Terry Mixon
Emperor Mongoose
I stole a house rule from a fellow GM and my players are pretty happy with it.
Improving After the Game Begins:
PC’s may use their Jump Time to improve/acquire skills and raise Characteristic Levels. A PC may improve both Characteristics and Skills at the same time, with some limitations as outlined below.
At the beginning of a Jump Week each player must announce which, if any, Skill and Characteristics they are working on during the Jump.
Training to acquire new or higher skill levels:
1. A PC may seek to improve a single skill through study and training while in Jump Space, but only by dedicating 20 hours per Jump Space Week to the program.
2. A PC may switch to another skill at any time, but they lose all training hours in the previous skill if they do.
3. When a PC gains another level they may continue with this skill or switch to another without penalty.
4. At the end of each Jump Space Week, the PC must succeed on an Average 8+ (Int Mod + Edu Mod) check for that week to count toward improvement. If failed, the study must be repeated.
5. PC’s may advance only from none to 0, to 1, to 2, to 3, etc. Jack-O-Trades may not be used as a Level 0 for Training purposes.
6. A PC may never improve a skill to a level higher than their Edu Mod.
7. Materials to help with this study are available at most (C+ Starports) for 50 credits per week of study needed to acquire the level sought, see below.
8. The following hours (Jump Space Weeks) and costs are required to attain each level of skill improvement:
Physical Characteristics (Str, Dex & End) and both Intelligence and Education may be improved through training. Social Standing may not. A Maximum of two Characteristics may be improved at a time.
Strength, Dexterity or Endurance
Improving After the Game Begins:
PC’s may use their Jump Time to improve/acquire skills and raise Characteristic Levels. A PC may improve both Characteristics and Skills at the same time, with some limitations as outlined below.
At the beginning of a Jump Week each player must announce which, if any, Skill and Characteristics they are working on during the Jump.
Training to acquire new or higher skill levels:
1. A PC may seek to improve a single skill through study and training while in Jump Space, but only by dedicating 20 hours per Jump Space Week to the program.
2. A PC may switch to another skill at any time, but they lose all training hours in the previous skill if they do.
3. When a PC gains another level they may continue with this skill or switch to another without penalty.
4. At the end of each Jump Space Week, the PC must succeed on an Average 8+ (Int Mod + Edu Mod) check for that week to count toward improvement. If failed, the study must be repeated.
5. PC’s may advance only from none to 0, to 1, to 2, to 3, etc. Jack-O-Trades may not be used as a Level 0 for Training purposes.
6. A PC may never improve a skill to a level higher than their Edu Mod.
7. Materials to help with this study are available at most (C+ Starports) for 50 credits per week of study needed to acquire the level sought, see below.
8. The following hours (Jump Space Weeks) and costs are required to attain each level of skill improvement:
- Level 0: 40 hours (2 jump space weeks) Cr100
- Level 1: Level 0 + 80 hours (4 jump space weeks) Cr200
- Level 2: Level 1 + 160 hours (8 jump space weeks) Cr400
- Level 3: Level 2 + 320 hours (16 jump space weeks) Cr800
- Level 4: Level 3 + 640 hours (32 jump space weeks) Cr1,600
- Level 5: Level 4 + 1280 hours (64 jump space weeks) Cr3,200
Physical Characteristics (Str, Dex & End) and both Intelligence and Education may be improved through training. Social Standing may not. A Maximum of two Characteristics may be improved at a time.
Strength, Dexterity or Endurance
- While working on Physical Characteristics, each is increased temporarily by 1 point.
- At the end of each Jump Week the PC must succeed on an Easy 4+ (no DM) Task for each Characteristic being worked on to indicate they stuck to the exercise programs. If they fail they must repeat that week.
- At the end of six successful Jump Weeks of training the 1 point increase becomes permanent.
- Intelligence Boosting is a slow, costly, High Tech procedure consisting of taking a costly drug and using special equipment worn on the PC’s head while sleeping. A one week on, one week off, procedure makes this process amenable to use during Jump Weeks by Travellers.
- A course of treatment with the Algernon Drug and its accompanying hardware/software may be purchased on Worlds of TL 12+ for 1,000 cr. The Drug and accompanying gear used for only one course of treatment and new stronger drugs and gear must be purchased for each subsequent course of treatment.
- Beginning a course of the Algernon Treatment immediately raises the PC’s Int Characteristic, temporarily, by 1.
- Completing a course Algernon Treatment takes 26 Jump Weeks (1 week in jump, 1 out of jump) or 1 year, and makes the Int increase permanent.
- May only improve Education up to the level of the PC’s Int Characteristic.
- General Education Tapes (software) may be purchased for 100 cr times the PC’s current Edu level.
- General Education Tapes may be purchased wherever Skill Training courses are available.
- At the end of each Jump Week the PC must succeed on an Easy 4+ Task to have completed that week’s courses.
- Completing 26 weeks of course work raises Edu level permanently by 1.
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