B5 - Using another game system?


Banded Mongoose
I probably am going to suffer the wrath of some avid fanboys for even bringing up this question....

Now that Mongoose is going to have an "in house" open game system in the form of RuneQuest, would Moongose consider to release some information, a book, a .pdf or something like that, which would allow us to use the RuneQuest system for playing Babylon 5?

I ask because until now I have been using the old The Babylon Project game to run B5 campaigns, and even though I run D&D and other d20 games, I still prefer a non-level and skill based system for Babylon 5.

I know there is a 2nd edition of your B5 game to be released soon, but somehow I suspect that it will not do away will levels, classes, and turn to a complete skill based system like B5 Project or RuneQuest (assuming you are not changing RuneQuest beyond recognition...).
Archer said:
I probably am going to suffer the wrath of some avid fanboys for even bringing up this question....

Now that Mongoose is going to have an "in house" open game system in the form of RuneQuest, would Moongose consider to release some information, a book, a .pdf or something like that, which would allow us to use the RuneQuest system for playing Babylon 5?

I ask because until now I have been using the old The Babylon Project game to run B5 campaigns, and even though I run D&D and other d20 games, I still prefer a non-level and skill based system for Babylon 5.

I know there is a 2nd edition of your B5 game to be released soon, but somehow I suspect that it will not do away will levels, classes, and turn to a complete skill based system like B5 Project or RuneQuest (assuming you are not changing RuneQuest beyond recognition...).

The second edition is an OGL system, so essentially it is mostly still a d20 type game but with differences.

Personally I hated Babylon project it was an awful system and i've heard similar comments regarding the system from many people..that said i bought it and tried it anyway way back when as it was Bab 5 and that is typically enough for me :)

I hear what your saying about not liking levels, classes etc.. the same comments are made by others who arent fans of the d20 type system either.. but it is also worth bearing in mind there are just as many people who DO like such aspects of the system too...so although doing a system along those lines would make some happy it would make just as many unhappy and then we'd have threads by d20 fans asking for a system with classes and levels back again LOL.. its impossible to please everyone.

To be honest this far into the game with releases I think it would be marketing suicide to completely change the system now as the market they have established is with people who are mostly happy with the system provided.

What I would suggest though is if you have a desire to see the system using the runequest system or something else, write it up and submit it as some alternative rules to signs and portents as that would be the most plausible means by which something alternative for the game would likely appear.
Hmm, what would Mongoose say if I made a .pdf detailing stats etc. from B5 for the RuneQuest system?

I do not expect a total remake of B5 into RuneQuest system. Rather I would like to see a document making it possible to use the RuneQuest system instead (the main fluff would of course be in the B5 rpg still).

And if I may put forth a crazy suggestion; when Mongoose have their own system in the form of the RuneQuest rules, why not make their future products dual stated? much like other games companies have done?

I certainly would not mind paying for material that I can use in two game systems.
Dual stated to the new RQ would be a good move IMO :) I've always been a fan of Basic Roleplaying (or "d20 done properly" ;) ) and the new RQ should at least have the flavour of that system by all accounts.

However, there are several published systems that would take to the Babylon 5 setting beautifully. The Babylon Project isn't one of them (it really sucked IMO). Of the currently in print systems, the Unisystem as used in Buffy, Angel and Army of Darkness would be something of a first choice (the magic system you can file the serial numbers of off and turn into a Psionics system with very little effort).

The Serenity RPG would also work beautifully, however in common with the Unisystem, a lot of the skills would need "tweaked" as would the Drawbacks etc.
As far as other systems to dual stat B5 in, I've always liked WEG's D6 system, but yeah also the unisystem would be a good one to work with.
Neo said:
Personally I hated Babylon project it was an awful system

It was most horrible. I used it for background and ran B5 in GURPS and in WEGs Masterbook system until the Mongoose Game came out.
It was most horrible. I used it for background and ran B5 in GURPS and in WEGs Masterbook system until the Mongoose Game came out.

Same here - hated CEE's TBP system, and gone GURPS with the BG. Of course, now I can add all the nifty Mongoose BG to my GURPS conversion...
I personally would not like to see B5 done in Unisystem. THankfully the 2nd ed is going the way of OGLe or similar IIRC.

