Blank (really, really blank) subsector maps


Banded Mongoose
I want to generate the Foreven Sector for my game, and I want the hex numbers to correspond to the hex numbers on Every "blank" subsector map I can find has hex numbers already applied. Is there a source for actually blank (just the hex grid and nothing else) printable subsector maps?
Something like this?


I googled "traveller blank subsector map".
If you can't draw hexagons, you can use squares and offset each row. It'll look funny but be identical.
There is this over on the CotI Forums
Hakkonen said:
Pyromancer said:
I googled "traveller blank subsector map".

So did I. How many pages deep was that?

First page in the images at the top. However Google takes things like location, language and search history into account so your results may differ. As results trend they also get moved around so us all doing it might have moved it up and it might really have been lower for you.

edit: And a few minutes later, it's changed AGAIN. I really, really trust Google you know. :)