Conan and the Shadow of the Sorcerer Box Set

So let us wait now impatiently and feverishly for the passing of the coming 5 months. 8)
Spring will be cool.
You are welcome, King. If I'll ever have another scoop, I'll post as soon as possible. I only regret that I had to reveal my 'secret source' to defend me - someone suspected my info was an hoax...
The write - up mentions " formative levels " , I'm presuming it'll be a 1st - 3rd level start working all the way up . The scenarios published so far go with this , presumably because it's easier to " beef up " the beginning than rewrite it for a lower level group . Obviously , this is just my inference , Matt if you want to give us any more info I don't think anyone will have any complaints !
Hi guys,

I got slapped arounf the office today for spreading falsehoods! The number of 96 page books in this box set is actually 3, but we are jamming a load of other material in as well!
msprange said:
Hi guys,

I got slapped arounf the office today for spreading falsehoods! The number of 96 page books in this box set is actually 3, but we are jamming a load of other material in as well!

"Slapping the mongoose".

I'm not touching that one... :P
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 9:07 pm    Post subject:
Hi guys,

I got slapped arounf the office today for spreading falsehoods! The number of 96 page books in this box set is actually 3, but we are jamming a load of other material in as well!

Hey matt, no long as you move up the release date to February! :D
Zeus said:
Can we have a tip on what extras are there gonna be besides maps? 3 books, some maps aaaaand...?

Handouts would be great. My only regret with Pirate Isles is that it doesn't contain any treasure map (a shame for such a book ! :D ) I could do with some pictures of the main locations of the campaign for the GM to show to the players, fac similes of ancient scrolls and other texts found during the campaign, and stuff like that.
Darth Mikey said:
The original map was burned after it was tatooed on the top of The King 's head...

stagger, stagger, crawl, crawl...

:shock: What do you mean there?
I just know that the Thurian and Hyborian histories soaked in my brains and have influence now on my every day life.
msprange said:
Hi guys,

I got slapped arounf the office today for spreading falsehoods! The number of 96 page books in this box set is actually 3, but we are jamming a load of other material in as well!
This is almost half of the campaign! Can't you really provide one more book for a total of four? :cry:
The King said:
Darth Mikey said:
The original map was burned after it was tatooed on the top of The King 's head...

stagger, stagger, crawl, crawl...

:shock: What do you mean there?
I just know that the Thurian and Hyborian histories soaked in my brains and have influence now on my every day life.

Didn't you ever see the movie "Yellowbeard" ?
Darth Mikey said:
Didn't you ever see the movie "Yellowbeard" ?
No I didn't, but I suppose there is a link as I just so on this was a pirate movie and a comedy.