Probably not a good idea to dualstat it with a system that Mongoose does not have any rights to. That is why I suggested RuneQuest. I think it would not hurt to promote both RuneQuest and their other product lines, by making campaign setting material dual stated. Many of the settings can be done well with both system.

Can someone detail what exactly is changed in 2nd edition of B5 RPG?

And regarding TBP, seems many here dont like it (not strange considering the forum), but I (obviously) like it. The reason I like it is because it is one of the few systems that actually works into the mechanic the detail that you should role-play your character, and involve your characters background. The more you do this (basically the more you contribute to making an intressting story) the more Fortune points you get, to help you character perform better etc.

Simple mechanic that promotes acting "in character" versus playing a game. I think it would be very easy and quite a good idea to lift this into the d20 version of the game.
lastbesthope said:
I personally would not like to see B5 done in Unisystem. THankfully the 2nd ed is going the way of OGLe or similar IIRC.


Now here I'll have to disagree with you :shock: I think that Unisystem would make a great B5 game especially when the new SF-Zombie book comes out (should make conversions a lot easier) and I'll certainly be using it for my next campaign. Of course I'll also be getting the new B5 2nd ed as the background and ideas are second to none! :D

Archer - I remember getting TBP when it was first imported and it did have some good points; but the dice system put me off along with the way they they worked out the characteristics. And I think that there are quite a few games out there that encourage good role-playing by rewarding players who play their characters properly, for good or ill (e.g. Buffy, Serenity, AFBE, JB007 etc).
By the way there was a brief rundown on the new 2ed in the last S&P but one.

some prestige classes is all i found in issue 29, and that is not a "run down" in any sense of the word :)
In 2e you will find skill changes, feat changes, class changes (including the inclusion of Ranger among the base classes), a Redone Telepath system and a Redone Starship Combat and Statistic system (some info about which can be found in the Babylon 5 2e thread on these forums).
Well I just picked up the revised BTVS RPG so I'll give Unisystem another chance and look at that.


Yes I do occassionally buy non Mongoose gaming product :lol:
Hmm, a quick question. Will 2nd ed use the same classes as 1st ed, or are there going to be classes more like d20 modern (which I think would fit B5 better)?
Archer said:
some prestige classes is all i found in issue 29, and that is not a "run down" in any sense of the word :)

Sorry - my memory chips had failed again! :( It was issue 27 that had the rundown in it.

LBH - try Classic Unisystem (AFBE, Terra Primate, Armageddon etc) - more fun and better skill lists for Mongoose B5 conversion! :D
Archer said:
Hmm, a quick question. Will 2nd ed use the same classes as 1st ed, or are there going to be classes more like d20 modern (which I think would fit B5 better)?

Same class types (plus the Ranger of course) as 1st edition but fewer levels.. the onus is towards multiclassing or taking prestiges.. so in that regard the function of the base classes is reminiscant of D20 Modern in that they are a good starting place but for specialisation you need to seek other avenues of advancement.
Hmm, I have not had time to read through 1st ed av B5 d20 yet, just flipped through it, and if I am going to use d20, I probably will hold on until v2 is released.

What I mostly run using d20 are D&D (Eberron, Dragonstar, Midnight) and Star Wars RCR. Can someone describe how the vehicle combat rules compare to Star Wars RCR? (I simply hate the extremely slow combat rules in star wars, keeping tracks on rediculusly large numbers of shield points and hp, causing you to loose all sense of action - which is essential for star wars imo).

Also is there any character generator that supports B5 yet?
I think I might be able to create something with e-tools as I was able to do a star wars mod, but I would appreciate to not having to do such an extensive work all over again.
Thanks T-61 but intil I hget a f ew more ranks in RPG tinkering I'll keep running games in the systems they're written in, or I'll master Fudge :lol:

Archer said:
Simple mechanic that promotes acting "in character" versus playing a game. I think it would be very easy and quite a good idea to lift this into the d20 version of the game.

That was a good aspect of the CE rules, probably the only one though :(
Thanks T-61 but intil I hget a f ew more ranks in RPG tinkering I'll keep running games in the systems they're written in, or I'll master Fudge


No worries! I love messing with systems but the main thing is to enjoy whatever you're playing! :lol:
