Centauri vs Narn – 5pt Battle report

Da Boss

Much apologies for the quality of the images, this is the battle as I recall it but Greg may wish to correct any errors.

We used the following new rules: -

Narn CBD, revised G’Vrahn, G’Tal, Demos, Centauri Wolf Pack, Small Ship squadrons,

Centauri Fleet
1pt – Primus
2nd Pt – Liati
3rd Pt – Balvarin, 2 Demos
4th pt – Sullust, Demos, Kutai, 2 Haven
5th Pt – Elutarian, Maximus, Vorchan

1+2pt G’Vrahn,
3pt G’Tal
4pt Var’nic, 2 Thentus
5pt Varnic, Sho’Kar, 4 Sho’Kov

Setup (if you can see – sorry) was basically two lines facing each other – the Centauri wolf pack consisting of a Primus, 3 Demos and a Maximus flanked by a Elutarian whilst the remainder of the fleet prepared to dodge and weave through the asteroids

Turn 1
The Wolf Pack cruised forwards whilst much of the rest of the fleet on the right flank held back and launched fighters. Most ships in both fleets on CBD.

Turn 2

The Centuri won initiative and the huge squadron closed into torpedo range, The Elutarian and Demos fired at the leading Thentis which shrugged of most of the damage due to CBD. The Narn replied, badly damaging two Demos with beams and emines (* first problem with Wolf Pack rules).
On the other flank, Kutai and 2 Havens exchanged shots with 2 Sho’Kor, the Sullust and lead Var’ Nic exchanged ineffective LR fire with both being on CBD. Liati and Vorchan hang back.

Turn 3
Narn win Initiative as the Wolf pack closes to close range (for the Centauri) as 2 Sko’Kar move well behind the Centauri wolf pack and are ignored. The G’Vrahn opens up with it last effective turn and vaporises one Demos and damages others. The Wolf Pack Demos hammer back – destroying a Thentis and lightly damaging the G’Vrahn and G’Tal (and its annoying Command bonus) before the Primus fires – 7 hits with beam – 5 Criticals !! The G’Vrahn is sent adrift (3 times!) and is effectively out of the main fight.
On the flank, the Liati moves up and is quickly targeted by a Var’nic – in the exchange of fire the Centauri commander fires the Liati beam into space and damages the Var’Nic and one Sho’Kar ( IIRC it too about 8 damage and saved 7!) The Var’Nic damages the Liati and cripples its accompanying Haven.



Turn 4
The G’Vrahn moves forward helplessly but still commands respect with its F arc beam and emines ensuring that the Laiti and its haven power away on All Power to Engines well out of arc. The wolf pack close around the damaged war ship and prepare to accept punishment form the G’Tal and Thentus in order to kill the big ship.
The Vorchan leaps around the dust cloud and is promptly confronted by two Var’Nic who are swarmed by Centauri fighters including 2 Rutarian. Firing sees the G’Vrahn finished off in exchange for 1 Demos and minor damage to the Maximus (which loses escort!) The somewhat surprised looking Vorchan is annihilated in short order by the full firepower of two Var’Nic, both Narn destroyers take minor damage from the Sullust and fighters. The Scout engages the Carrier whose huge bulk soaks up the damage with ease.

Turn 5
The surviving Wolf Pack manoeuvre to finish the G’Tal and Thentis whilst the Liati sweeps around behind the Narn Command to finish the encirclement. The Primus gets a 6,6 hit on the G’Tal (embarrassing) and the game is effectively over as the last Demos dies under Narn fire. The Var’Nics try to come back round but are high and dry and harassed by fighters which begins to wear them down.

Turn 6
The last Thentis vanishes under the fire of the Primus side but not before inflicting punishing damage with its beam leaving it near crippled as the two Sho’kar keep trying to pick at it. The Elutarian tries to hurt the little annoyances but to no effect and the Sullust tries the same again to little effect. One badly battered Var’nic (unable to boresight) is killed by fighters, kutai, and Liati and the last limps forward. The Carrier and Scout exchange shots – the huge mass of the carrier being far to daunting!

