Canyon of the Faceless Ones


Here's my first attempt at a Conan adventure... asking for feedback.

One cannot say which is crueler – the beating of the merciless sun, or the pitiless smirk of the slaver upon his camel. Hours fade into painful, seemingly-unending days on the march to Zamboula. Hot sands bake feet, legs tremble and water, more precious than gold, is doled out in meager, miserly portions – barely sufficient to sustain life. Iron shackles cook the limbs they are meant to restrain, but there is a burden that is heavier still… the memory of freedom, at once so recent and yet a lifetime ago. Overhead, eager vultures circle, awaiting the bounty of the dead or dying. They will feast this day, but it will be cold steel, not hot sun, which will provide their larder…

A blood-curdling warcry splits the calm as a horde of horsemen spring over a dune and fall upon the slaver caravan. Silver scimitars flash crimson as the butcher’s work commences. Those in shackles, ignited by the flame of hope, fall upon their captors in the confusion, using the chains of their imprisonment as weapons to win their freedom. After a brief, bloody struggle, it is all over except for the dispatching of the defeated.

A group of slaves, the last survivors, stand encircled by horsemen with inscrutible expressions. A young man in rich but now blood-stained garments trots his horse towards them, and the other horsemen bow their heads in deference to him. Brief, whispered words are exchanged with one of the grizzled veterans as the young noble looks over the “prizes”. Finally, he reaches a decision and tosses them treasure beyond belief… a ring of keys!

“You have fought well this day, and brave men do not belong in shackles”, he says, watching as the former slaves-to-be remove their chains. Once they are done, the young noble continues. “Now that you are free men, you have a choice. You may accompany us back to our encampment, sharing our bread and regaling us with your tales… or you may take your chances with the burning desert. I will warn you, tho… it is many days march before the next water. So! What is your choice?” he asks, knowing full well the answer…

Premise: The daughter of a Zuagir hetman has been taken by what one shaken guard called “men without faces”. Fearing for his daughter’s safety, but unable to count on his own extremely superstitious men to retrieve her, the desperate father turns to outsiders – would-be slaves that his men had just encountered on a caravan raid. He gives them their freedom and weapons, and promises them “fabulous wealth” if they succeed in returning his heart’s treasure to him…

Outline: The PCs start out in chains, and are being taken to the slave markets in Zamboula when blood-curdling warcrys split the desert air. Zuagir hillmen descend on the caravan and, with the PCs help, make short work of the guards. After the brief-but-bloody battle the desert nomads make off with the treasure of the caravan. Their leader, younger than many of the others and more richly dressed, invites them back with him to his camp to honor their courage.
Upon their return, there is a party. The Hetman, obviously the father of the young Zuagir leader, speaks with the PCs to get to know them. His beautiful daughter Yasmina catches their eyes as well. This will cause a bit of an argument that one of the PCs overhears. The argument is between Yasmina and the hetman’s advisor, a hawk-faced old man with an air of menace around him.
Later that night, after everyone has gone to sleep, screams ring out in the encampment – the camp is under attack! A brief, bloody struggle ensues before the attackers withdraw. In the aftermath, a father’s nightmare is realized - the hetman’s daughter, Yasmina, has been taken!
A guard describes “faceless men” of immense strength and apparently immune to their weapons! Also, a large black shape flew off – the guards (and PCs) were unable to get a good look at it, but it flew north. Whispers of “the evil ones have awakened!” echo throughout the camp and the hetman makes a decision. He enlists the aid of the PCs, promising “fabulous wealth” if they return his daughter to him.
Tracking the thieves and with the hetman’s son as a guide, they come to a hidden box canyon. Inside are incredible buildings carved from the living rock face! (Think Petra, only in grey granite instead of red sandstone). In carved arches can be seen figures matching the description of the kidnappers, but they are motionless statues. Several arches look like they should have the statues but they are missing. Drums can be heard echoing thru the canyon, but the source is difficult to determine.
They finally locate the source of the drums in a large darkened chamber. Many of the Faceless Ones are in a circle beating on drums. On an alter is the squirming form of Yasmina and standing over her with knife-in-hand is the Hetman’s Advisor!

If the PCs defeat the Advisor and his minions (who stop moving if the Advisor is killed ), they return to the Zuagir camp with a grateful Yasmina in tow to receive their promised reward… “Fabulous wealth” means many things to many people. In the Zuagir’s eyes, “wealth” takes the form of livestock – the PCs are rewarded with goats from the hetman’s own herd…
I'm particularly eager to see how they react to their "reward" - they may be fleeing for their lives from an insulted hetman! :twisted:
Agreed - that would drive my Players nuts....I may just use it :)
I haven't statted them out yet. I envision them as the original builders of the Petra-like city, transformed into statues by a spell/curse/P.O'd demon/etc. The Hetman's Advisor is a scholar who deteremined a means to bring them back to life in order to serve him.

Talk about in media res! I am reminded of the beginning of Army of Darkness where Ash starts out as a slave. :twisted: I wonder how the players will react....

I especially like the touch of the goats as reward...nice way to keep it real.

What are the results, tho, if the Advisor suceeds in sacrificing the daughter? What exactly is he up to?

A nice little twist to the story could be that the faceless beings will take the appearance of those they kill during their ancient rituals and become creatures of flesh and blood (with the assumption that the for example look more like granite statues before that). The faceless monsters that have undergone the ritual are wearing something symbolic, for example an iron figurine around their necks that shows a faceless and grotesque humanoid.

