August Playtest Pack


Staff member
Just to let you all know, the latest Playtest Pack is now available for download:

Quite a few changes and tweaks in this one, but things are beginning to look ship shape!

In the background, we have been doing a lot of work over the past few weeks on the 'historical fluff' sections of the books, but we continue apace with the rules themselves. The priority this time round is a focus on the current suggested points values of ships - by all means continue to review the rules sections, but let's find those ships that are too powerful or too weak for their cost!

We are due to begin preliminary layout in the next couple of weeks, so expect future playtest packs to look a lot prettier!
Lots of good stuff in there. The game is definitely taking shape.

There is still an issue with carrier launch rate. The big carriers will struggle to get all of their planes in the air. It is far more efficient to bring several escort carriers than one big carrier, or even just planes on their own.

Could big fleet carriers really only launch planes as fast as Mac ships?
There is a degree of 'wigglebility here' and, in terms of turn length, the difference may not be that massive for individual flights (no steam catapults or angled decks!).

Given that aircraft are now free, I am less worried about the largest carriers getting everything off the deck during a battle (in terms of balance, anyway), and there are mechanisms to help you do just that anyway in the VaS scenario (scouting). Big carriers are also obviously more durable than little escort carriers, so you will not be haemorrhaging points through crippled and sunken ships on a regular basis.

However, all that said, give it a whirl. If multiple small carriers (MSC?) are clearly getting the better of things in your games, we will try another route. However, I suspect, in practice, large carriers will edge things out.

I agree that this game is shaping up rather nicely - there are still some things in the core rules and (certainly) with points values that you guys can help to track down, but I feel we are not a million miles away from getting those surrounded. The big concerns now (or will be, after the next update) are the metric ton of historical scenarios that we are working on and the coastal invasion rules, with a side helping of submersibles (we have come a long way on those, but I think they still need some attention - not to mention ASW aircraft...).

We still have some time on our hands though, and I think we will get there.
msprange said:
There is a degree of 'wigglebility here' and, in terms of turn length, the difference may not be that massive for individual flights (no steam catapults or angled decks!).

Given that aircraft are now free, I am less worried about the largest carriers getting everything off the deck during a battle (in terms of balance, anyway), and there are mechanisms to help you do just that anyway in the VaS scenario (scouting). Big carriers are also obviously more durable than little escort carriers, so you will not be haemorrhaging points through crippled and sunken ships on a regular basis.

However, all that said, give it a whirl. If multiple small carriers (MSC?) are clearly getting the better of things in your games, we will try another route. However, I suspect, in practice, large carriers will edge things out.

I agree that this game is shaping up rather nicely - there are still some things in the core rules and (certainly) with points values that you guys can help to track down, but I feel we are not a million miles away from getting those surrounded. The big concerns now (or will be, after the next update) are the metric ton of historical scenarios that we are working on and the coastal invasion rules, with a side helping of submersibles (we have come a long way on those, but I think they still need some attention - not to mention ASW aircraft...).

We still have some time on our hands though, and I think we will get there.

Well, they have about the same total DP, split between two targets, though you can get one of the small carriers out of action with less damage. However, you start with more flights and can launch more flights per turn. I'll be looking to set up a fleet carrier vs. small carrier battle next time I get willing opposition.

As another observation, it takes a lot to scout. It takes a dozen scouts to reliably get the ability to stuff a carrier into deep deployment, and like thirty to get the ability to bring the scouts you have back onto the board.
I like the fact that light guns can't damage hulls of the larger armored ships. I think that's realistic. However, I believe there should be a way for them to do minor damage to the decks. Start fires, knock out secondaries, etc.. No ship should be completely invulnerable to another ship's guns in the game.
InquisitorKatherine said:
As another observation, it takes a lot to scout. It takes a dozen scouts to reliably get the ability to stuff a carrier into deep deployment, and like thirty to get the ability to bring the scouts you have back onto the board.

This is something I have been keeping my eye on - I would like to hear more thoughts on this...