Brit Inf. anti-tank ability...

some very interesting's say for the sake of the BFEvo conflict...that the EFTF is a top of the line military force...

but I think that is as much a fantasy as SST...
This is a game where, in the same country, you'll find the chinese, middle eastern "freedom fighters", US forces AND europeans fighting ?

I think we've clearly left any possibilities of history behind, here :)
a better way to approach the game would have been to come up with a make beleave land...where make beleave countries are fighting with 2018 Earth Technology...once you introduce real countries that have histories...those histories bear on the game...

but for the sake of gaming...I will play along...
I think I'll view this game like the Ace Combat PS2 games. They all feature real life planes, but its entirely fictional nations fighting.
then how would the EFTF get to the BFEvo battlefield...they too have no ability to project their forces...looks like it would have be somewhere that the EFTF could access via a land it cannot be western China...

ack...I forgot...whatever the capability of one of the forces in BFEvo is today...that has no bearing on the everyone is a super power in 2018...
yeah, the German troops deployed in Afghanistan had to borrow foreign transports to get there :)

The French have significant projection ability to my knowledge. I'd imagine the same for Spain and Italy. Everyone else needs a lift.

But then, if we're assuming a european commonwealth, everyone would rely on the brits and french to get us there.
the actual stance of population on both sides of the border is friendly

Things must have changed very recently. Last time I was in Poland t!he general concensus amongst the people I talked to was that they would happy kill every German in their sleep, and only tolerated them coming across the border so that they could take their money!
We generally felt a certain frostiness until they found out we were Brits, after which we were made to feel extremely welcome (and at which point their feelings about their neighbours came out).
:shock: gods! dunno, i'm yet to meet such people, and all the public polls made suggest that there is very little in way of resenment left. oh ,sure, we are pissed about what the Germans did those 50...200 years ago, and the communist propaganda mercilessly showed the (western, the eastern germany were our comrades :roll: ) germans as constantly plotting to take away our lands. i think that if there was such resentment, the joining of EU did great job to diminish it-hell, poles are one of the biggest EU enthusiast out there 8) .about the only people really thinking in historical terms still are our beloved PIS(S) party(mr.president, and minister), and all the other hard-right parties.
of course it doesn't mean when the german ruling party does something incredibly stupid, like forcing the under--baltic pipeline building, it won't cause reaction in poland.

it doesn't mean that such people does not exist, just like there are people thinking that jews rule the world etc. nonsense, and yeah, the general attitude for different nations can differ(as DM demonstrated :wink: ), the history can't be cast away like that, but most people by now, id guess, are aware that the history should stay history. we have russians to worry about now :wink: :lol:

but it gets a bit ot here,doesnt it?
but it gets a bit ot here,doesnt it?

Inded it does.

Getitng back on topic, LAW80 has just been removed from the inventory of the British Army and is being rpelaced with NLAW at section level. (pity in a way 'cos in my experience LAW80 was a fun weapon!)

Likewise, Milan is being replaced by Javelin
Poko said:
) .about the only people really thinking in historical terms still are our beloved PIS(S) party(mr.president, and minister), and all the other hard-right parties.
Yea right and pigs fly...

Those who have no idea what to do about future are playing in history.
God, how I hate those %*^)(*%^*$)
I think it's funny you're arguing over the EFTF union when the MEA is a far less likely alliance. Either way it's a game, and having lots of factions ruins the game. They are logically chosen and a good fiction writer can do wonders for weaving tales of unity. Tradgic events and common enemies have a way of galvenizing people and putting petty squabbles aside. hit that right on the money...the MEA would be an absolute basket case...much more of a problem than the EFTF...but since I have no intention of purchasing or using such in a game...I did not address that my opinion the MEA should have been replaced by the Russians...

if this game is going to use real world powers...the history of those powers and a projected history of 12 years should have been used to come up with a logical battlefield and logical combatants...

I look at it as a fantasy...where aliens of different factions of the planet "Copycat"...have come to earth and taken our technology...improved ita bit...and have gone to war...war on the planet Copycat using Earth 2018 technology...

with regards to the faction I will go with...I am sadly droping the Brits from the top of my seems to me from all the posts here...that various capabilities of the EFTF will fall to the the Germans and French...which casts some doubt that an all Brit army will be my first investment will be the PLA...followed by the U.S. with I hope the release of the Rangers...

looking ahead...the projection of power ability will have the U.S. in a 10 to 1 advantage over the EFTF and a 50 to 1 advantage over the MEA and on a startegic level the game is over...the U.S. wins...that said the advantage is greatly reduced if the waring powers have land access to the battlefield...and the logical place for that battlefield is roughly Turkmenhstan...the EFTF could access via Turkey...the U.S. via Iran...the PLA via Kazakhstan...and the Russians via Kazakhstan...

just some thoughts...again all that said...I have been waiting for a company level moder warfare pre-painted game for a long I am in...