Burger's ship viewer


Cosmic Mongoose
Burger is proud to present...

Burger's Ship Viewer

At the moment it only has the Armageddon stats, I will (OK... might) put up the old SFOS and Tourney stats when I get time.

Please read the "Important note" at the top and the "known issues". Any mistakes/typos/bugs/spelling mistakes, please let me know preferably by email (link at the bottom of the page) or PM here. I'm away all weekend from tomorrow night so I'll expect a huge pile of corrections when I get back!

Oh, and... "First!"
Is this legal?

Believe it or not, yes. I was one of the first to do these sorts of things and never has Mongoose asked myself or anyone else to take them down. Matter of fact in the early days of my shipviewer I was e-mailing copies of it directly to Matt for use while he played.

Oh and Burger I like the way you did the color coding on the types of craft. Makes it easy to distinguish things. Also happy to see that the ordering of weapons by arc is making its way into other people's projects. I've been begging mongoose to print things that way since the first release yet they keep ordering the weapons lists by name. Maybe one day they'll listen.
Putting up the stats is fine. Putting up the rules is not.
The stats are meaningless without the rules.
Putting up the stats won't impact sales of the rules books; in fact, it might even improve them :D
nice work burger. Dissapointed to see a number of ships that were supposed to be refined are exactly as they were. I suppose they should have become EA for some loving.
I notice the Batrado is in the skirmish bracket, it was raid in SFOS?
and the Graviton beam on the Brivoki, is it supposed to be triple damage?
hiffano said:
nice work burger. Dissapointed to see a number of ships that were supposed to be refined are exactly as they were. I suppose they should have become EA for some loving.
I notice the Batrado is in the skirmish bracket, it was raid in SFOS?
and the Graviton beam on the Brivoki, is it supposed to be triple damage?
Batrado is Skirmish in SFOS.
And Brivoki does have TD yes ;)

Re-checing book... Batrado is Skirmish in the Fleet List, but Raid on the stats page. Is there an official correct version?
actually in the table it was skirmish but in its rules its raid, and as its a downgrade from a avioki and with the 64 damage and 68 crew i think it would be raid as thats too much damage for a skirmish ship.
I've rulesmastered it, but yeah Raid seems more likely. I'll wait for an official answer before moving it though.
chernobyls ship viewer had it as raid and i think so did obsidians, wether they got an answer in the past over this i am not sure.
Thanks Burger,

Very helpful.

I haven't gotten around to Armageddon rulebook yet, just the tournament pdf. Not terribly impressed by the neroon as an armageddon level ship?

The Drazi Battleship looks interesting for only a war level ship. Shame the model looks like a pregnant thunderbird one.

Burger said:
I've rulesmastered it, but yeah Raid seems more likely. I'll wait for an official answer before moving it though.

Raid, stated in P.2 of the SFOS FAQ, I posted a link to it on your Rulesmasters thread mere moments ago.

As for the Shipviewer being legal, I even asked Matthew on the 30th about updating mine to Armageddon level, he said it was fine.

Like someone above me said, so long as we don't put the rules up, just stats, I don't see Mongoose sending in the Narn Bat Squad, or worse, Ted Chang!

I'm sorry to Burger. I asked my question without even saying "thank you". So, now that I know this isn't illegal, I thank you Burger.

I am glad I can look at the stats of several ships (especially the new Armagedden list) without being carted away with my hands handcuffed by Mongoose personel. :lol:

Great job Burger.
great viewer, burger! :D

Just to get that straight: The Victory has HOW MANY AD on it´s turreted, twin-linked heavy pulse cannon??? :shock:
Centauri Republic Liati Advanced Cruiser War level? :shock:

What is the damage and crew?

And can anyone translate to english AF/B/SAP/TD?

Beside this, I like your work Buguer. :P
MustEatBrains said:
Just to get that straight: The Victory has HOW MANY AD on it´s turreted, twin-linked heavy pulse cannon??? :shock:
20 :D

alien027 said:
Centauri Republic Liati Advanced Cruiser War level? :shock:

What is the damage and crew?
36/18 and 40/20...

alien027 said:
And can anyone translate to english AF/B/SAP/TD?
AF = Anti-fighter
B = Beam
SAP = Super AP
TD = Triple Damage

I'll put up a key to all abbreviations tomorrow.
Like the viewer, chance to check out the new ships, not to mention the slight changes to my favorite race (Vorlons). People hated them before this, now I'll never get a chance to use them, they rock.

Good work and much thanks