Character Generator


Hello everybody,

for those interested in EXCEL-tools and in this case a tool concerning the character creation in RQ II, you might want to look at this file:


(the link has been updated on 11th March)

Oh, BTW it's specific to Glorantha

Comments, especially in regard to mistakes are always welcome.

1) Bard, Courtier and Noble have "Dance" as an Advanced skill. They receive +5 to the common skill instead
2) if you want to repeat the generation of a character either close and open the file again or go for Visual Basic and start the "frmstart" userform
3) The character sheet is probably not to your liking. Whatever sheet you use, you could just copy the value in there.
4) Spells are so varied that to include every possibility would have been the death of me :D
5) Equipment acquisition has also not been included
6) Characteristics are determined randomly. If the sum is less than 80, the whole rolling is repeated (nothing worse than having bad characteristics, s oI went for the minimum point-buy value)

Version History:
Original Version
26th Feb 10

Error removal for start-up procedure
28th Feb 10

Addition of Mercenary, Merchant, Miner, Physician. Correction of Champion
28th Feb 10

Correction in possible MAG choice starting magic. Correction free points cost when buying new advanced skills
01st Mar 10

Calculation of Magic Points
Addition of "Strength" common magic
Allow multiple pacts to be had
01st Mar 10

inclusion of fields to enter names
option to re-roll characteristics without needing to re-start completely
continuation of the generation only when you have applied all 250 free points
option to add up to three new combat styles
addition of 1H Flail, 1H Flail and Shield and 2H Flail combat styles
purchase of armour and weapons (core rules only !)
11th March 2010

Correction in the routines concerning advanced skill purchased with free points, now restricts maximum free points to be allocated to the new skill to 20, rather than 30
11th March 2010

- Civilized characters may now choose "Mechanism"
- You may choose Glorantha or Other for setting. The latter will delete the +30% bonus to common magic, will make common magic an advanced skill and will not allow you to choose common spells at the beginning
- You may now point build your character, however, only humans have been included
- minor mistakes were corrected
- the random characteristic rolls do not longer ascertain than the complete sum is higher than 80 to make this more even with point builders.
22nd June 2010

Thanks for this. I'm having a problem running it - when I "Generate Character", it crashed out due to an application error when trying to show the skill picker form (immediately after showing stats).

You might want to take a look; it looks like it'll be a very useful tool when up and running!
I'm getting a similar error when generating a character, I get the pop up window with the rolled stats in, but when I click OK it fails
Embarassing :oops:

A small mistake there with hiding various sheets.
Well, I now skipped the whole hiding stuff, so you will see all sheets. Just pay attention that you do no not unintentionally delete or add something at the wrong places

-> v02

Gosh !

Sorry, I just saw, that Champion was wrong and that Mercenary, Merchant, Miner and Physician had been forgotten !

-> v03
Well, well, well...

I'm really sorry about this "mess", but I found again some problems myself.

- in V03 the common magic chosen could have MAG higher than 3. Has been corrected
- Acquiring new advanced skills did not cost 10 free points. Has been corrected
Great job! and very usefull ! Thanks :D

I saw only a little bug with the magic points, they are always at 0 !
Ominous voice in the background:

"And never again shall he put an Excel-tool on a forum before it is really finished !"

Sad but true, I honestly had thought the tool was finished, but I keep finding mistakes in it... Sigh, believe me that is more annoying for me that it is for anybody else !

Thing is, I hadn't forseen all possibilities, in this case the choice to have multiple pacts at the beginning.
Please do note, however, that only Priest, Sorcerers, Alchemists, Shamans and Witches actually start with any spells/spirits.
If you choose magical skill from your free points you will not be allowed to have these... that is, of course, something of a house rule...

(edit 02nd Mar. Obviously, people have lost faith, as it has not yet been dowloaded... or perhaps no one has realized that the above link in the first thread has been updated already. Anyway, here's - for convenience sake, the fifth - and I believe last - version)

-> v05
Don't lose faith!

My comments ...

I wasn't sure what the red cells were when you allocated skill points.

When allocating skill points the total just went up and then red when it was too much. Could it possibly count down, so you can see what you have left. Also I think it let me finish without using all the points.

Could we have drop down boxes to select weapons?

A great application of this would be to Auto Generate Mooks, is that possible for a later revision?

