Cimmerians vs. Aqulionians

I'm wonder about how Cimmerians feel about Aquilonian just two decades after Venarium. Do they hate them? Certainly not to the level of the Picts.

For example, if a Cimmerian (20 years after Venarium) heard about work to be had from an Aquilonian lord, would the Cimmerian even be interested? Would he take the job?
My gut instinct would be to say no, he wouldn't...unless it was almost guaranteed that he'd come out ahead on the deal and by a fair margin at that. I think even the slightest hint of being taken advantage of or treated unfairly and the Cimmerian would walk away from the whole thing.

As for general feelings among Cimmerians towards Aquilonians twenty years on from Venarium, IMO it could probably be best described as indifference and distrust...pretty much just like before Venarium.

Sure, there'd be those Cimmerians who still really do hate the Aquilonians for what they did to their fathers, uncles, families, clans, etc. But for the majority I believe it'd be back to the way things were in the years prior to the incursion.

Again, this is all just my opinion of course. I'll be interested to hear what others think.
I dont see why the Cimmerians would hate the Aquilonians over Venarium. Bitterness is usually associated with the losers!
I would even imagine that some small amount cross-breeding exists between families of Cimmerians that live right on the border and trade with the local bossonian/gunderman/ aquilonian subjects.
As there is today between hostile countries.
It seems like the Cimmerians...

Hate the Picts.
Can't stand the Vanir.
Dislike and Fear the Hyperboreans.

Are Indifferent about those from the Border Kingdom.
And can stand the Aquilonians.
Sometimes like the Aesir.

These are in order, so the Cimmerians seem to get along with the Aesir on one side of the continuum while their animal hatred for the Picts is on the other side.
I'm not convinced that's true, or that it is meaningful to talk about "The Cimmerians" at all in this context. CONAN fits those descriptions quite well: but his clan comes from the North West. Thus his clan has probably been raided by the Picts and Vanir, and not by the Aesir or Aquilonians, and he's on the other side of Cimmeria from the border kingdom. His hatred of Hyperboreans stems from his time as a captive among them.

Ask a Cimmerian from the south east and you might get the news that they hated the Border Kingdom and the Aquilonians but had no opinion on Nordheimers or Picts. In the North East they might hate the Aesir and have friendly links with the Vanir, while being only barely aware of who the Picts even are.

One omission as well, Nemedians and Cimmerians seem to be on quite friendly terms.
i don't even think Conan likes Cimmerians. Didn't he say once that the Cimmerians were somber, gloomy Emo's and that he liked to party more like the Nordheimers? i'm para-phrasing of course.
strategos14 said:
i don't even think Conan likes Cimmerians. Didn't he say once that the Cimmerians were somber, gloomy Emo's and that he liked to party more like the Nordheimers? i'm para-phrasing of course.

"Emo" really isn't the word to describe Cimmerians (though I realise you're paraphrasing). More like dour Scots-Irish Presbyterians if anything. That said, Howard did say Conan traveled back home to Cimmeria on occasion, presumably to see his folks, so he can't have hated all Cimmerians - just the ones his tribe fought. :p
Taranaich said:
strategos14 said:
i don't even think Conan likes Cimmerians. Didn't he say once that the Cimmerians were somber, gloomy Emo's and that he liked to party more like the Nordheimers? i'm para-phrasing of course.

"Emo" really isn't the word to describe Cimmerians (though I realise you're paraphrasing). More like dour Scots-Irish Presbyterians if anything. That said, Howard did say Conan traveled back home to Cimmeria on occasion, presumably to see his folks, so he can't have hated all Cimmerians - just the ones his tribe fought. :p

Yeah Cimmerians with Skinny black jeans, eyeliner, and drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon whilst feeling miserable and dejected. Emo Cimmerians, I love it.