Classic Paranoia Returns!


Staff member
Good afternoon, Citizens!

Just the briefest of updates today.

Implausible Deniability is getting the last polishing right now (will keep you updated on that) but we have a little bit of news that may be of interest:

Some of you may recall previous editions of Paranoia - well, these titles are now available in ebook format (and a few available in print!) once again on Drivethru, starting with our own Paranoia XP/Service Pack 1, and 25th Anniversary editions.

You can grab them all here:

While these books use a different rules set to the Paranoia box set now in your hands, there is oodles of information and ideas contained within their pages that you will still find most relevant to your own games, from simple (ha!) missions to the deviously masterful High Programmers RPG.

But what about the even older and classicer Paranoia books from the West End Games days? Stay tuned, loyal Troubleshooter, stay tuned...

We have started putting the classic 1st and 2nd edition Paranoia books on Drivethru - all those great adventures and supplements that made Paranoia what it is, just the way you remember them!

This is quite a lengthy process as we have to jig around with PDFs and scans, but you will see the range greatly increase over the next few weeks. As it is, we have just put up that old favourite, Clones in Space. You can grab your own copy here:
Wonderful! I've been wondering when the XP books would be put back up on DrivethruRPG. Thank you!

Is there any possibility that any of the books that aren't currently available for print-on-demand will become available for that at some point? There's a few of the things from 25th Anniversary that are exorbitantly priced as second-hand books but which I'd like to pick up for my collection.

(Or does that require a whole different file format/overhaul/other onerous work that simply isn't in the cards?)
Thanks, that'd be great, and there's really no rush, it's just something that'd be nice eventually. :)
Oh, by the way, is there a reason that STUFF 2: The Gray Subnets was not made available on DTRPG?

(I'm slowly working my way through the XP edition and have reached the two STUFF volumes... and only realized STUFF 2 was missing after I noticed I couldn't find the real cover art—the one with just STUFF 2, and without the subtitle THE GRAY SUBNETS—anywhere. I'll probably just scan my copy's cover for the blog post, but am curious whether it was missed over at DTRPG by accident, or for some specific reason.)

(Who'd still be willing to pay for PoD copies of the two "redux" 25th Anniversary adventure books, as well as the MATERIALS TREACHEROUSLY DELETED book, but understands that there's probably not that much demand for them to be made available this way.)