There's an interesting thread on forums about the software Celestia and its B5 "plug-ins". It's a real-time space explorer. I'll have to try it out to see if it could ever be used as a gaming tool to aid the players visualizing some ships during play. It might even come handy for ACtA games. Of course, I'll have to get myself a notebook to bring to the gaming table. Imagine that as you play all your mp3 B5 tracks on the background...
Or maybe I'm trying too much ? :?
I mean I'm usually hesitant about bringing a computer to a game as it may prove too distractive, but after all, B5 is a science-fiction so it would be fiiting, methinks.
What do you all think ? Have you tried Celestia as a gaming aid ?
Or maybe I'm trying too much ? :?
I mean I'm usually hesitant about bringing a computer to a game as it may prove too distractive, but after all, B5 is a science-fiction so it would be fiiting, methinks.
What do you all think ? Have you tried Celestia as a gaming aid ?