Conan available yet?

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I know the game isn't in stores yet, but if I order it from Mongoose directly, is it available for immediate shipping? I'd like to get my hands on it as soon as possible, and my local game store's distributors are slow with new stuff lots of times.

Oh, and any idea how long it would take to arrive in Wisconsin?

There's not a single multi-cellular organism on the planet that knows if Conan is available for shipping directly from Mongoose? :(
Anonymous said:
There's not a single multi-cellular organism on the planet that knows if Conan is available for shipping directly from Mongoose? :(

As fas as I know, mass copies haven't arrived at the warehouse yet. (It is in Texas, not far from my home.) I could be wrong, but the absence of such an announcement from the Mongoose guys on their various Conan lists would indicate that this hasn't happened yet.

The guys at Mongoose have gotten their copies in their UK offices, but copies are likely to be sent to the distributor this week. My estimate is that they'll be showing up at most game stores either next week or the week after (Feb 4th is when I expect to see it in my local store).

But bear in mind that I neither work for Mongoose or have any inside information - only what I read on the forums and mailing lists.
Curses! I understand that you're speculating as best you can, but it sounds like a pretty good estimate to me. I was hoping to get it sooner than a week or two.

I'm still praying that my LGS will get their copies in this Tuesday.

I thought that I could yough it out but the wait is starting to wear on my nerves. :evil:
Mythos said:
I'm still praying that my LGS will get their copies in this Tuesday.

I thought that I could yough it out but the wait is starting to wear on my nerves. :evil:

Yeah, checking every few hours isn't healthy, yet I can't stop doing it. Must have Conan!
I have reserved a copy at my favorite RPG store, and know at least two friends who will likely snatch up a copy for themselves.

For many years my friends and I have wanted a quality Conan roleplaying game. We play through all manner of fantasy settings: Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms, Warhammer, Talislanta, Stormbringer. Even with all those games, Conan needs another shot. I'm confident that this incarnation will easily surmount the old TSR Conan RPG, and the GURPS supplement as well (although GURPS was well written and researched, overall.)

Looking forward to it...

It's January 27 and still no sign of the book! I'm beginning to think "January" release actually means "February"! Sigh.

Ack! Gurgle! Choke! Sputter!

Anyone know when Amazon is supposed to get their copies?

Hi guys,

Fret not! Conan is now at the distributors and is making its way to your local game store. It should be popping up next week, but we will have a few goodies and treats for you in the mean time to whet your appetite :)
msprange said:
Hi guys,

Fret not! Conan is now at the distributors and is making its way to your local game store. It should be popping up next week, but we will have a few goodies and treats for you in the mean time to whet your appetite :)

7 days. I can hold out for 7 days. Really I can, that's only 168 hours or 9,680 minutes. I can wait that long. :shock:
Not to be mean or anything, but you realize that technically, 14 days is also next week :wink:

But I actually can't wait either. I want this game RIGHT NOW. I can't remember the last game that I anticipated as much as this one.
Oops, maybe it's a bit of cross posting, as I've just asked it in the General forum, before I read this thread...

I live in Spain, and I would love to have the book soon, sooner than if I have to wait for my FLGS to get it, so I've considered ordering it directly from Mongoose.

If I order it today, when will it be shipped? And is the shipping done from US or from UK?

Thanks a lot, and sorry for the cross posting!!!!

Hi Alatriste

We won't be shipping copies until stores have it on sale and it would probably ship from the US to you.
I sent a email to a friend that works at local game shop to order conan as its heading to stores next week. :D

The signs and portents stuff is making me anticipate this greatly.
I got my playtest copy in the post today... and I am stunned. Bab 5 and A2089 for me I felt were beautiful books, great covers, borders, relevant pictures not too much text... mongoose has been getting better and better with the quality of the "construction" and "layout" of thier books with each new release.. And I gotta tell you Conan is truely a thing of beauty.

Kudos Mongoose... you continue as ever to impress.
Neo said:
Bab 5 and A2089 for me I felt were beautiful books, great covers, borders, relevant pictures not too much text...

Not too much text? How does that make a good book? The text is the essential part.
Outlaw said:
Neo said:
Bab 5 and A2089 for me I felt were beautiful books, great covers, borders, relevant pictures not too much text...

Not too much text? How does that make a good book? The text is the essential part.

You misunderstood what I was referring too.. Not "too much text" as in keep it brief.. but "Too Much Text" as in so much bundled onto one page it is minute and tends to just become a blur <g>.

Mongoose are one of those great companies that now how to keep a reasonable amount of text on a page of a reasonable size without either overloading your eyeballs or making you wonder where the content has gone. :)