BF:Evo Terrain


Hey all,
I am not entirely sure if this thread goes here, (feel free to move it :shock: ) but it seemed like the best available place.

After reading the big announcement, I must say Iam very excited about BF:Evo. I have already started working on some scenery and terrain to get ready for the big debut. Iam initially starting with a war-torn urban city environment. A good example could be seen in Tom Clancys: Ghost Recon, but my stuff wont be set in Mexico City (where the game takes place). My question is, what would some of you veterans recommend on using to make street lights and stop lights? As Ive said before, I am no expert when it comes to terrain. Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks :D
im no expert either but small leds would do the job

check if have what your looking for
While I haven't got any answer for those specific items, I think it's worth taking a look at these for your other modern scenery needs :)



The manufacturer is - ask your stockist to get them in (and no I'm not on commission :))
I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that we'll see something great from the mentioned "Project Ubertable!". That would cement the deal for me!

The way I see it, there's every type of miniature you can think of out there already. No one has really made that one stop shopping terrain set yet. Everyone's still pretty much crafting their own.
I'd recomend looking at really cheap toy car sets as well, I've got loads of 28mm lamp posts sitting around somewhere (And saw some stuff thats out at the mmoment with the exact same pieces) and a couple of road signs too. I'll try and find some pictures but the seem perfect from where I'm sitting.
Otherwise you could try looking at O or S gauge train accessories, from what I've heard and seen myelf they are pretty decent scale wise and some of the stuffs dirt cheap (Not lamp posts though because they all seem to actually light up... which might actually be cool on some level but seems a bit much to me) In the same ranges you can also get sheets of paving slabs which you just have to cut down and look pretty decent in the pictures.
If you go the train route I'd recomend the 45990, Plasticville Street & Boulevard Lights set which has about 24 lamp posts which DONT light up!
I've seen that go for as little as $9.95 which is very reasonable!
MrCrazy said:
Hey all,
I am not entirely sure if this thread goes here, (feel free to move it :shock: ) but it seemed like the best available place.

After reading the big announcement, I must say Iam very excited about BF:Evo. I have already started working on some scenery and terrain to get ready for the big debut. Iam initially starting with a war-torn urban city environment. A good example could be seen in Tom Clancys: Ghost Recon, but my stuff wont be set in Mexico City (where the game takes place). My question is, what would some of you veterans recommend on using to make street lights and stop lights? As Ive said before, I am no expert when it comes to terrain. Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks :D

Railroad stores have tons of this. Also, hobby shops like Michael's sell xmas villages with oversized streetlights.

I'm in the process of collecting components for my next big terrain project. Intended for use with multiple games I play (SST, Urban War, Rezolution, Warzone, 40k, Void 1.1, Vor, etc.).

What I have now are a bunch of the Armorcast ruined walls, which make great urban ruins. I also have recently accummulated components of their modular building kits to make stackable mutli-story buildings. These are also interchangable with the ruined wall sections to make buildings with holes knocked through. Armorcast is no longer making these, however a new company War-Torn Battlefield Terrain has aquired their molds and is selling the stuff for less than Armorcast did. Their website is still not up, but I bought a bunch of it at the Red Shirt Games booth at Gen Con.

Also I've been accumulating Plasticville USA and K-Line O-Guage Model Railroad buildings. These are excellent for wargaming usage. They're a little big (1/43rd scale) but work perfectly for 28-30mm figures mounted on standard slotted bases. Buildings snap together and even had removable roofs. The stuff was originally made back in the 50s so it has a very retro-50s look. Which is fine by me since the theme for my layout is more inspired by the computer game Fallout. You can find this stuff at most model railroad hobby shops, eBay. A cheap way to look for it is to scrounge around flea markets, garage sales, and model railroad shows. This stuff has been around for half a century and there's lots of old used stuff around. Last spring I started off my collection with a bundle someone must have used to decorate their Christmas tree. I got over a dozen buildings for about $20. They were old, glued with some sort of rubber cement (which easily chipped off), some were damaged from what looks like big Christmas tree lights, and they were all painted metallic gold. After dusting them off, disassembling them and quickly spray painting them some basic colors I was off to making a decent post apocalyptic neighborhood. Check out Combat Zone Chronicles for more ideas using these great models. The Great Gisby has done wonders for these and has been a huge inspiration.

Speaking of which, Plasticville USA makes a Airport Control Tower, and even some hangers. The control tower is not huge, but would be perfect for some of those out of the way third world country airports. The hanger can't hold an airliner, but would be good to hold a small figher or helicopter.
I believe Gisby gets his stuff from my side of the pond via eBay. I've noticed him bidding on stuff I've been eying for my collection.
I found a UK supplier, might have been Ontrack models or something simmilar (I buy my Zvezda from there when the need arises), but Ebay's definatly the way forward for it.
Aha, they do, but a company named Bachman seems to distrubute the kits over here, thats why I couldn't see them lol.
From about p2 onwards, some of the kits are real bargains, others less so...
For those still unsure check this site (I assume by the same Gisby) out for some great ideas for using them in wargaming:

I'm assuming you're talking about Plasticville buildings.

As these are more toys than scale models, the true scale of things is a bit dodgey and varies a bit. O-Guage is 1/43rd which is larger than 28 or even 30mm, actually closer to 36mm. However, when you put the figures in the doorways and windows, they fit in quite well. Mostly due to the added height of the slotted base. My rule when considering toys for gaming use is to put a standard figure next to it (always nice to keep one along, just to measure) and see if it just looks right.

Some things tend to be a bit smaller than what you'd expect, or don't accomodate 25mm round bases very well. I just recently ran across one case with the upper balconies on the Apartment Building. This can easily be resolved by making new "extended out" balconies with plastic card.

Floorplans on a few buildings seem a little tight, especially if you consider interior walls, staircases and furniture. Depends on the level of detail you want to go through. Easy route is to just do nothing with the interior, and use the building like a bunker (windows, doors and cover saves only). Some cases you might want to build a few interior walls out of foam core. This would work for the bigger buildings like the hospital or bank.

Overall, they're great for the price and with a little work make some great results.
Well, if you're planning on doing any Middle East conflicts you might look at this:

I'll have to repost some pics I had taken of my "trial fits" of some figures with some of the buildings I used.

I had some pics of my Post Office, Hospital, and a Ranch Style Home with some of my 28mm Copplestone Castings Neo-Soviets outside and inside of them. Overall I was very happy with the compatibility.
for Industrialized areas:

for other areas:
Here's a pic I put back up last night. I've got more, just didn't have time last night to post them up again.


This is a Plasticville Hospital, the figures pictured are Copplestone Castings Neo Soviets and there's an IWM Neo-Soviet Vanguard Infantry w. HMG from Vor. Yeah, it came spray painted gold. Got it cheap with about a dozen other buildings, the previous owner must have used to decorate the Christmas Tree or something. Anyways, it's in the process of getting fixed up. Anyways, you can see in relation to the doors and windows these buildings fit in rather well with my figures.

This particular building was missing the second story floor. However that can be rectified with some well cut foamcore or hardboard. I'm going to raise the floor on the first floor to level with the steps. So troops can stick their guns out of the windows. The second floor I'll have to make so it can be easily lifted out of the top. I just got a second one of these, it came with beds, desks and even an operating table.