Burger is proud to present...
Burger's Ship Viewer
At the moment it only has the Armageddon stats, I will (OK... might) put up the old SFOS and Tourney stats when I get time.
Please read the "Important note" at the top and the "known issues". Any mistakes/typos/bugs/spelling mistakes, please let me know preferably by email (link at the bottom of the page) or PM here. I'm away all weekend from tomorrow night so I'll expect a huge pile of corrections when I get back!
Oh, and... "First!"
Burger's Ship Viewer
At the moment it only has the Armageddon stats, I will (OK... might) put up the old SFOS and Tourney stats when I get time.
Please read the "Important note" at the top and the "known issues". Any mistakes/typos/bugs/spelling mistakes, please let me know preferably by email (link at the bottom of the page) or PM here. I'm away all weekend from tomorrow night so I'll expect a huge pile of corrections when I get back!
Oh, and... "First!"