BIG Question on Defense


Ive recently ran into a big question on defense. I had a bandit npc Nomad fighting melee with a pc barbarian. He was using parry as defense against the barbarian. There was also a pc bowman in the background attacking the nomad with arrows.

My question is does the nomad use dodge defense against the bowmen's ranged attacks or does he only get base defense "10" against the bowman since he's already parrying at the barbarian?

I thought he'd get his dodge defensive, but then i read he can only use one style at a time.

Help! :shock:
Under the defence heading in the book pg224 in the Pocket Guide, first column fourth full paragraph down. I'd imagine it be the fifth paragraph after the bold defense label in the AE but I don't have that on me to give apage refrence.

It says changing between defence types is a free action and can be changed each time an opponenet attacks him. So the bandit has no problem going from parry to dodge against diffrent attacks in the same round.
I would consider the Nomad surrounded, in which case, don't forget to apply the -2 to his Dodge Defence. Luckily, his Parry Defence is not affected.
foxworthy is correct, you chose your mode of defense against each incomming attack and can change it at any time

Back when the game was first released I playtested a house rule that you chose your mode of defense once per round on your initative and couldn't change it. I found it added little strategy to the game and actually slowed down combat being just one more thing to track each round. When I found myself ignoring my own rule for the NPC's I decided it was a bad idea and dropped it.

Hope that helps.
dunderm said:
I would consider the Nomad surrounded, in which case, don't forget to apply the -2 to his Dodge Defence. Luckily, his Parry Defence is not affected.

Why would he be considered surrounded?
The nomad is only fighting against two opponents and he's not surrounded on all sides.
The fact that one is a bowman and therefore doesn't threaten you asside (and presubably he is not adjacent either)
You have to be completely surrounded with opponents, firends or objects to be "surrounded" -2 dodge.

i.e. you need 8 opponents, or to be against a wall and have 5 or in a corner and have 3.
Flanking looks to be the correct one to me, also. My mistake.

i.e. you need 8 opponents, or to be against a wall and have 5 or in a corner and have 3.

I can't exactly agree with this. Regardless of your miniature base, it you have one in front, one in back, and one to either side, I can't see how that wouldn't be considered surrounded, just for purposes of the modifier. I just don't like adhering to facings or sides or something that strikes me as a tabletop wargame. Does anybody get me on this?
...And if one were to become surrounded, a penalty is imposed to DEF(dodge) if there is not a single available square into which to move (-2, -4, -5???), IIRC.
if there is not a single available square into which to move

I use material from all kinds of game, sometimes without much conversion. Some squares are hexes! This means you would get surrounded by 6 attackers. I also use maps with no squares or hexes (not very often). So I guess it is up to GM decision again.
IIRC, being attacked by multiple opponents in melee grants the attackers a bonus to hit, for each attacker past the first. I.e. The second get +1, the third +2 etc. Add in flanking for one of them and it's a tough fight for anyone, especially if they are even level.

About the surrounded rule: I consider a PC/NPC surrounded if 4+ people attacks him. I don't count moving diagonally, but that's just me.
Flanking: It isn't flanking if one of them has a bow. Both people have to threaten the flankee with melee weapons.

The D20 system works on the basis of a square grid. If you play with Hexes then you would have to accept that it will be different.

I answered the question as it stands. Of course if you play different the GM will need to make it up.
Patton: Looking up from his well thumbed version of d20 rules. "See, Rommel? Right here it says you can't out flank me with those tanks, they're missile weapons, see that?" he waves the rule book under Rommel's nose. "So get the hell out of here, and pull your tanks back!"

Rommel: Leaving the room and grumbling under his breath, "I wrote the damn book on squad tactics back in the '20s, what the hell does he know!"

Patton: After watching Rommel leave, "Got him fooled, don't I?" he says to his Aide-de-camp. Laughing uproariously he pats his friend on the back, "Now go tell the generals to surround Rommel!"
dunderm said:
Patton: Looking up from his well thumbed version of d20 rules. "See, Rommel? Right here it says you can't out flank me with those tanks, they're missile weapons, see that?" he waves the rule book under Rommel's nose. "So get the hell out of here, and pull your tanks back!"

I think we can presume we're talking about the very narrow and specific Conan RPG definition of flanking, I don't think we need to clarify that we're not talking the dictionary or military definition.

The mass combat rules in the Free Companies talks of flanking on a grander scale, they're not trying to imply that everyone in the flaking units gets the bonus to all their attacks though.

As for surrounding well by the rules it's if an individual as no where to move. That may be because of blocked squares, hexes or just GM determination by what's going on. If he can move he's not surrounded so can still dodge.
Not only that, but unless you have Precise Shot, your sunk as an archer, because firing into a melee gives you a -4. You don't even get a +1 for Multiple Opponents!

I don't care what these experts say, I'd give the +1 for the target being engaged with another target. Of course there's the possibility of hitting your friend... Haven't got to the rule on that yet. Any takers?
dunderm said:
Not only that, but unless you have Precise Shot, your sunk as an archer, because firing into a melee gives you a -4. You don't even get a +1 for Multiple Opponents!

I don't care what these experts say, I'd give the +1 for the target being engaged with another target. Of course there's the possibility of hitting your friend... Haven't got to the rule on that yet. Any takers?

The rules for cover can cover that. If the shooter misses because of cover then the attack should be made at the cover.
nevermind I just checked the SRD and it seems that they don't have rules on cover being hit. That's what happens when you own to many game systems.

Still it's easy enough to say that if the cover bonus provide is what makes the attack miss then the player could hit the cover. Of course it doesn't matter much with most cover as missle weapons don't ususally don't take out trees and such.