Block War Update!


Staff member
We have just posted a new revision to Block War - as usual you can find it at

This time round, as well as answering many of the questions and revision suggestions raised by you all, we have also added some tasty new rules for Zombie Hordes, Satellats for Sov Judges, new Mercenaries, and a complete introduction to Atlantis!
There are new rules in there though.

Can't find any changes to zombies though. Is it in the mob rules?
Almost didn't find the errata at first, since it's not in the bookmarks for me. Love that the Zombie Mistress isn't so fragile anymore! Also glad I played the Dead Flesh rules right with "non-attack" damage sources (Seemed to make most sense).

Got a general rulebook question, we haven't really started any campaigns yet over here (just got into the game) so how they work is a bit of an uncertainty at the moment, but do all players get 40% of the opposite force's worth in credits, regardless of winning or not? Seems you should get less for losing, but maybe that's just the mordheimer in me talking.

Edit: Another question, what happens to a satellat if the model it's purchased for becomes a casualty? And do you roll injuries for a Satellat if it's killed?
really looking forward to the assassinator DRUIDS on page 26 of block war, seriously spelling mistake there, but still would like to see a green of the DRUID lol.
So what nature would these assassinator Druids be protecting?

Although if taken as written... could'nt the Gila Munja count as that?
ArnelMachida said:
chaoschild said:
Ben2 said:
Can't find any changes to zombies though. Is it in the mob rules?
Check the errata section at the front.

i already check it but i can't find it there. It doesn't make sense.
It's on the 5th page, right after "introduction" in the Block Wars pdf (You'll need to download the new version if you haven't :p). They should add an Errata bookmark to make it easier to find when you don't know where to look though.