Just my thoughts, great work and great Excel skills
Holy Moly ! You're breaking my heart ! :shock:

The cells become red when you allocate more than 30 points to a single skill, as that is not allowed for starting chars.
It's just a warning that you did sométhing wrong, but it is true that you may still continue... :(

And yes, you can actually continue without having spent all 250 free points... honestly, the requirement for enabling the "finish" button is causing me some problems, so I'll see what I can do... no promises there though :D

Drop down menues for weapons. Well, that is a major issue since it would be awesomely dependent on the combat styles you wish to use. Even the styles I have used are simply drawn from MRQI... and actually "1H Flail" and "2H Flail" have been deleted and now probably count as "1H Hammer" etc.
As the RQII rulebook has omitted the categories - presumably on purpose because of the combat styles idea - this would be a very specific - custom-tailored - list.
I will probably - most likely :lol: - do it myself, but you know: Your Glorantha will vary, so...
Also, there is the H U G E issue of the forthcoming Arms & Equipment.

I'm not sure what you mean by "Auto Generate Mooks"... are we talking about NPCs ? Guess it will be unlikely for me to do something like that. All examples I've ever seen (regardless of the system) have shown major issues since you cannot possibly generate "sensible" random skill allocations. I believe NPCs need to be custom-tailored to the group and thus I'm personally not too fond of random generation, so...
Denalor said:
...(edit 02nd Mar. Obviously, people have lost faith, as it has not yet been dowloaded... or perhaps no one has realized that the above link in the first thread has been updated already. Anyway, here's - for convenience sake, the fifth - and I believe last - version)

I've got to say, having tried 3 times to download it, being told repeatedly that my download will be available in 30 seconds, then having likely links I clicked taking me to 'adult-oriented' advertising, I DID give up.

Pitty, I was hoping to look at it.


I'm worried about enabling the macros after getting the F***book website popping up after the download link came up.

Has anyone else enabled the macros?

Is there anyway the file could perhaps be taken down from a download section on this site?

taking me to 'adult-oriented' advertising
after getting the F***book website popping up

Huh ? Do I get that right, you are being relayed to most dubious websites after or while dowloading this file ???
I'm really sorry, I didn't know that, I honestly didn't.
As it is, I don't really know download sites, I was hinted at that one via the "Songs of Ice and Fire" (Green Ronin) Forum.

Anyway, I'd gladly put it somewhere else, could you please provide me with the address of a proper site ?
I certainly do not intend to further this kind of behaviour, in fact, I definitley need to look for another site for the other tools, too.

Anyway, if you do not enable the macros, the whole thing is for nothing, 'cause macros is what this generator is all about :lol:
You will not get any result at all if you do not enable them.
But I can see your qualms after reading the disturbing news of those threads above.

BTW: when I downloaded it myself, I was not relayed to a dubious site. You're sure it was from this site ?
It always seems to generate the same characteristic scores. Do I need to do something to get it to randomize properly?
it doesn't seem to work in open office very well.

What exactly happens ? Or where are the faults ? This is rather vague, so I cannot do anything about it.

It always seems to generate the same characteristic scores. Do I need to do something to get it to randomize properly?

How do you re-start ? You need to initiate the userform frmStart (which automatically starts when opening the excel-file) and then push "Generate Character" and not "Just take a look" if you want to generate new characteristics. The macro then initiates the Module->Characteristics->DetermineCharacteristics

I'm currently woorking on another version, but I'm pretty busy (up to the nose) with work, so it takes a while.
The new version (06) will include:
- inclusion of fields to enter names
- option to re-roll characteristics without needing to re-start completely
- continuation of the generation only when you have applied all 250 free points
-option to add up to three new combat styles
-addition of 1H Flail, 1H Flail and Shield and 2H Flail combat styles
- purchase of armour and weapons (core rules only !)

How about the MRQ Wiki?

Only allows 150k and this file is around 700k.
Also is that site actually still active ? Only deals with MRQ, not MRQII...
Well, guess I'll have to log in every 29 days or all files are lost.
So, just in case, if you're interesetd in this file, make sure you download it latest on 19th April :wink:

Here it is, Version 6: (the link on the very first thread has been updated, too !)

-> 06
If it doesn't work, drop a note here
It is very good!!
I have seen only one error. When you purchase a new advanced ability, you can add +30 without any advertising. You can only apply +20 (you must spend 10 points to gain the new ability)
Thank you.

And thanks for the marvellous observation !
You are absolutely right ! The routine did include the cost of 10 free points but there was no prevention of applying another 30 free points to that new skill.

It has been corrected immediately:

-> V07