The faceless have already killed the hetmans advisor as well as a few other men in the camp and thus have some of their own spawn in the encampment when the PC's arrive. They are awaiting the right moment to seize the Hetman himself and use their ungodly rituals on him. The creature that once was the advisors have started to lust for the wilful Yasmina and orders its faceless brethren to capture the girl and turn one of their ilk into her.

The being standing over Yasmina in the ruined city is thus another of the faceless ones. The PC's finishes the thing off - hopefully - and finds archaic inscriptions on one of the granite walls, telling the tale of the city and its diabolic magic. They could also see the start of the ritual and find that the thing standing over Yasmina - chanting in the typical Evil Ritualist way - seems to slowly gain the appearance of the girl. The PC's should understand that time is of the essence if Yasmina is to be saved. On the neck of the faceless one doing the ritual there is an iron figurine that the PC's can remember seeing before (a small hint from the GM is the player's do not catch on...). After that most players should understand that something might be amiss in the encampment.

Rushing back they find that additional faceless creatures are attacking the camp. Men and women are running in panic while some of the hetmans men seem to be attacking others. Of course these are faceless beings. The PC’s hopefully comes to the aid of the people. Yasmina rushed off towards her father’s tent though and the PC’s hear her scream. The advisor has taken her captive and when the PC’s enter the hetmans tent a faceless monster is about to plunge an ornamented dagger into the chest of the old man. A quick intervention should take care of that but the advisor, his plans foiled, sends a couple of faceless ones in the tent towards the PC’s and takes off with Yasmina. A hectic chase follows - why not using chariots for the correct Hollywood feeling instead of horses, with opportunities for PC's to jump from carriage to carriage and similar cineastic stuff - and in a fast paced scene the PC’s manages to stop the advisor and his captive and the final battle ensues. Make the advisor as great an adversary as the PC’s can handle at this time, depending on their condition after all this fighting.

Well back in the camp the PC’s, with Yasmina in their midst, are treated as long lost sons and the Hetman joyously offers the both daughter and half his goat herd… I must add that I found the gift of goats a superb idea! :)

Mutated Mongoose said:
A nice little twist to the story could be that the faceless beings will take the appearance of those they kill during their ancient rituals and become creatures of flesh and blood (with the assumption that the for example look more like granite statues before that). The faceless monsters that have undergone the ritual are wearing something symbolic, for example an iron figurine around their necks that shows a faceless and grotesque humanoid.

Hello Thomas, those are wonderful ideas on how to turn it up a notch - or ten! I love the Faceless Ones taking over the appearance of who they sacrifice, and wearing a little figurine that gives them away to clued-in characters. I will definitely be running a variation of this adventure.


Lord Kjeran said:
What are the results, tho, if the Advisor suceeds in sacrificing the daughter? What exactly is he up to?
As I flesh this out more, the motives behind the Advisor's actions are becoming a bit clearer to me. (What was posted was a rough first draft of the outline - had the what, but not the why... ;) ). As I had said, the Faceless were the original builders of the hidden city... that is, most of them are. The advisor, searching thru the hidden, blasphemous lore of the city, has discovered the means to not only animate the existing statues, but create new ones as well. Some of them were rivals that have gone missing, some were captured from caravans or other tribes. The advisor wishes to raise/create enough of them to make an invincible army. Corruption tends to make one power-mad...

As for Yasmina, the poor sap is in love with her - one might even say "obsessed"... :D As he is quite old, "servile" to her father, and no prize to look at either, she has spurned his affections. As a result, it's the old "if I can't have you, no one will" response - he's going to make her into one of the Faceless. (Rule of Obsession)

Upon the advisor's untimely demise (assuming this happens), any of the original statues he animated will freeze in place, while any of the ones he created will revert back to the people they were (Rule of Permanance). This, of course, would include a grateful Yasmina.
Bombaatu said:
Upon the advisor's untimely demise (assuming this happens), any of the original statues he animated will freeze in place, while any of the ones he created will revert back to the people they were (Rule of Permanance). This, of course, would include a grateful Yasmina.
Grateful unless the characters have already chopped the Faceless One in half, prior to killing the advisor. :wink:


How about a further twist/motivation for the advisor:

The advisor wants the Faceless Ones to make his invincible army. He was originally from a rival tribe (PCs might spot his different facial tattoos - if you have Zuagirs with tattoos as some Arabs do), although he was captured as a youth and has grown to his present position of power within his 'adopted' tribe. He however has harboured his hate over the years and wants revenge...

He found the lost city as he was wandering in his rage. The city and its inhabitants having been cursed by a sorcerer for turning him away and insulting his dignity, leading to their present state as granite statues.
Guest said:
How about a further twist/motivation for the advisor:

The advisor wants the Faceless Ones to make his invincible army. He was originally from a rival tribe (PCs might spot his different facial tattoos - if you have Zuagirs with tattoos as some Arabs do), although he was captured as a youth and has grown to his present position of power within his 'adopted' tribe. He however has harboured his hate over the years and wants revenge...

He found the lost city as he was wandering in his rage. The city and its inhabitants having been cursed by a sorcerer for turning him away and insulting his dignity, leading to their present state as granite statues.
I like it! Thanks - hadn't even thought of him being from a different tribe!