Bardiche is the nuclear bomb of the Hyborian Age


First time ever wielding the bardiche (or any pole arm) in last night's Conan game. The party got the drop on two bardiche wielding guards (using TWO mighty blows to fell one guard, so they had two broken warswords and needed replacement weapons). They then went up against mail hauberk and steel cap wearing foes (DR 7) and starting cutting through armor like butter, especially when they rolled criticals (2d10+1.5 STR mod./x3). One player shrilled with delight at the carnage he had wrought: "The bardiche is the nuclear bomb of the Hyborian Age!" :wink: It truly is an evil weapon. And it has REACH!!!

They also sundered one an enemy was using against them they were so afraid of it! They broke it in one hit. First time we've ever used the sunder rules in any d20 game. Now we know they work! :shock:
I've never used a bardiche in a game but I always assumed it had reach as well... that was, after all, the disadvantage to using it. If your opponent stepped in close, you had to ditch the bardiche to keep fighting. Now, I'll have to rethink that... :)
I read the rulebook and it said that a bardiche could also be considered one of the giant two-handed axes used by the Aesir and Vanir (I assume like those seen on the Frazetta cover painting to CONAN OF CIMMERIA (Ace paperback Conan Vol. 2), wielded by the brothers of the Frost Giant's Daughter). Thinking of it that way, it doesn't have reach. But it is still up there with the greatsword as the melee nuclear bomb of Conan's time. A x3 multiplier of 2d10 becomes 3d10, right? Surely not 6d10? :shock:

In 2e D&D's MM2, Baphomet (the Demon Lord of Minotaurs) used a bardiche, which is where I think I first saw the term...
I hate to say it Iron_Chef but it is 6d10 (WOW!). Under the Weapon qualities: crititcal it says "roll the damage two, three, or four times"

On a side note can you answer a question for me. When using a weapon 2-handed (Bardiche), do you add 1.5 of strength to the AP or just the normal strength. EX. 18 strength +4 using a bardiche 2 handed. Is it AP 11 or AP 9?

I don't know if this was answered elsewhere and the book says Strength modifier on p163. Does this mean just the modifier or the modified modifier? Thanks.
Malkaline said:
On a side note can you answer a question for me. When using a weapon 2-handed (Bardiche), do you add 1.5 of strength to the AP or just the normal strength. EX. 18 strength +4 using a bardiche 2 handed. Is it AP 11 or AP 9?

I don't know if this was answered elsewhere and the book says Strength modifier on p163. Does this mean just the modifier or the modified modifier? Thanks.

Its on Page 9 under Strength. Both hands recieve 1.5 times and off-hand is 1/2 just like in regular d20.
Thats just damage, isn't it, not AP? From what I read of the AP rules, you don't multiply it for AP.

Good news for two-weapon fighters ;)
Sorry, but I know about the multiples to damage. I'm talking about adding the multiplier of Strength to the AP of the weapon.

Joe the Barbarian: Str 18 (+4) weapon:Greatsword(2 handed of course)

When attacking, does Joe add 4 or 6 to the AP of the weapon to overcome the DR of armor.

If he adds 6 (1.5 Str), high strength and 2 handed weapons are a killer to light and medium armors. The highest DR among these armors is 6 which is met by the strength alone (18 str) without the AP of the weapon. Add to that the fact that all of the 2 handed weapons do heavy damage, halving the DR of light and medium armors (3 is the max) means that the unfortunate person in the way is in a lot of trouble.
:oops: I misread your question, sorry.
Still its the same application of Strength, I don't see why it would be different with AP.

Thats how I will run it in my games until Mongoose clarifies the issue.
Yeah, the more I thought about it, it makes sense. Using 2 hands to deliver a blow will obviously make it easier to penetrate armor, therefore adding to the AP of the weapon. Like I said before, High strength+2- handed weapons=massive damage with little defense. Thanks rook111!
Just a question on weapon design:

Would a concave or convex design of the blade do better damage and penetration?

Convex, always. That is what makes the axe deadlier then the sword. It focuses all the power of the swing into one small point of the curve. A concave would spread out the power. It is basically a standard psi equation. If you hit something with 100 pounds of force over a 10 square inch area you get 10 psi, if hit with same 100 pounds in 1 square inch you get 100 psi. That is the basic "science" behind why axes have higher AP then swords, and picks should have highest of all.

Oh and as an aside, swords used in a piercing or thrust mode have less force behind them then if they are swung in a slash mode. I think the lower AP of a sword takes into the versatility and the fact that is does get used both ways in a fight.
Pikes are actually the nuclear bomb of Conan. I should say,a row of pikes with archers backing them up! With a threat range at 15 & 20 feet, even the hardiest warrior will think twice before trying to move through that bristling array!

Saturday I started a mini adventure with friends. 6th level characters and thought it would be fun to give them a chance too have a slaughterfest, letting them whoop a bunch of 1st level soldiers. Well, even taken by surprise and in their gunderwear, 15 gundermen with 10 shemite archers behind them can come close to providing a TPK against 3 fully armored 6th level characters and their retinue! They had the good fortune of having their own Gunderland pikeman with Great Cleave -- otherwise it might have spelled curtains for everyone!