Turn 7
Under fire from the side arc of the Primus, the full front of the Elutarian and the Sullust – both Sho’Kar finally die as does the surviving Var’Nic form the same combination as before and we called it.



Wolf Pack – my reasoning for the slightly odd make up of this was to have a Damage sink for the Demos – to be honest it did not work for me in this battle for several reasons – the bore sight beams meant could not re-directed and the emines hit an area. (*)Although there is a rules problem that it the RAW appears to read that you could direct all the emine damage onto the hull 6 CBD Primus- I would suggest that this is corrected so it can’t – we played it could not). It tied up a lot of ships for In sinks but does mean a potentially stupid amount of firepower is available – probably too much. I thought about using A Dargan / Corvan but against Emines I thought this foolish . As discussed the rules on stealth and dodge in a Wolf pack need urgent clarifying. I do not think the Centauri need this (leave big squadrons to the Dilgar)
I would much prefer my " Damn the engines and bring us about"” for the Line of Battle ships and it has had some good support – mainly cos it is such a small enhancement to a fleet that is already getting a good new ship – unlike many other fleets……….

Small Ships – seems fair enough – but the wording needs tying up on what happens when ships go adrift etc. I made a stupid error in squadroning one Haven with the Liati rather than two together as Greg did and hence lost a whole In sink which was a problem in the early game.

Narn CBD - Try and kill Sho’Kars, go on try !! it makes them nearly unkilliable even with damage multiplier weapons – luckily I could ignore them as I did not have Bore sight guns and they were fairly ineffective as ships. But I worry about fleets like Earth trying to hurt them. Does it help Narn big ships – hmm a bit on the first turn or two maybe but not really…….IMHO but Not a Narn player. Also not if they have two guns.

The revised G’Vrahn was ok, the loss of interceptors was retrieved by good fighter intercepts but they were lost soon as my Centauri fighters closed in to dogfight – Raziks with a Balvarin bonus – no contest. It suffered a horrible crit – but I was still worried about its F arc firepower making me move the ships to avoid it and hence have no firing for a turn. The G’Tal was good – mainly for the Command bonus but an extra 1AD beam might have helped it cause more damage to fit its size. The damage boost makes it quite hefty but its poor damage output potential means it can be ignored until more dangerous ships are killed or moved out of position. The revised Demos seemed more fair but still good enough to use. No idea if the Vorchan would have been better as my only one was vaporised before it could contribute.
I will say the hunting pack only hampered the Centauri in this battle. Adding a Primus to a demos squadron meant Da Boss needed to keep the squadron front and centre - meaning I could hit it with emines and the G'Vrahn's front weaponry. Careful manuevering and measuring of range meant there was only ever a couple of weapons that got fired at the Primus when I didn't want to.

The CBD worked for the Sho'kovs - one took the brunt of the Primus' side guns and kept flying! They worked for the Var'nics on turn 1. Otherwise Da Boss was too busy killing the G'Vrahn to bother about the G'Tal until it was actually in secondary range. It doesn't happen very often, but a G'Quan-type ship actually got to fire multiple seconday batteries!

Luck played a part - Da Boss got good crits, but I got got good beam rolls but few crits.

It was a hugely fun game, which in the early stages looked like it was going the Narn's way, but then turned around and the cursed fan heads won.
come on Greg, give those damned fanheads a good kicking! stop toying with him. . ;-)
Hunting pack...

Not a good test, as most of the main weapons cannot be redirected, being bore sighted. Squadron set up was also non-optimal use a Centurian not a Primus and it's much more flexible, while still adding a lot of survivability.

Small ships...

Would activating a full Patrol point at a time instead have been as good?

Narn CBD...

Seems to demonstrate what we've been saying about the new rule. Helps the smaller ships a lot, but doesn't really help the bigger ships, which die by crit effects, not pure damage. This is exactly the opposite of what we want in the game as a whole and narn in particular.

Constant use of CBD turns the race into a poor mans EA. They are supposed to be superior brawlers with a (formerly) unique answer to squadrons and fighters, CBD means they can't brawl (firing lots of arcs).

