B5 as an alternate timeline

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Thinking about the factual errors in the EA book it occurs to me that one way to "correct" at least some of them is to assume that this Earth's history diverged from the one we know sometime prior to the twentieth century (and to account for some of the geographical errors, it would have to be a long time prior). In this way Austria could have been part of the USSR in this timeline and so on. You could even point to the idea of B5's history not being "our" history as being canon if you look at Sheridan's comments about the attack on Coventry.
Factual errors in (any given) product are one thing. You could reasonably expect these to be noted or fixed in an errata, whatever. As far as games like B5, everything else, that happens in the future, is fictional and thus open to reasonable debate/speculation. Everyone has their own opinion, regardless of what perspective it comes from.

The other thing is - you look back in time at the 1800's. Is your view on the 1800's the same as if you actually lived in the 1800's. Of course not. Before September 11, no one could have predicted what would come next. Likewise, in B5, who knows what effect (polarisation?) that the discovery of life on other worlds would have on a civilisation, or the onset of a third world war. Always in motion, the future is. :wink:

I'm not sure how far this would fly with the anti-crowd, but fair play to you for trying to come up with a solution. Nice to see someone being constructive for a change. :)
Yeah I can definitely agree with that, no one knows (but we can and do guess) on what will happen with major events that cross national, cultural, whatever boundaries are there at the time.

However one thing that would be interesting to see are people's thoughts on alternate timelines in the B5 universe, like one where the Shadows way of thinking wins and most everyone is fighting everyone else, would makes things interesting if nothing else.
Alternative timelines :lol:
Why not could be nice way to introduce new ways to play, but i prefer at first the books for the regular events :o
Fair enough, I was suggesting alternate timelines as kinda a "what if" thing to work with.

In fact if anyone read that Marvel comics title, you would know how screwy the time line would get to be with just one minor change.
Wulfhere said:
Alternative timelines :lol:
Why not could be nice way to introduce new ways to play, but i prefer at first the books for the regular events :o