Burger's 2nd ed ship sheets \o/


Cosmic Mongoose
Burger is proud to present... 2nd ed sheets :)


New features for this release:

:arrow: Shields panel
:arrow: Aux craft and Drakh Huge Hangar ships may be swapped out - click on them to expand options
:arrow: Permanent traits (eg. Lumbering) made italic and tickboxes removed
:arrow: Shadows and Vorlons now have trait tickboxes and criticals note box.
:arrow: Points calculator updated to new FAP FAQ version.
:arrow: Crit table and special action summary updated.

Known issues:

:arrow: Weapons sorting is a bit funny on some ships, I'll be sorting it by range at some point.
:arrow: 2fer ships don't work well in the FAP calculator, they count as a Patrol point each.
:arrow: No Admiral support.
:arrow: PDFs aren't there yet - Since they're a hassle to create, I'll do them when I'm happy there are not too many errors left.

Please note that there may be typos and/or errors in these stats!
Mistakes do happen when typing up this amount of stats, and some have probably crept in. Before using the sheets in a game, check they are correct. Please let me know of any errors or typos and I'll correct them ASAP (usually same day :D ). I'm away for a week from Monday, so either let me know before then or it'll have to wait til I get back. Thanks to Silvereye and others who have proof-read for me already, and reported about 10 errors so far ;)
Thanks dude. It's interesting to see whats changed, and what hasn't.(mmm, I feel like a cup of coffee for some reason.)
thanks burger !!!

That was a fast one, we here in germany are
waiting for the books to arrive and you have the
stats already up before that happens.
Well, I guess I've got no excuse now...have to see about getting something up this weekend. Still need some more wav files and a raider graphic...anybody got some raider ships they want to show off?

I thought energy mines were supposed to be one shots. Do some of the ships have like the Ka'bin'tak have an unlimited supply?
Calistan said:
I thought energy mines were supposed to be one shots. Do some of the ships have like the Ka'bin'tak have an unlimited supply?

one shot on the ka'tan, and G'Quan and b'in'tak
reloadable on Dag'Kar, G'Quanth, G'Vrahn, Ka'Bin'Tak
Mongoose should thank you. My frustration with the inaccessability and quality of the books (my store's DISTRIBUTORS had not received them as of Thursday) had almost convinced me to look for a different game. Now I'll probably stick around and use the stopgap until I can get the full books.