieve perfection. Hey, you may never get there, but you should always try. It's their job to make book people read, they should do their hardest to make the best book they can. If it was my job to make cars, and one of the wheels fell of my cars, you wouldn't hear anybody say, "He's only human." You are right, no one gets hurt if a book isn't done right, but that's just a cruch that people try to use to fall back on because they didn't do things right.

All that said, Mongoose has given assuances it will not be happening again. I'll be watching.
Thanks a ton for the FAQ, still looking forward to the official errata though.

The mass combat rules was a nice touch, that I greatly appreciate.

And honestly, those NPC sheets are the bomb! I love them. My group of players keeps questioning me how I will run a campaign for them without published adventures and tons of supplements. However, those NPC sheets are about all I need. REH's world is so full of life that I have tons of ideas in mind, and I'm stealing just about anything that Iron_Chef's been sharing with us! :D



There is always a way, if the desire be coupled with courage.
- The Tower of the Elephant
No one seems to notice that Tlazitlans and Apheki are missing?
I have them in my playtesting files, but it would be nice to see them in a FAQ...

The question has been asked. In fact, the lack of Tlazitlans and Aphaki were some of the first things I heard questioned on these forums upon my joining.