Combat Example mini adventure

Arkobla Conn

For those of you who are really good at throwing stuff together, what is the chance of having a mini-adventure that is designed specifically to highlight the augmented rules for combat (DV, Finesse, AP, 5' step etc)

The mini-adventure would have examples, et al, for less experienced GM's and players.

I'd do this myself, but I'm kinda fuzzy on some of them and life is about to turn upside down here as we are ripping out our bathrooms to reconfigure them. I'm gonna be very busy for a bit.
Arkobla Conn said:
I'd do this myself, but I'm kinda fuzzy on some of them and life is about to turn upside down here as we are ripping out our bathrooms to reconfigure them. I'm gonna be very busy for a bit.

If your slaves need that much supervision, probally better off killing them all and getting a new batch. If for some reason you are attached to them, just go and find somebody with the type of house and bathroom that you want, and drop them a lil purple lotus on the tip of your dagger in the middle of the night. Take them down to the markets and sel them the next day. This way you get yuor new bathroom(s) and get paid for it as well. :D