slaughterj said:if it costs 8 points to go from having a 16 to an 18 instead of just 2 points, then by picking a race that gives you a bonus in a particular attribute that you want to be high and you don't care about the stat that gets dinged, you are effectively getting many more points than another PC is getting during character creation.
Ummm... yes, indeed, that's the idea.
It's not _that_ many more points, but it does make a difference. Usually you're 4 points better off if you pick the right race and distribute your points wisely.
If it didn't make a difference, or wasn't supposed to make a difference, there would be no need for racial modifiers at all, and concerning the average NPC, the book could just read "Cimmerians are usually stronger but less smart than other people". I rather think racial modifiers have always been there _specifically_ for the PCs' benefit.
The modifiers also have their effect if you use dice, but admittedly usually not to such an extent as with point buy. It's more of a way to get that one score really high, or cushion a rather bad roll alternatively.
Favoured Classes also typically match rather well with the racial ability modifiers in all D20 games. Very often the favoured ability is only a secondary ability for the favoured class (like Dwarf/Fighter/CON), but it's never ever the opposite. I say that just to stress that a character is encouraged to make the best use of their strengths.
I used to use linear point buy in earlier campaigns. Then it dawned on me that I'm taking away something from alternative races. That's why I don't want to use that anymore.