Nice report guys... wish I could remind myself to bring a camera when we play.

thanks - I just wish I had taken better shots :wink:

re the Hunting Pack - you have to take a Battle level ship and Skirmish (or lower) - against narn was not keen on taking a Liati /Dargan in close squadron due to what I thought would be multiple emines.
I am not sure any race should have access to 6 ship squadrons?

Activating a Patrol point would have removed the problems with how ships move etc I feel - Greg?
Ah, didn't know they had changed it to force a battle level ship. But given the 'or lower', why not just squadron Havens in and use them as free Maneuver to Shield units then? You could just put four havens on each Primus and suck up long range firepower. (Not bore sighted ones obviously, but still.)

Avoids that whole nasty CQ rolling issues. If the Haven's dodge still works I don't think a Minbari fleet would ever hit a Primus again. (I suggest Havens as the multiple targets means he'll waste a lot more firepower through overkilling the half a patrol point.)

Even with that part... crazy rule... unnecessary and just encourages all kinds of munchkinism.

Ripple said:
Ah, didn't know they had changed it to force a battle level ship. But given the 'or lower', why not just squadron Havens in and use them as free Maneuver to Shield units then? You could just put four havens on each Primus and suck up long range firepower. (Not bore sighted ones obviously, but still.)

Avoids that whole nasty CQ rolling issues. If the Haven's dodge still works I don't think a Minbari fleet would ever hit a Primus again. (I suggest Havens as the multiple targets means he'll waste a lot more firepower through overkilling the half a patrol point.)

Even with that part... crazy rule... unnecessary and just encourages all kinds of munchkinism.


If you move to shield dodge and stealth do not apply.
skavendan said:
What where the VPs?

er not sure - Greg lost everything except a Skirmish level scout when we finished.

I had lost 3 Demos, 1 Vorchan, and 1 Haven Crippled,


Skavenden: Move to shield works that way but nothing is said about in the hunting pack. (see below)

Ripple - only the Battle level ship can have damage redirected onto it

The Centauri fleet is characterised by big, expensive cruisers and battleships, surrounded by smaller vessels to form Hunting Packs. As well as being able to combine their firepower, these Hunting Packs are trained for constant manoeuvre, the smaller ships hitting an enemy hard and all at once, then spiralling away out of harm behind the ship they are escorting.A Hunting Pack is a special type of Centauri squadron. It may contain up to six ships, of which one must be of at least Battle level. The rest may be of no more than Skirmish level. If any of the smaller ships is attacked by an enemy, the Centauri player may force his opponent to roll the attacks against the largest ship in the Hunting Pack, so long as it is within 6” of the original target, and remains in range and line of sight of the enemy.A Centauri squadron will no longer be classed as a Hunting Pack if it drops below four ships or loses the largest ship.
O I thought he was on about move to shield.

So a win for the pointy haired people then.

Seems to me that the new CBD rule doesn't do what it is suppose to 3 adrift crits? lol
Greg was not on CBD at the time - wanting correctly to fire more than 1 gun

It would have made no difference and to be fair could have happened to my Primus as well..........

Yes A Glorious Day for the Republic :)
Yes but that is a defining point most of the time if it is not going to get fired on by an entire fleet then the narn will opt to fire more than 1 weapon.
IIRC = if I recall correctly.

The G'Vrahn is never going to use Close Blast Doors! since it can pretty much always fire more than one gun. And, as been discused elsewhere, it doesn't matter how much damage a Narn ship has and how good its CBD, the crits are what will take it out of the fight.

After the first adrift crit, I was thinking "okay another adrift crit, no problem. Ah, taken out my flight computer - could be worse. Adrift again - never gonna repair that, aaand flight computer once more."

Then the next turn, "I still have all my guns - wait, where did everyone go? Come back!"
hmmm... why isn't that one in my rule pack... I have all the rest current... annoying... redownload time...

so still a silly rule... but different... and still a Demos enhance in theory... okay.

Good to know then.
